These could be early signs of dementia. Pay attention to these symptoms

Extensive body pain can be one of the first symptoms of dementia that makes you more likely to develop dementia. This is evidenced by the results of research conducted by scientists at Chongqing Medical University in China.

  1. Dementia can have many causes. Most often, however, it is the result of Alzheimer’s disease, which is responsible for approx. 60-80 percent. memory loss
  2. The main cause of dementia is damage to brain cells that affects thinking, behavior and emotions
  3. Scientists in China have discovered after many years of research that one of the early symptoms of dementia may be extensive pain in the body
  4. You can find more such information on the TvoiLokony home page

Chinese scientists say that body pain, especially chronic and extensive, may be associated with the occurrence of many serious diseases, including various forms of cancer, peripheral arterial disease and cardiovascular disease. A long-term, several-year-long study confirmed that pain can also herald the development of disturbances in thinking, memory and emotions known as dementia.

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What are the causes of dementia?

Dementia is a type of dementia that is usually associated with memory loss and cognitive decline. Most often its cause is Alzheimer’s diseasewhich is responsible for approx. 60-80 percent. cases. Other causes of dementia include dementia with Lewy bodies, vascular dementia, and frontotemporal dementia. Some people may experience dementia for more than one cause. Dementia often develops gradually and is caused by damage to the brain cells that have trouble communicating with each other, which in turn impairs thinking, behavior and emotions.

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Factors that increase the risk of developing this disorder are genetics and age. Most often it affects people over the age of 65.

  1. Dementia with Lewy bodies – that’s what Robin Williams suffered from

These symptoms should worry you

People with dementia have difficulty concentrating, often make mistakes in their daily activities, have problems with hitting places they knew well before, cannot keep up with the course of the conversation and do not always remember the right words. These symptoms can happen to anyone and are initially downplayed. However, they may worsen over time. The patient loses the ability to learn, does not recognize people or things, begins to have difficulty speaking and counting, and completely loses orientation in time and space. A person suffering from dementia may also have auditory and visual hallucinations, as well as various types of delusions. To take care of your memory in advance, reach for Memory and Concentration – a natural herbal mixture of Lorem Vit, available at a promotional price on Medonet Market. We also recommend Lecithin 1200mg – memory and MEMO concentration, which supports life functions and reduces the risk of atherosclerosis.

Dementia has a negative effect on the patient’s mood and significantly reduces the quality of life. A person affected by this disease loses the joy of life, interest in current affairs, and often becomes irritable, stubborn and burdensome for the environment.

Support your memory by drinking Sklerofix – a herbal and fruit tea that has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system and improves oxygen supply, affecting the ability to remember.

The extensive body pain may be related to dementia

Researchers at Chongqing Medical University in China found that prolonged pain in many areas of the body may be an early symptom of dementia or stroke. Approx. 2,5 thousand adult people. In the years 1990-1994, the participants underwent comprehensive tests, which included, inter alia, physical examination, laboratory tests and detailed pain monitoring. Data on other factors that could potentially affect the results of the study were also collected, including about blood pressure, body weight, lifestyle (smoking, alcohol, diet, level of physical activity), depression, medications you take. Information on the marital status and education of the respondents is also marked. The participants were then monitored for several years. During this period, 188 people were diagnosed with some form of dementia (27% of them had extensive pain) and 139 people had a stroke (22% of them had extensive pain).

  1. Who Was Alzheimer’s? He talked for hours with the first patient

After taking into account the factors potentially influencing the test result, it was found that people with extensive pain were 43 percent. more likely to have any type of dementia, by 47% – for Alzheimer’s disease and for 29 percent. for a stroke.

According to the researchers, while the results of the studies are not completely certain, they provide convincing evidence that extensive pain may be a risk factor for dementia and stroke.

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