These nail changes can herald serious illness. Don’t underestimate them

Your nails can tell you much more about your health than you expect. Not only will they inform you very quickly about the deficiencies of minerals in the body. Some symptoms may indicate serious health problems. It is not worth underestimating the messages your body sends you. Based on the appearance of your nails, many diseases can be detected early!

We are more and more aware of the importance of prophylaxis and early diagnosis of potential diseases, but very often we ignore the simplest and accessible method – observation. We carry out preventive blood and urine tests, we keep an eye on the dates of screening tests, ultrasound, but we forget about nails. Let us not underestimate their appearance. The condition of your nails can reveal more about your health than we suspect. It is often on them that the first symptoms signaling abnormalities appear.

The appearance and condition of the nails may indicate the development of many systemic diseases before other ailments and symptoms appear. If you observe any of these changes, be vigilant and consult a specialist.

Convex nails

Such a nail shape even has its professional name. If your nail plate resembles a watch face or an inverted teaspoon, you are likely suffering from clubbing. This condition is also known as with the stick fingers or the fingers of Hippocrates and indicates health problems resulting from hypoxia. May indicate developing diseases of the lungs, bronchi and even the liver.

  1. See also: Atypical Sign of Lung Cancer. Take a look at the nails

Blue nails

Blue or purple nail color can happen incidentally to anyone who has cooled down the body too much. Most often we notice such a symptom when we freeze in winter or when we chase children out of the cold water in the swimming pool in summer. However, if you notice a tendency to such a change in the color of your nails, and you have not been exposed to strong cold, consult a specialist. It’s common sign of trouble with blood circulation. This symptom can also occur with severe poisoning.

Further part under the video.

Gray discoloration on the nails

Gray changes appearing on the nails are a typical symptom of poisoning with, for example, silver. They can also occur while taking certain medications. This symptom is also characteristic of Raynaud’s disease and arises in the mechanism of circulatory disorders. The second serious condition that can manifest as gray discoloration on the nails is disorder of copper metabolism in Wilson’s disease.

Redness under the nail

This specific symptom most often is a symptom of bacterial superinfection with staphylococci or streptococci. Paronychia, because we are talking about it, is a disease of the nail shaft, caused by bacteria. Redness may be associated with or purulent exudate. Unfortunately, this is not a trivial matter, it requires appropriate antibiotic therapy.

Black or brown spot under the nail

A dark black and brown stain under the nail is often caused by trauma and is common hematomas. Unfortunately, if there is such a suspicious stain under your fingernail and there is no logical reason for it, make an appointment with your doctor. If the black spot does not move up as the nail grows, it may be a symptom of malignant melanoma.

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Brittle and brittle nails

Brittle, weak, and split nails can be symptom of a deficiency of minerals in the body. Most often this is how an insufficient level manifests itself magnesium and silicon. Sometimes the damage is mechanical and is caused by dry hands. However, the fragility and poor condition of the nails may be a symptom of endocrine disorders.


Onycholysis, i.e. detachment of the nail plate from the bed, is an extremely unpleasant ailment. The nail usually starts to leave the side, and air collects under the plate. The plate takes a whitish color. If, in addition, there is overload with bacteria, the color of the nail may change to a yellowish-gray or black shade. Most often, it is fungus or trauma that is blamed for the nail coming off in this way, but such changes appearing on the nail plate are also accompanied by thyroid problems, diabetes and iron deficiency.

Stripes, grooves and furrows on the nails

This appearance of nails is most common in the elderly and in this case is the norm. However, if you are not elderly and your nail plate has stripe-like irregularities, it usually means vitamin deficiency. They can also be a memento of an unprofessional manicure that damaged the nail plate. If the furrows are very clear and quite deep, they may indicate diseases of the gastrointestinal tract or circulatory disorders.

Concave nails

If your fingernails have become concave, you are probably dealing with koilonychia. This symptom is the opposite of the aforementioned clubbing. If the nails on the edges are rising, do not run to the beautician and examine them iron levels.

Black lines on the nails

Black lines resembling splinters stuck in a nail should seriously disturb you. This phenomenon is called linear ecchymoses are a symptom of endocarditis! Do not wait for other symptoms, consult a doctor as soon as possible and rule out the threat.

Half and half tinted nails

If you have noticed a strange color of the nails: they are half white and half browncheck if yours kidneys are working properly. This unexpected ombre effect can be a symptom of a serious disorder.

White or yellow streaks on the nails

It’s classic and unique a popular symptom of ringworm. Whitish or yellow streaks and an accompanying change in the shape of the nail may be a sign of a fungal infection. Do not underestimate these changes, onychomycosis is a disease that is difficult to treat and spreads very easily. The sooner you start treatment, the better the results you will achieve. Sign up for a dermatologist.

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