These character traits get in the way of losing weight. Surprising research results

Psychologists argue that being obese isn’t just because someone eats a lot. It also includes the environment in which you live, genetics and – according to the latest research – your personality traits. See which of them may prevent you from losing weight.

Research has shown that natural leaders tend to be of flawless body shape. In turn, those who find it difficult to control their impulses may have problems reducing weight. What other personality traits keep you from losing weight?

Personality types

In psychology, the personality is usually described in terms of the five most important dimensions (the so-called Big Five). It is about the following features: neuroticism, openness, agreeableness, conscientiousness and extroversion. We present their approximate definitions below.


This trait describes someone who is prone to disturbing emotions, such as fear or anxiety. Such people get angry more easily. They are characterized by such features as, for example, impulsiveness, oversensitivity, hostility or a sense of threat.


It describes someone who is still looking for attractions in life, being very active and outgoing. Such people are talkative and expressive. Their main features are assertiveness, activity and optimism.


People with this personality are usually curious about the world and like to meet new people. They are also creative and willing to implement even the most abstract ideas.


It describes a person who is respectful, compassionate, and trusting. He tries to avoid conflicts at all costs. Such people are more cooperative and are always willing to help others. Their main features are altruism, straightforwardness, modesty and tenderness.


Such a person is usually responsible, careful and goal-oriented. It is also characterized by high impulse control and organization. The main features of such people are, among others, self-discipline, duty and scrupulousness.

  1. See also: Two personality traits favor the development of Alzheimer’s. What’s your risk?

The relationship between personality types and being overweight

A study by Kadri Arumäe of the Institute of Psychology at the University of Tartu in Estonia shows which personality types in the ‘big five’ are associated with being overweight. Over 3 people took part in it. 500 Estonians, the median age of whom was 46. Participants completed a questionnaire in which they had to indicate to what extent they identified with each of the personality traits described above on a scale of zero to four. They then examined their fat levels, body mass index (BMI) and metabolism.

Based on medical data, 3 In 535 participants, the researchers were able to identify which personality traits are more common in overweight and obese people. According to them, higher levels of fat occur in people who score lower in terms of openness. Low conscientiousness was also marked as a predictor of potential excess weight. The situation is the same with neuroticism. Researchers have suggested that being impulsive and deprived of self-discipline can lead to more frequent overeating.

However, Dr. René Mottus from the Department of Psychology at the University of Edinburgh, who was involved in the study, says “The Sun” reassures. – There are so many things that affect body weight that the personality type is only a fraction of everything – says the specialist. Nevertheless, it encourages you to work on your character. Thanks to this, you can develop new habits that are able to help us lose weight and control compulsive snacking.

Read also:

  1. Does the obesity gene exist? Why is overweight “familial”?
  2. 10 serious diseases that obesity can cause. Some are surprising
  3. Overweight and obesity and the coronavirus. Report from Great Britain

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