These are the psychological problems that concern us the most

These are the psychological problems that concern us the most


Anxiety, relationship problems, self-esteem … the most common problems have been increased by the COVID-19 crisis

These are the psychological problems that concern us the most

Although we talk a lot about mental health, for many it is still a taboo and, unfortunately, we still find cases in which it is difficult to recognize certain problems or in which we do not go to a specialist for fear of being stigmatized for it. It is true that the motivation to address our psychological problems is improving little by little, but it is important that we continue in that line to face the difficulties that we may encounter without fear of what others may think.

There is no doubt that 2020 has been a really complicated year and that many people have suffered psychologically. To raise awareness about importance of taking care of our mental health, The TherapyChatp platform has carried out a study in which it shows which have been the main problems of Spaniards so far this year and which are the communities that have suffered the most.

What worries the Spanish the most?

In the first place, it should be noted that the most repeated psychological problems in general terms among Spaniards during this year have been queries about a partner (25%), anxiety (24%), depression (11%), and about self-esteem (10%). ). Later, if we look at community by community, we see how each one stands out in the queries on a specific topic.

In the data from January of this year to today, the anxiety It has been the problem of many Spaniards during this year marked by the COVID-19 pandemic. In particular, the Castilian-La Mancha (48% of their inquiries), Valencians (38%) and Asturians (35%) have had the most anxiety problems during this year and those who have had the most inquiries related to this. done.

After anxiety, we find ourselves with relationship problems. From the beginning of the confinement, it was much commented on how it could affect that reality to couples And, in this sense, so far in 2020 it seems that the Aragonese (29%), Andalusians (27%) and Madrid (27%) have suffered the worst and those with the most psychological consultations related to this item have had to perform.

The pandemic takes a toll on self-esteem

In addition to anxiety and relationship problems, Spaniards have also seen how these hard months have taken a toll on his self-esteem, another of the most repeated queries. In this sense, the Galicians (21%), the Basques (20%) and the Madrilenians (16%) are the ones who have seen their personal value most affected and had to go to therapy to be able to tackle this problem.

Also, depression, unfortunately recurrent among Spaniards in recent years, has been another of the psychological problems that has attacked us during this 2020. In their case, the Castilian-Leonese (21%), Andalusians (15%) and Valencians (14%) are the Spaniards who have had the most problems since the beginning of the year. Finally, another very repeated psychological problem since January of this difficult year until today has been those related to social or family relationships. Here the Canaries (35%), Asturians (15%) and Aragonese (13%) have been the ones who have made the most consultations on this subject.

10 tips to take care of mental health

In order to take care of our mental health and keep these possible problems at bay, from TherapyChat they offer 10 tips:

1. Play sports: The popular expression “Mens sana in corpore sana” is absolutely right. Keeping your body in a healthy state will help improve your psychological and emotional well-being as well. The practice of exercise causes endorphins and serotonin to be secreted, two hormones closely related to the sensation of pleasure and happiness.

2. Take care of sleep: If you don’t sleep 6 to 8 hours a day, your health will be affected, as well as your mood and your physical and mental performance. But in addition to sleeping the hours that are recommended, it can also be interesting and very beneficial to maintain a routine in this regard and try to always keep the same hours as much as possible.

3. Pay attention to your diet: Just as you have to take care of what you eat and eat correctly so that your body and mind function properly, it is essential that, just as you have to respect the times to go to sleep, you do so with the times of the different meals of the day .

4. Share moments with your friends: Despite the complicated current moment, if there is something clear about the human being, it is that we are independent, but social beings. We all need to relate and belong to some social group to feel personally fulfilled. In addition, talking about your feelings with friends can be therapeutic since it is a person who listens to you, gives you advice and supports you.

5. Quality time as a couple: If you have a partner, you should try, by all means, to spend time together and do things that add to the relationship. Do not forget that a love relationship must be cared for every day, working on self-esteem as a couple.

6. Don’t abuse your job: don’t get obsessed with your work and don’t spend more time on it than you think you should or really can. Sometimes we push ourselves too hard and this can have serious consequences for our health.

7. Save for your peace of mind, not to be more stressed: On many occasions, we begin to do something for our own benefit and we become obsessed with it in such a way that, in the end, it ends up hurting us. It is very positive to have savings, since this will give us immense peace of mind with regard to economics, however, we suggest that you do it without obsessing and only as much as possible.

8. Book moments for you: If you don’t give yourself your place in your own life, you are lost. Despite being something very obvious, it is very common that among so many tasks and relationships that we have to take care of, sometimes we forget the most important thing, ourselves. Relaxation techniques such as meditation can be a good way to connect with your center and achieve that balance that you are looking for.

9. Order and cleanliness: Although we are talking at all times about internal problems that directly affect people, you should know that the external also influences. This is why for a perfect mental order, it is necessary that the places you frequent, or in which you spend more hours a day, are ordered and sanitized.

10. Periodic psychological sessions: Not always that you go to a specialist it has to be because a problem or disorder already exists, but it is highly recommended, for example, to go to the psychologist without the need to treat any serious problem. These sessions with the expert will help you both to feel better and to prevent or detect any symptoms before they generate a major alteration. Without a doubt, prevention is one of the roles of the psychologist on a day-to-day basis. They will also help you manage your emotions and follow certain guidelines that lead to balance. Even if you tell your problems to your friends or family and you think that everything is under control, understanding what online therapies are will help you differentiate them from a conversation with friends. In this sense, the opinion and intervention of a professional who can help you improve your self-esteem and your mental balance is always positive.

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