These signals may indicate that your heart is in a deplorable condition
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Heart disease – Symptoms may appear suddenly or worsen slowly. They are most often associated with chest pain, shortness of breath or heart rate disorders, but there can be many signals about abnormal heart beat. Some may be related to the digestive system, skin or even libido. We suggest what should make us visit a cardiologist.

  1. The heart is a pump that pumps blood around the body. It is the most important element of our circulatory system
  2. It is also the organ that most often experiences various ailments and diseases
  3. Cardiovascular diseases are the most common cause of death in Poland
  4. Signals that may indicate an abnormal heartbeat cannot be ignored
  5. There are really a lot of them, not all of them can be associated with the circulatory system. We advise on what is worth paying attention to
  6. You can find more such stories on the TvoiLokony home page

Heart and circulatory system diseases

Heart diseases lead to disturbances in the functioning of the entire circulatory system. Their risk increases with age. They arise as a result of an overly fatty diet, obesity, excessive stress, smoking, lack of physical activity or genetic predisposition. Heart and circulatory system diseases are the greatest threats to life. In Poland, they are the main cause of death.

Diseases directly affecting the heart include:

  1. ischemic heart disease (coronary artery disease),
  2. atherosclerosis
  3. heart rhythm disturbances (arrhythmia, tachycardia, bradycardia, atrial fibrillation),
  4. heart failure
  5. atrioventricular conduction block,
  6. myocarditis,
  7. pericarditis or endocarditis,
  8. valvular defects,
  9. hypertension,
  10. cardiac neurosis,
  11. congenital heart defects, such as aortic stenosis, ventricular septal defect, atresia of the tricuspid valve.

The rest of the article under the video.

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Signs that your heart is not working properly

  1. Sleep apnea. Recurring breaks in breathing or shortness of breath during sleep are to a large extent related to cardiovascular diseases. Numerous broadcasts have shown that apnea may indicate hypertension, heart failure, arrhythmias or ischemic heart disease.
  2. Dizziness. They show that the heart is not demanding and is not pumping enough oxygenated blood to the brain. Most often, dizziness is associated with atherosclerosis, but it can also be evidence of hypertension, cardiac arrhythmia or cardiomyopathy.
  3. Mroczki in front of my eyesi. When spots appear in front of the eyes after abruptly standing up, it may also be a sign of heart problems, in this case it may be hypertension.
  4. Out of breath. If you have trouble catching your breath when you go up the stairs to the second floor, it is a sign – after elimination of other causes, such as obesity – that something is wrong with the heart, the pumping of blood by this organ is disturbed. Too shallow breathing may be a symptom of high blood pressure or ischemic disease.
  5. Spots under the fingernails. If there is no severe trauma and there are small thin oblong spots of blood under your fingernails, you may have endocarditis.
  6. Sex problems. Male erectile dysfunction can have many causes, including high blood pressure, heart failure or coronary artery disease. The same heart conditions may be responsible for female libido disorders.
  7. Tiredness. Many factors or diseases, including those related to the heart, may be responsible for the growing fatigue during the day. Then it is worth doing tests for the failure of this organ.
  8. Cold symptoms. Nausea, muscle aches, weakness, and sweating, most often associated with the flu or colds, can also be caused by heart problems. The blood flow is apparently insufficient, which means that we are dealing with heart failure.
  9. Spider veins on the skin. Telangiectasia, the so-called spider veins, i.e. extended veins less than 1 mm in diameter, may indicate problems with the circulatory system. They are often accompanied by the appearance of varicose veins, i.e. bluish, dilated subcutaneous veins with a diameter of 1 to 3 mm. They indicate chronic venous insufficiency. Varicose veins usually appear on the lower leg. They are most often accompanied by itching.
  10. Abdominal pain, vomiting. According to a 2018 study, two-thirds of women who experienced a heart attack before the age of 55 had previously experienced symptoms such as heartburn, nausea and abdominal pain. Dyspepsia in women as a harbinger of impending heart attacks – often underestimated in this context – also appeared in several other studies.
  11. Rash. Extremely high levels of triglycerides, or simple fats, can cause a yellow-orange, bubble-shaped rash around your ankles and fingers and toes. Hypertriglyceridemia can lead to atherosclerosis, and further, e.g. for ischemic heart disease, heart attack or stroke.

