These colors act on insects like a blanket on a bull. Avoid such clothes

The color of the clothes is important when we want to minimize the risk of being bitten by insects such as bees and mosquitoes. However, if we choose black, the insects can target us.

  1. The color of your clothes matters if you want to avoid insect bites. However, the black color will not protect us from bee stings. It does not scare mosquitoes either, because it works just the opposite
  2. To reduce the likelihood of a bee sting, wear light-colored clothing
  3. In the case of mosquitoes, however, it works best to avoid red, orange and black colors
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Black clothing acts like a “cloth for a bull” on some insects, while others identify it with its host. Experts suggest what to wear if we want to avoid unpleasant bites.

What attracts bees?

Bees do not like black clothes. The reason is that these remind them of their enemies. The bees are hunted, among others, by spiders, hornets and woodpeckers. All these animals are more or less black in color, reports Misfit Animals.

However, what is very important, if we decide to wear bright-colored clothes, e.g. white, the bees will probably be around us anyway, but with much more friendly intentions. We will associate them with flowers. However, bees are particularly keen on colors such as purple and blue. This is because flowers in these colors have the sweetest nectar for bees, explains Misfit Animals. Additionally, bees are drawn to a color that humans cannot see to ultraviolet, which is also visible on flowers in varying amounts.

It is also known that no colors scare the bees away. So it is impossible with the right clothing to prevent the enthusiasts of floral nectar from being around us at all.

Mosquitoes — what is wabi?

Mosquitoes primarily attach to the CO2 that we exhale. According to «The Independent», carbon dioxide activates the mosquito’s eyes so that it looks for its host nearby, that is, in this case, a human. This one is localized by a mosquito by color, in this case red. Every person “shines” in this way in the eyes of brooding people.

The study, which was published in Nature Communications, examined the behavior of female Egyptian mosquitoes. Various scents were sprayed in the test chamber and also dots of different shades were presented. However, until carbon dioxide was sprayed, female mosquitoes were not interested in what was going on at the bottom of the container. When the CO2 was sprayed, the mosquitoes eagerly flew towards orange, red and black. Therefore, it is best to avoid these colors if you want to reduce the number of mosquito bites. The study, published in Nature Communications, also found that mosquitoes ignore colors such as green, purple, blue and white, even when they smell CO2. An additional way to deal with mosquitoes can also be wearing pants and a long-sleeved blouse.

How do you scare away mosquitoes?

Studies have shown that the most effective mosquito repellent is a substance called DEET. MUGGA Spray 50% You can buy DEET against ticks, mosquitoes and flies at

Horse flies, butterflies

Black also attracts horse flies. After all, this is what their favorite hosts look like, i.e. cattle (buffaloes, wisents, cows), deer, roe deer, horses, etc. According to Science Oxford, in this case, the best solution is to avoid dark colors, although light colors, such as white or light yellow, are definitely the best.

One study published in the Journal of Experimental Biology found that the type of camouflage that zebra wears on a daily basis works best against flies. Striped clothes attracted the least flies.

Butterflies are a slightly different example. Especially colors such as orange, red and yellow have a strong effect on scales. This is due to the fact that they associate these colors with flowers that have the most sweet nectar. Therefore, if we want to have an effective photo with a butterfly sitting on our dress, it is worth thinking about these colors and going to a meadow, for example.

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