There will be a cheap drug for COVID-19. Pfizer has licensed replacement manufacturers
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35 manufacturers of generic (generic – ed.) Drugs from around the world intend to produce a cheaper alternative to the COVID-19 antiviral preparation by Pfizer Inc. In doing so, they intend to provide medicine to the people of 95 developing countries.

Pfizer has signed a deal with the United Nations-backed Medicines Patent Pool (MPP), which found 35 manufacturers of cheaper drug alternatives. As part of the agreement Pfizer granted a license to produce a cheaper version of the preparation on COVID-19.

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An important tool in the fight against COVID-19

According to the Reuters Agency, the oral drug developed by Pfizer is to become an important tool in the fight against COVID-19. As a result of clinical trials, it turned out that the preparation reduced the number of hospitalizations in high-risk patients by about 90%. The results were significantly better than the competing Merck antiviral tablet.

When will a Pfizer replacement be cheaper?

However, both Merck and Pfizer have licensed replacement manufacturers so that both preparations are also available in developing countries, where they are to be sold at lower prices.

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However, Pfizer and MPP do not expect either of the generics manufacturers to be able to produce significant replacement shipments before the end of the year. The Reuters agency also reports that under the agreement with MPP, Pfizer will not receive licensing fees for the sale of generic versions of its drug. This is expected to continue as long as COVID-19 is classified by the World Health Organization as an “international public health emergency”.

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