There is not enough air, what is the reason?

The body controls the frequency and depth of inhalation and exhalation performed by a person, so most people simply do not pay attention to breathing. This is quite normal, since breathing is a natural physiological act. However, when there is a feeling of lack of air, a person instantly understands this. This can happen after running, climbing stairs, or other physical effort. If a person is healthy, then the body will recover very quickly, bringing the frequency and depth of breathing to the natural physiological norm.

A short lack of air after physical effort, which quickly passes – this is quite normal for a healthy body. Pathology may be indicated by a prolonged and abrupt difficulty in breathing. Moreover, assistance to a person should be provided immediately. Difficulty breathing may indicate a foreign body entering the respiratory tract, pulmonary edema, or an asthma attack. All these conditions carry a direct threat to life, so they cannot be ignored.

In the process of breathing, not only the respiratory system takes part, but also the muscles of the diaphragm and chest, the heart and blood vessels, and the brain. The frequency and depth of breathing is influenced by the composition of the blood, hormones. Even what a person ate and what emotions he experiences affects his breathing.

If necessary, the body will increase the frequency of respiratory contractions, which is observed against the background of a decrease in the level of gases in the blood. Therefore, when there is a lack of oxygen, a person breathes more often. At elevated body temperature, with tumor diseases, when an infection enters the body, acidosis develops. Breathing speeds up in order to remove excess carbon dioxide from the blood. A person does not put any effort into this, the mechanisms start up on their own. However, sometimes they can be pathological.

Respiratory disorders, even the most minor, require treatment. They cannot be ignored, otherwise serious health problems may develop. Therefore, if from time to time a person has a feeling of lack of air, he needs to consult a doctor. You can go to an appointment with a general practitioner or a cardiologist. It is possible that you will need the help of a psychotherapist or a neurologist.

Why is there not enough air, what are the reasons?

Shortness of breath is shortness of breath accompanied by difficulty breathing. Lack of air can occur, both for completely natural reasons, and be a consequence of pathological processes occurring in the body. Sometimes it becomes difficult for a person to breathe, but he will not experience a feeling of lack of air, as the body will increase the frequency of respiratory movements. A similar situation is observed during the ascent to the mountains, with carbon monoxide poisoning, during flights.

The lack of air can be inspiratory, while oxygen will not be enough when inhaling. Expiratory dyspnea is said to be when there is not enough air on exhalation. Alternatively, mixed dyspnea may occur. In this case, it will be difficult for a person to both inhale and exhale.

If shortness of breath is a consequence of natural physiological processes occurring in the body, then you should not worry about its occurrence. Such shortness of breath can appear against the background of physical effort, with emotional excitement, or when a person is at a height or in a stuffy room. However, it does not last long and passes without a trace for the body.

If a person leads a sedentary lifestyle, rarely plays sports or does not do it at all, he will suffer from shortness of breath more often than those people who move enough and are often in the open air. Therefore, we must not forget about physical development and self-improvement.

Lack of air, which indicates a pathology, can occur from time to time or be present on an ongoing basis. It will disturb a person not only during physical exertion, but also when he is at rest. Acute respiratory failure occurs with edema of the larynx or lungs, when a foreign body enters them, and in other serious conditions. In this case, the person’s well-being will deteriorate sharply and quickly.

Causes of pathological dyspnea can be as follows:

  • Diseases of the respiratory system.

  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system.

  • Violations in the functioning of the system of nervous regulation of respiration.

  • Changes in the gas composition of the blood.

Diseases of the cardiovascular system

The fact that a person develops a lack of air against the background of pathologies of the heart and blood vessels can be indicated by such symptoms as: chest pain, swelling of the lower extremities, fatigue, blue skin, etc. Preparations for the treatment of respiratory organs will not bring relief.

Lack of air against the background of cardiac pathologies is inspiratory, that is, breathing difficulties are observed on inspiration. With heart failure, lack of air will persist not only during the day, but also at night. At night, it even intensifies.

Cardiovascular diseases that lead to respiratory failure:

  • CHD.

  • Arrhythmias.

  • Myocardiodystrophy and cardiomyopathy.

  • Congenital heart defects.

  • Pericarditis, myocarditis.

  • Heart failure.

Shortness of breath due to heart failure develops due to the fact that cardiac output is too weak to supply the tissues with blood with oxygen. In case of violations in the work of the myocardium of the left ventricle, stagnation of blood will occur in the lungs, which will lead to disturbances in breathing.

Lack of air against the background of disturbances in the work of the heart is combined with a cough. In addition, patients complain of pain in the chest, swelling of the lower extremities, which becomes stronger in the evening. When a person lies down, breathing becomes more difficult. This forces him to take a semi-sitting position during sleep. So venous blood in a smaller volume rushes to the heart, which helps to facilitate breathing.

Difficulty in breathing caused by pathologies of the cardiovascular system is called cardiac asthma. Her attacks can provoke swelling of the alveoli, which requires immediate medical attention. An attack of cardiac asthma is indicated by swelling of the cervical veins, an increase in breathing up to 20 breaths per minute, a blue face, and foamy sputum.

To get rid of cardiac shortness of breath, you should find out the cause of its occurrence. If a person suffers from heart failure, then he is prescribed diuretics (Diacarb, Furosemide, Veroshpiron), drugs from the group of beta-blockers, ACE inhibitors (Lisinopril, Enalapril, etc.), antiarrhythmics, cardiac glycosides. If necessary, oxygen therapy is carried out.

