Many of us dream of reducing the amount of fat in the body. Thermogenics – fruits, plant and animal products, and spices – that increase the amount of heat during digestion and absorption of food can help with this.
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1/ 9 Whole grain products
Here, brown rice and porridge are the best. Digesting them means expending many more calories than are found in these foods. However, keep in mind that milk cannot be more than 2%. fat. Nutritionist Tammy Lakatos Shames does not recommend oatmeal with water and milk 0,5%. – breakfast cannot be very low-calorie, because after such the first meal, after about two hours, the desire to “snack” is most often awakened, which completely destroys its effect. When it comes to wholemeal bread, read the labels carefully. Most of the so-called “whole wheat bread” is made of wheat flour with added grains. It has little to do with diet. If we want to eat whole grain bread, it must be made of rye flour.
2/ 9 Lean meat
Breasts without skin and fat, chicken and turkey drumsticks, as well as lean beef – will also work perfectly. Proteins from such meat have a strong thermogenic effect, increasing calorie consumption by 30 percent. compared to an entirely plant-based meal. In the case of a 300 kcal portion of chicken breast, 90 kcal is needed to break it down, i.e. the body does not receive a large amount of calories. A very good choice can be, for example, brown rice risotto with chicken breast – it will fill you up and will not cause excess calories in your body.
3/ 9 Low-fat milk products
Low-fat yogurt, kefirs, buttermilk – as long as they are not sweetened. They are rich in easily digestible calcium and vitamin D, very important in the case of slow metabolism; because they facilitate its acceleration. Keep in mind that lean white cheese does not contain much calcium, or at least as much as low-fat dairy products. However, it contains easily digestible and facilitating the formation of the thermogenic effect of protein and therefore it is worth eating.
4/ 9 Green tea
Among the many known benefits of green tea is also the creation of a thermogenic effect and acceleration of digestion. According to a study by scientists from the University of Tokyo, published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, those who drink four cups of green tea a day will lose 2,8-3 kg in 6 weeks without the yo-yo effect, if their daily calories do not exceed the amount applied to their age and build. Freshly brewed tea works best, although the metabolism is also accelerated by iced tea. However, it cannot be sweetened. Interestingly, green tea capsules do not work for everyone, hence Japanese scientists postulate the use of regular tea.
5/ 9 Lentils
This vegetable has many advantages. One cup of cooked lentils is 35 percent. daily portion of iron, which is significant, especially since about 25 percent. Poles and Polish women struggle with the deficit of this micronutrient. Iron is also necessary for proper metabolism; Its insufficient amount causes the metabolism to slow down and there is a risk of rapid weight gain. Lentils in the main meal also have another advantage – it easily fills the stomach, so portions can be smaller.
6/ 9 Pears
According to scientists from the University of Rio de Janeiro, this fruit is the best for people who are slimming. The results of a study published in the journal “Nutrition” show that women in the study group who ate three pears a day lost weight faster than those who did not eat pears. The reason is that the stomach is easily filled with a high content of dietary fibers in the fruit – one pear is 15 percent. their recommended daily intake. Hence, pears protect against overeating, and they themselves do not have too much energy value. According to scientists, it is best to eat a pear before a meal, not after it. We will then eat less.
7/9 Grapefruit
It has a similar effect as a pear. According to scientists from the Scripps Clinic in California, eating half a grapefruit before each meal makes it easier to lose weight – up to 0,7 kg per week. This is true even if you don’t change your diet. According to Dr. Ken Fujioki, the researcher, it regulates the secretion of insulin, which is responsible for e.g. for storing fat. «Anything that regulates and reduces insulin secretion only to the level needed makes it easier to lose weight. This group includes grapefruits »- says Dr. Fujioka. Grapefruits can be eaten alone or together with a salad of young spinach leaves, which facilitates the absorption of carotenoids contained in it. But this method is not recommended for people who are calcium deficient or prone to the formation of kidney stones due to the oxalate content of spinach.
8/ 9 Almonds
According to a study published in the International Journal of Obesity, a handful of almonds added to your daily diet helps you digest fat. Tested volunteers who ate half a cup of almonds a day for 6 months lost 18 percent. body fat compared to those in which almonds were not there. The daily dose should contain 22-25 almonds. You can add them to yogurt or morning porridge. However, it must be remembered that almonds are not recommended for people with acid reflux.
9/ 9 Bitter chocolate
Dark chocolate with a cocoa content of more than 60%, the researchers at the University of Taipei say, is rich in antioxidants, which protects against the accumulation and fusion of fat cells and the formation of white fat deposits, which is responsible for heart disease and obesity. It is also a good thermogenic. Again, people with acid reflux and acid reflux should use it very carefully.