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Behind the scenes, it is believed that premenstrual syndrome is not harmful to women’s health. But at the same time, monthly hormonal changes in the body significantly interfere with the way of life of almost every woman.

“About once a month, slowly but surely, my mood spoils. On such days, everything falls out of hand, any comments from others are perceived with hostility, and it is much more difficult for me to persuade myself to be productive. Having made an attempt to forget myself in the stream of information on social networks, I can be upset to tears from a note about a lost cat or a touching commercial. With my head bowed, I wander to the refrigerator to find all the sweetest in it and use it to console myself … Approximately between thinking about how I could take time off from work tomorrow and stay in bed for the whole day, and the evening threat of a scandal because of the my husband on the table of an unwashed cup, an insight descends on me, and I decide to look into the calendar! Indeed, there are only a few days left before the start of a new cycle. ”

Common situation? It is known that 8 out of 10 women experience discomfort before the start of their menstrual cycle, and one to two weeks before the “X-day” hormonal “roller coaster” rushes down, taking with them good mood and well-being. If you are worried about irregular or painful periods, deterioration of health and mood, increased irritability, do not turn a blind eye to these symptoms or accept them as inevitable. By following a few simple tips, you can get rid of them. How to deal with unpleasant PMS symptoms? The answer lies in an integrated approach to solving the problem.

Sport is what will improve your well-being, both physically and mentally. Regular cardio workouts for 20-30 minutes, such as running, swimming, brisk walking, prevent unpleasant symptoms. If you already feel like PMS is coming to you but can still lace up your sneakers, go for an easy jog or bike ride! The release of the hormones of happiness – endorphins – into the bloodstream will help to avoid mood swings, fresh air will relieve headaches, and improved blood circulation will reduce the likelihood of pain in the first days of menstruation.

Pay special attention to your diet: Look for foods rich in calcium, including milk, yoghurts and cheeses, as well as vegetables such as broccoli, fish, and cereals. Calcium intake has been shown to reduce the risk of PMS symptoms. Eat often, but in small portions: this will provide you with a feeling of fullness and at the same time lightness in the body. It is also important to limit your intake of caffeinated beverages by replacing them with plain water. Do not deny yourself the pleasure of dessert, but remember that sweets should not become the main source of food!

During hormonal changes in the body, it is important to take special care of yourself. These days, you will most likely need more sleep to feel rested, so unplug all your gadgets in the evening, take a relaxing bath, and go to bed early. It is the dream that you need now, and not the new details of the life of your acquaintances.

In addition to adopting a healthy lifestyle, you can also help your body by taking vitamin complexes.

TIME FACTOR® specially designed for women who are sensitive to certain phases of the cycle. The advantage of this complex is that biologically active components are distributed into capsules in such a way as to maximize the needs of the female body for vitamins, minerals, amino acids and plant substances in each phase of the menstrual cycle.

TIME FACTOR® supports the body throughout the month, gently preparing for the onset of menstruation and facilitating the process of hormonal changes. Remember that it is with the help of an integrated approach and regular support of the body that PMS symptoms will become only an unpleasant memory for you, and you can enjoy life on any day of the cycle.


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