There is nothing like burning and itchy eyes? You’re wrong!

We often find ourselves having problems with our eyesight. We spend most of the day in front of a computer monitor or TV screen. Which ends up drying out at best. When we give up physical activity, the eye stops working and loses the ability to distinguish whether an object is near or far. What problems with the eyes are better not to underestimate and when to see a specialist is necessary.

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1/ 6 Blurred vision

If you’ve been gradually blurring the blur for a long time, you probably have a visual impairment. It is different if it occurs suddenly. Typically, such accidents affect one eye and are associated with damage to the retina, such as detachment. When these symptoms occur, see a doctor immediately. If blurring occurs periodically, such as in the evening, it is usually the result of dry or irritated eyes.

2/ 6 Swelling

Swelling is usually the result of a bad night’s sleep. If it occurs during the day, like itching, it may be related to allergies. However, if you’ve ruled out these two causes and you’ve never had a tendency to swollen eyes before, consult your doctor. Swelling may indicate general diseases, such as disturbances in the thyroid gland, kidneys or liver.

3/ 6 Itching

In most cases, itchy eyes are the result of an allergy. You can use eye drops or a cool compress to soothe itching. If your eyelids are red, itching may be due to inflammation of the eyelid margins. In this case, consult an ophthalmologist.

4/ 6 Baking

The same is with burning eyes. If it occurs repeatedly, it may be the result of an allergy or dry eye syndrome. Try to use drops available at the pharmacy first. If they do not help, consult an ophthalmologist.

5/6 Cause of a boil

Eye pain can come in many forms. If it is acute, and there is also redness of the eyeball, it should be considered an emergency and see a doctor immediately. However, the eyes may be mildly hurt when, for example, moving. Then the first step is to measure your body temperature, as this can happen with a fever. Eye pain can also be the result of rheumatic diseases, so if the ailment persists for a long time, you must make an appointment with a specialist.

6/ 6 Mroczki before my eyes

Dark spots in the picture do not always portend eye disease. Sometimes they are just clumps of proteins present in the eye, and with age such clumps increase. If they arise after a busy day, for example, they shouldn’t be a cause for concern. It is different if they occur suddenly and are accompanied by an afterimage. These symptoms could be evidence of damage to the retina.

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