These are the three most common causes of insomnia during the pandemic
Since the eating of the pandemic, feelings of stress, depression and anxiety have increased
During the pandemine, feelings of stress, anxiety, and depression have all increased. common causes of insomnia. This has been explained by doctors Juan A. Pareja and Emilio Gómez-Cibeira, from the Sleep Unit of the Quironsalud Madrid University Hospital and the Ruber Juan Bravo hospital complex, based on studies carried out in the Chinese population.
Sleep is very sensitive to alterations in physical and mental health and to variations in environmental conditions. These modifications create stress, which can be defined as the reaction to “change.” Difficulties in coping with and adapting to the stressful event can cause anxiety and depression in vulnerable people and exacerbate previous conditions. Stress in general, and its consequences in particular, often interfere with conciliation or maintenance of sleep (insomnia) and affect daily functioning.
The pandemic has generated stress, anxiety, depression, health concerns, social isolation, decreased purchasing power and even loss of employment. Furthermore, the uncertainty about the possible evolution of a pandemic, which has lasted for many months, has created considerable unease in most adults. “There is no doubt that this event has had an important impact on the quality of sleep,” say these experts, adding that, in addition, the social effects of confinement have a decisive influence on the regulation of sleep-wake cycles, which in turn cause ( or worsen) previous sleep disorders.
Insomnia as a cause of Covid-19
These changes are unprecedented in the current generation, and all of them accumulated favor insomnia, generate daytime fatigue and drowsiness and develop disordered sleep and wake schedules. On the other hand, they point out that patients affected by Covid-19 report suffering from insomnia, apathy, persistent tiredness or fatigue and generalized body pain.
And, in any case, if you feel that the situation is affecting your night’s resto In a persistent way and with repercussions on your daily activity or on your quality of life, consult a specialized Sleep Medicine unit that will study you and prescribe the appropriate treatment ”, conclude the experts.
Four tips for better sleep
1. It is important wake up “with the sun” in order to adapt our sleep to the daylight cycle. The ideal is to adjust our sleep to the rhythms of the sun’s pattern: go to bed a few hours after dark and wake up with the arrival of the first hours of daylight.
2. It must avoid the use of electronic devices before going to sleep, as it keeps our brain awake and prevents us from falling asleep normally.
3. The temperature it’s crucial. The room must be kept at a comfortable temperature and must be properly ventilated. It should be between 18 and 22 degrees.
4. You do not have to make very heavy dinners or drink alcohol before sleeping. Regarding the latter, care must be taken, because although at first it has a sedative effect, then a rebound effect occurs, which worsens the quality of sleep.