These Polish plants are deadly. Be careful! [LIST]

They look beautiful or completely inconspicuous. They grow in our gardens, parks, meadows and forests. However, the substances they contain are highly toxic. So much so that they can even lead to the death of a person.

  1. Some plants are so dangerous that in the old days they were made into poisons
  2. Today, many Poles are not aware of their properties
  3. This, in turn, can lead to a tragedy, so it’s better to remember what our ancestors knew. It’s better to stay away from these plants!
  4. More information can be found on the Onet homepage.

In the first photo: yew

Common yew

Most people who deal with gardening know that you have to be careful with yew. However, there are still some myths about this plant in the public awareness. In fact, it is no secret that all parts of the yew, such as needles and branches, are poisonous. However, fruit does not contain toxic substances, so some choose to eat them. But here there is a high risk of a fatal error – yew fruit is actually edible, but its seeds are not.

Consumption of any of the poisonous parts of the yew tree will result in abdominal pain, diarrhea, vomiting, and in extreme cases, heart failure or death.

The rest of the text is below the video.

Aconite strong

Monkshood enchants with its beauty. It has intense flowers with a violet-navy blue color and can be found, among others, in Polish mountains. Seeing monkshood makes it hard to resist the urge to smell or touch the plant. This, however, could be a tragic mistake. Even when it comes into contact with the skin, the aconitine contained in the aconite enters the body.

Symptoms of aconite poisoning include abdominal pain, numbness, paralysis and anxiety. When the respiratory muscles or the heart are paralyzed, death occurs.

Nightmare nightshade

Although probably everyone has heard about the wolfberry and knows that it is poisonous, not everyone can recognize this plant. This, in turn, can lead to poisoning by mistake when an adult or a child picks a tempting-looking fruit.

For a child, only four wolfberries are needed to be life-threatening. In adults, consumption of about 10 fruits can lead to death.

Mak full

An attractive red flower, which grows in large numbers along roads or in meadows, is a completely poisonous plant. The substances that are harmful to health contain both stems and petals.

However, in order for the poppy seed to actually harm it, it must be eaten. So if we happen to touch or pick a flower, be sure to wash your hands with soap and water.

Crazy poisonous

Crazy venomous, or hemlock, is an inconspicuous plant that can be easily mistaken for parsley or carrots. Poisoning with toxic substances can occur not only through ingestion, but also through contact with the skin.

Symptoms of rage poisoning include drooling, nausea and numbness. In the last stage, there are seizures that begin with grinding the teeth. Then there is paralysis of the respiratory system and death.

Spotted parapet

The spotted monkey is a plant that is relatively easy to meet in Poland. Its root resembles parsnips and leaves resemble parsley. It is considered to be one of the three most poisonous plants in our country (next to the venomous borscht and Sosnowski’s borscht).

Every part of this plant is poisonous to humans. Even if it is dried. However, it is necessary to consume the shawl or its juice, so you should wash your hands thoroughly after contact with the plant.

Symptoms of black rat poisoning include a burning sensation in the digestive tract, drooling, muscle pain or paralysis, convulsions, loss of speech, loss of consciousness, and even coma. Death may occur as a result of severe poisoning.

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