These shampoos have been phased out of all stores. They contain dangerous carcinogenic substances

According to a recent regulation of the European Commission, all stores and pharmacies have been obliged to withdraw many popular anti-dandruff shampoos and other cosmetic products from sale. This regulation entered into force on March 1, 2022, and preparations containing lily and zinc pyrithione disappeared from the store shelves. These substances are considered harmful to health.

  1. The new Regulation of the European Commission, which is valid until the beginning of March 2022, prohibits the sale of cosmetic products containing substances that are carcinogenic, mutagenic or toxic to reproduction
  2. Among them there is lilial used in the production of perfumes, skin care cosmetics, as well as washing powders and softeners.
  3. Another ingredient is zinc pyrithione, which has antifungal and antibacterial properties. This agent was most often used in anti-dandruff preparations, soothing psoriasis, eczema or seborrheic dermatitis
  4. However, there are alternative products available on the market that exhibit antifungal activity. They include both synthetic compounds and natural remedies
  5. More information can be found on the Onet homepage

Withdrawal of anti-dandruff shampoos

At the beginning of November last year, the European Commission Regulation 2021/1902 of October 29, 2021 was published, amending the previous Council Regulation (EC) No. 1223/2009 on cosmetic products. However, manufacturers had four months to adapt to the new standards, as it came into force on March 1, 2022.

The new rule prohibits the sale of cosmetic products that contain carcinogenic, mutagenic or reprotoxic substances throughout the European Union. Among them there are zinc lily and pyrithione found in many popular cosmetic products, incl. popular anti-dandruff shampoos.

Further part below the video.

What is lilial?

Lilial (INCI: Butylphenyl Methylpropional) is a synthetically derived strong allergen derived from the group of aromatic aldehydes. This substance is a frequent component of fragrances and fragrances. When added to lilial products, it gives them a floral scent resembling a lily of the valley. For this reason, it can be found in many cosmetic products – perfumes, skin care cosmetics, as well as in washing powder and rinsing liquid.

What is zinc pyrithione?

Zinc pyrithione (INCI: Zinc Pyrithione) is a preservative with antibacterial and antifungal properties. However, as the Commission points out, it is also carcinogenic, mutagenic and toxic to reproduction. Until now, the use of products containing zinc pyrithione was considered safe at a concentration of up to 1%. substances in rinse-off anti-dandruff shampoos. Ultimately, however, this component was withdrawn from sale.

The use of preparations containing zinc pyrithione was recommended, among others, in anti-dandruff treatments, soothing psoriasis, eczema or seborrheic dermatitis. This substance was also used in products that inhibit hair loss, soothe irritation and itching of the scalp and support the treatment of athlete’s foot.

Discontinued products and their substitutes

In the case of products disappearing from the shelves, consumers using preparations containing zinc pyrithione will feel the changes to a greater extent. This substance is an ingredient of many popular shampoos. However, people struggling with dandruff can use alternative products with antifungal properties. They include both synthetic compounds and natural remedies.

Alternative Medicinal Preparations:

  1. ketoconazole, flutrimazol, clotrimazole – these preparations have an antifungal effect, are used in the treatment of various fungal infections and in the case of tinea versicolor,
  2. pyrocton olaminy – this preparation supports the fight against dandruff and seborrhea. It is characterized by antimicrobial, anti-seborrheic and anti-inflammatory properties.
  3. selenium sulfide – an inorganic chemical compound from the sulphide group, used in the treatment of tinea versicolor and seborrheic dermatitis. It soothes skin irritations,
  4. tar – a natural ingredient with anti-dandruff and anti-seborrheic properties. It also has a drying and antipruritic effect.
  5. essential oils – in the case of dry dandruff, geranium, sandalwood, lavender and rosemary oils are recommended. On the other hand, the fight against oily dandruff will be effectively supported by rosemary, lemon and lavender oils. 
Hair conditioning shampoos

The safest way is to use cosmetics with a natural composition, such as Bioherba hair shampoo – dry and sensitive scalp, or hair shampoo – oily scalp of the same brand. We also recommend Capillus anti-dandruff shampoo, which contains hemp extract, grapefruit and marjoram. Try bar shampoos, such as the Cleansing Bar Shampoo for all hair types or the Normalizing Bar Shampoo for greasy hair with rosemary and mandarin.

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What to do with previously purchased products?

The time that will elapse from the moment of issuing the regulation to the moment when it comes into force allowed producers to sell off the products manufactured so far, located in wholesalers and pharmacies. Therefore, anyone who has purchased cosmetics containing zinc lilate or pyrithione can use them until the expiry date.

It is very possible that brands that have been forced to recall their products will soon return to pharmacy and drugstore shelves with a changed composition.

This may interest you:

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  2. Seborrheic dermatitis or psoriasis?
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