These drinks damage the liver. It’s not just about alcohol

We have known for a long time that alcohol consumption has a negative effect on the liver. It turns out, however, that it is not the only drink that can destroy this important organ.

  1. Scientists have long known that alcohol damages the liver. However, they still argue about what it is and whether there is a safe dose at all
  2. For children, drinking sweetened soda more than once a week also affects the liver badly
  3. Adults, in turn, should beware of dietary carbonated drinks, as well as sweetened drinks. Including some fruit juices
  4. More current information can be found on the Onet homepage.

The effect of alcohol on the liver. Is a safe dose?

Since March 2020, alcohol consumption has been increasing, also in our country. According to the website, there are problems with access to Anticol – a drug used by people addicted to alcohol. Psychologists in Poland also alarmed that the pandemic was conducive to the aggravation of alcoholism.

Poles who drink “recreationally” also put a strain on their bodies. Alcohol is especially harmful to the liver. The US USDA’s dietary guidelines say that for women, one glass, glass or pint of alcohol per day does not have a negative effect on the liver. However, other studies, published in Lancet Public Health, indicate quite the opposite. Cirrhosis of the liver was more common in women who drank every day. Even if it was only one glass.

  1. See also: Cirrhosis of the liver – causes, symptoms, treatment

For men, the USDA considers two alcohol units a day to be harmless to health. However, these should be drinks that do not contain more than 14 g of alcohol.

Sweet carbonated drinks that are dangerous for children

In the case of children, sweetened carbonated drinks have a negative effect on the liver. The youngest should not reach for more than once a week. According to a study published in the Journal of Hepatology in 2017, 90 percent. of obese children and adolescents who were examined drank sugary drinks at least once a week.

The conducted biopsies showed that 37,6 percent. of the subjects suffered from non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH). This inflammation leads to the destruction of liver cells as well as the production of fibrous tissues. This in turn may result in liver failure.

Light drinks harm the liver of adults

As for adults, carbonated drinks sweetened with aspartame or other chemical sweeteners are also particularly harmful to the liver. They provide practically no energy, so, at least theoretically, they are ideal for people who are on a diet or want to stay in shape. It turns out, however, that light drinks are not a good choice for the liver. In a 2008 study in The Canadian Journal of Gastroenterology, we read that People who consumed diet sodas were more likely to suffer from nonalcoholic fatty liver disease.

  1. Read also: How do you know if your liver is barely healed?

Negative effect of glucose-fructose syrup on the liver

Glucose-fructose syrup is found in breakfast cereals, bread, confectionery, as well as in various types of beverages that, at least on the surface, may seem healthy. It is mainly fruit syrups or fruit drinks. When buying such a product, it is always worth checking its composition. If there is glucose-fructose syrup there, it is better to choose a different drink. The US National Institutes of Health warn that taking too much glucose-fructose syrup may cause nonalcoholic fatty liver disease.

What is the condition of your liver? It is worth doing preventive examinations, at least once a year. The Liver Pack is available from Medonet Market.

Our lifestyle largely affects the health of the liver. Consuming harmful drinks can lead to serious health problems in the long run. In nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, the worst case scenario is even the need for a transplant.

Also read:

  1. Symptoms of a sick liver – how to recognize? [WE EXPLAIN]
  2. This is our “health factory”. How to effectively support the liver?
  3. Enlarged liver – causes, diagnosis, diagnosis and treatment
  4. Do you have such changes on your skin? This could be a symptom of a bad liver
  5. Five symptoms to tell you if your liver is overloaded

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