These could be symptoms of cancer. They let you know after eating and when urinating
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Cancer detection and survival rates have deteriorated significantly in recent times due to the pandemic. Therefore, everything should be done to stop this trend. It is important to respond to any warning signals sent by our body, even unusual ones. According to the National Cancer Institute, four specific areas of the body may be a symptom of disease.

  1. Cancer is the second most common cause of death in Poland
  2. Annually, over 100 people die from this in our country. people
  3. How to recognize symptoms early?
  4. The alarm signal may be pain when urinating or pain after a meal
  5. What else should worry us?
  6. You can find more such stories on the TvoiLokony home page

Coronavirus pandemic – a collapse in oncology

The coronavirus pandemic around the world has had a negative impact on statistics related to cancer prevention and diagnosis. In the United States, in 2020 the number of mammograms performed decreased by 90%, and colonoscopies by 84%. In the UK, the number of cancer diagnoses fell by 18%, while the percentage of cases diagnosed at a more advanced stage increased.

In Poland, the number of screening tests, patients undergoing chemotherapy and radiotherapy has decreased. – The decrease in reporting for screening tests was also accompanied by very unfavorable phenomena in the field of lifestyle – the majority of the society reduced physical activity and at the same time changed eating habits to much less favorable ones – said Prof. Maciej Krzakowski, national consultant in the field of clinical oncology.

  1. Also read: What happens in the body when a cancer grows? The doctor explains

– During the pandemic, there was a collapse in the prevention and diagnosis of oncology. Both phenomena will inevitably increase the percentage of patients diagnosed with more advanced cancers, for which treatment is a significant challenge. The current organizational system will not cope with the challenges resulting from the greater number of patients with more advanced cancers, he emphasized.

Unusual symptoms of cancer

An alarming report by members of the UK Parliament’s Health and Welfare Committee recently came out. In it they warn that cancer survival rates could be negative for longer periods of time, as people will die prematurely “from pandemic backlogs and reluctance to diagnose”. The positive trend in this area observed before the pandemic may be reversed.

Therefore, they emphasize the colossal importance of the earliest possible oncological diagnosis and awareness of citizens. Especially that many symptoms of cancer are not obvious and are attributed to everyday ailments or “banal” pains.

There are, however, several ways to distinguish cancer pain from everyday pain, writes the British Express, following guidance from the US National Cancer Institute (NCI).

Pain that could be a harbinger of cancer comes about in different areas of the body when you are doing certain things.

For example, we should be concerned about pain while urinating or pain after eating. In the latter case, the pain is described as “heartburn or indigestion that will not go away for a long time”. Symptoms of cancer may also include abdominal pain or pain in the mouth.

In turn, the more common symptoms of cancer are:

  1. intense night sweats
  2. weight loss difficult to explain
  3. prolonged fatigue
  4. an unusual lump or swelling anywhere in our body
  5. mood swings
  6. headaches

Cancer – risk factors

Doctors constantly emphasize that we should not ignore any unusual symptoms or unexpected changes in our body.

If any symptoms persist for three weeks, it should be a wake-up call. While it is unlikely to be cancer, consultation with your GP is necessary before they can investigate. If the doctor has any suspicions, he or she will refer you to the appropriate specialist.

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One-third of cancer cases can be prevented by eating a healthy diet, maintaining a healthy weight and being more physically active, according to Macmillan Cancer Support, the UK’s cancer prevention organization. Prof. Mathias Heikenwälder from the German Cancer Research Center in Heidelberg. In his opinion, in the case of about 30-40 percent. oncological patients the disease was influenced by an inappropriate lifestyle. However, she emphasizes that there are always many factors at play that must be considered in conjunction with each other.

The most important factors in the development of cancer are:

  1. smoking tobacco
  2. drinking too much alcohol
  3. viral infections – the risk can be reduced by vaccination
  4. obesity
  5. excessive exposure to sunlight and solarium
  6. occupational factors (builders, car mechanics, boiler manufacturers, carpenters, fitters, electricians, steel workers, shipyard workers and railwaymen are the most vulnerable)
  7. age – the risk increases significantly beyond the age of 65

The exact causes of cancer development are still unknown. Being exposed to multiple risk factors does not mean you will have the disease, and neither does the absence of any factor preclude a diagnosis from being grim.

That is why it is so important to be aware of and pay attention to any disturbing symptoms.

The most important step in the treatment of any disease is its early diagnosis. Blood tests are helpful in efficient diagnosis. You can make some of them yourself. Check what mail order research we offer at Medonet Market.

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