These were the first symptoms of Bruce Willis disease. They appeared 5 years ago

From the moment Bruce Willis announced that he had aphasia, he appeared in public with his wife and was recorded playing basketball at home in Los Angeles. More and more details about the health of the Glass Trap star are coming to light, and colleagues say they started noticing the first symptoms a few years ago.

  1. Bruce Willis had to end his career due to progressive aphasia. The first symptoms appeared in 2017.
  2. The actor’s close associates revealed that Willis had not acted as before for several years. There were problems with understanding speech
  3. Aphasia is a neurological disease. It can be acquired or show up suddenly, also after a head injury
  4. More information can be found on the Onet homepage

Bruce Willis and his family announced in March that the actor had retired due to aphasia. Although for many such a decision was a surprise, Willis’ close circle has been noticing for several years that there is something wrong with the actor. One of them is, according to, producer Randall Emmett, who, despite the 67-year-old’s apparent problems, allowed him to play in several low-budget projects.

Bruce Willis disease. He was supposed to look lost for years

According to Willis’s lawyer, the star wanted to work despite his deteriorating health. One of the first disturbing signals was supposed to appear on the set of the film “Glass” in 2017. People responsible for the production confirmed that the actor at times looked a bit lost. Willis was supposed to look confused and had trouble remembering lines.

  1. Check it out: Bruce Willis is seriously ill. The actor ends his career

«He seemed a little restless. We thought anything could be the cause from getting older to being drunk. Common mistakes people make when they see the first signs of something like dementia » says one interviewee, who added that the public diagnosis explained Willis’s earlier behavior.

Bruce Willis disease. He wasn’t supposed to understand what was said to him

In turn, the director of the film “White Elephant”, Jesse V. Johnson, admitted that the movie star behaved differently in 2021 than even several years earlier. Johnson admitted that Willis “was not the Bruce he remembered”. During the recording, Willis was asked to ask the other crew members why he was on a movie set.

Subsequent collaborators say that over time, the 67-year-old did not understand his lines and was like a puppet. However, these are not official statements of the actor and his family. One of the first symptoms of aphasia, however, may be difficulty understanding what someone is saying to you. Currently, Willis also has problems with speech.

Bruce Willis has aphasia. It may appear suddenly

Aphasia can be acquired or show up suddenly. The disease can take many forms, differing in symptoms and treatment methods. It occurs as a disorder of the mechanisms responsible for speech activities. Aphasia occurs as a result of damage to the center of the nervous system. Most often as a result of a skull injury or stroke.

Based on the type of aphasia, the lesion can be located in the brain. In Willis’s case, the symptoms most likely were caused by the head injury he sustained in 2003 on the set of the film “Tears of the Sun”.

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