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Heart problems – these symptoms should not be underestimated

  1. Palpitations. The patient experiences palpitations as faster, stronger or irregular heartbeat. This is due to the fact that in addition to the contraction within the normal rhythm, an additional contraction of the heart muscle appeared. Palpitations may appear in healthy people, under the influence of stress or exercise. However, it is often a symptom of heart and circulatory system diseases, especially those related to heart rhythm disturbances. We should consult such symptoms with a doctor.
  2. Sinica. One of the most common symptoms of cardiovascular complaints is cyanosis, i.e. a violet-blue discoloration of the skin (on the extremities and fingers) and mucous membranes (especially the lips and tongue). This is the effect of reducing the oxygen saturation of arterial hemoglobin. It occurs in the case of left ventricular failure, arterial embolism and venous thrombosis.
  3. Pain in the chest. This is one of the most common symptoms that our heart is not well. Pain that lasts no more than a quarter of an hour and begins in the chest and radiates to the arms, neck, or jaw often means angina. Pain most often occurs with exertion or nervousness. It can be sharp or mild. It should go away after resting. However, if it lasts longer, it can mean a heart attack.
  4. Swelling. This is another symptom that should be taken lightly. If the swelling affects both lower limbs, it is most often a sign of heart failure. They are often accompanied by pallor, cyanosis, yellowing of the skin layers and dry skin with trophic changes and features of a hemorrhagic diathesis. If they only affect one limb, they are more likely to be caused by diseases of the venous or lymphatic system. Edema is also a symptom of venous insufficiency, deep vein thrombosis and lymphatic insufficiency.
  5. Dyspnea. Sudden attacks of breathlessness, following activities that do not require much effort or rest while resting, can be caused by coronary heart disease, heart failure or neurosis.

Find out how to talk to a cardiologist

Unusual symptoms of heart disease

  1. Drummer’s fingers. Thickened fingertips, enlarged and clearly rounded nails – this is what the fingers of drummer look like, also known as stick fingers or Hippocratic fingers. Their shape resembles a club – hence their English name “clubbing” (from club). Such deformed fingers may indicate hypoxia and related diseases (although sometimes they are also attributed to genetic factors). Including about congenital cyanotic heart defects.
  2. Jaw pain. Pain in the jaw, sometimes described as a feeling of severe toothache, can be a symptom of a heart attack. Of course, the pain felt in this part of the body can also indicate other conditions and problems, such as ear and sinus diseases, the already mentioned dental problems or chronic stress and the associated jaw-clenching reflex. However, if, in addition to the pain in the jaw, there is a feeling of tightness in the chest, palpitations or nausea, it may be a sign of an impending heart attack.. Be sure to call an ambulance then.
  3. Bad breath and bleeding gums. Bleeding gums and bad breath can be early symptoms of heart and circulatory problems. The relationship between oral health and body condition is well documented and supported by scientific evidence. So the researchers concluded that gum disease is a symptom of inflammation caused by heart disease. There is also a dependency the other way around. One of the bacteria associated with periodontal disease – Streptococcus sanguinis – can cause endocarditis.
  4. Arm pain. We may not associate shoulder pain with the heart, yet it may be an early symptom of a heart attack. In such a situation, the pain usually appears suddenly and is increasing, most often it appears in the left arm (although it can also occur in both) and radiates downwards.
  5. Frank’s mark on the ear. An unusual wrinkle / fold on your earlobe may be one of the first symptoms of heart failureMore than 40 different studies have confirmed the association between the unusual appearance of the earlobe and an increased risk of atherosclerosis. In one of the studies conducted by the US agency National Institutes of Health, it turned out that the furrow on the ear is associated with deadly cardiovascular diseases.

A proper diet is essential if we want to avoid cardiovascular diseases. Therefore, the daily menu should include fruits and vegetables containing vitamins and minerals. In addition, salt should be avoided, as well as high-calorie meals. It is worth supporting the diet with appropriate supplementation. Natural heart diet supplements are now available on Medonet Market.

Heart problems – what tests should I do?

Anyone with the symptoms listed above may or may not mean that something is wrong with our heart. In order to exclude or confirm the symptoms, it will be necessary to visit a cardiologist. After the age of 40, we should also have a control visit to this specialist at least once a year (regardless of this, after the age of 40, we should also regularly check the pressure and cholesterol).

  1. The seven worst foods for your heart

First, the doctor will check the heart rate and use a stethoscope to auscultate the heart. Subsequently, it may refer you to more detailed research.

Belong to them:

  1. ekg,
  2. echocardiography, i.e. heart echo (ultrasound of the heart),
  3. exercise ecg,
  4. Holter test,
  5. magnetic resonance imaging,
  6. scintigraphy,
  7. genetic test.

Do you know the condition of your heart? Check it now! You can buy the “Heart control” test package at Medonet Market.

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