If a child suffers from cardiac asthma, then Diacarb can be prescribed to him as a diuretic. As for other drugs, they are selected individually.

With congenital heart defects, a child can undergo an emergency operation, sometimes even a transplant of this organ is performed.

Diseases of the respiratory system

Diseases of the respiratory system are in second place as the causes that can provoke respiratory disorders.

These include:

  1. Diseases accompanied by obstructive processes – asthma, bronchitis, pneumoconiosis, emphysema, pneumosclerosis.

  2. Hydrothorax and pneumothorax.

  3. tumor processes.

  4. Entry into the respiratory tract of foreign objects.

  5. Pulmonary embolism.

Inflammation of the respiratory organs of a chronic course, as well as sclerotic changes in lung tissue, always provoke breathing difficulties. If at the same time a person smokes, lives in areas with polluted air, often suffers from respiratory diseases, then his condition will only worsen. At first, lack of air occurs only during physical exertion, and then it is present on an ongoing basis. If a person does not receive adequate treatment, then it will be impossible to get rid of the problem in the future. The gas composition of the blood changes, the brain begins to suffer from hypoxia. With severe hypoxia, encephalopathy develops.

The following symptoms indicate an attack of bronchial asthma: difficulty in breathing, pain in the chest, arrhythmia, the release of a small amount of sputum, an increase in the volume of the neck veins. To reduce venous outflow and reduce the load on the heart, the patient sits down and rests his hands on his knees. Attacks are most often disturbed at night and in the early morning. If the attack is severe, then the person’s skin acquires a bluish tint, he loses orientation in space, and may faint.

When respiratory disorders are the result of chronic lung diseases, this is reflected in the appearance of a person. The chest becomes barrel-shaped, the distance between the ribs increases, the neck and limb veins always remain swollen. Violations in the work of the respiratory organs are reflected in the state of the cardiovascular system. So, the right half of the heart increases in size, ceases to cope with its functions. In this regard, the venous blood flow will always be overflowing with blood, which contributes to increased shortness of breath.

Hemothorax, pneumothorax, pneumonia – all of these diseases contribute to breathing difficulties. Any inflammation of the lung tissue leads to an increase in body temperature, which is accompanied by intoxication of the body. During coughing, sputum is separated from the lungs.

If a foreign object gets into the respiratory tract, then the person begins to suffocate, his skin turns blue. He will quickly lose consciousness. If you do not help him, then the victim’s heart will stop. A piece of food or other small part can get into the respiratory tract.

Pulmonary embolism is accompanied by severe shortness of breath and paroxysmal cough. This pathology is most often the result of existing diseases of the vessels of the lower extremities or the heart. Thromboembolism is a severe pathology that can lead to the death of a person in the shortest possible time.

In childhood, lack of air most often develops due to the ingress of a foreign body into the respiratory tract, or against the background of pneumonia or swelling of the tissues of the larynx. Croup is an edema of the larynx that develops for various reasons. It can be provoked by laryngitis, diphtheria, and many other diseases. Therefore, if parents notice that their child is choking, turning pale or blue, then an ambulance should be called. The more severe the breathing problems, the higher the risk that the child will die.

There are frequent cases when suffocation develops against the background of an allergic reaction, or with Quincke’s edema. Food allergens, venom of a stinging insect, medicines, plant pollen are capable of provoking such a situation. To remove the allergic reaction and restore breathing, the child will need emergency medical care with a tracheostomy and mechanical ventilation.

Pulmonary dyspnea must be treated properly. To do this, you need to establish the reason that provoked it. If a foreign object has entered the respiratory tract, then it must be removed as soon as possible. In case of an allergic reaction, an antihistamine drug, glucocorticoids should be taken, and adrenaline may be administered. Severe asphyxia requires conicotomy or tracheostomy.

Asthma is treated comprehensively. The patient is prescribed beta-agonists (Salbutamol), anticholinergics (Ipratropium bromide), methyl relaxants (Eufillin), glucocorticosteroids (Prednisolone, Triamcinolone).

If the inflammatory process becomes the cause of shortness of breath, then the patient is prescribed antibiotics, as well as drugs aimed at removing intoxication. The presence of a tumor in the body, hydrothorax and pneumothorax are conditions that require surgical intervention.

Violations in the functioning of the system of nervous regulation of respiration

In the brain there are centers that are responsible for human breathing. They control the work of the lungs, blood vessels and heart. If they are damaged, then the patient has a lack of air. The causes of such injuries: trauma, cerebral edema, stroke, encephalitis, etc.

Respiratory disorders can be very diverse. Sometimes it becomes less frequent, sometimes more often. In some cases, it is required to connect the patient to the artificial lung ventilation system.

The least dangerous conditions that contribute to the appearance of breathing difficulties can be considered neurosis, vegetative-vascular dystonia, hysteria. In this case, doctors talk about nervous shortness of breath. Even a person who does not have medical knowledge can determine it. In this case, the patient will often breathe, cry, scream and behave defiantly. During a crisis, a person may experience a feeling of suffocation, but at the same time, physical signs of asphyxia are not observed. The skin remains the same color, the work of the internal organs is not disturbed.

For the treatment of neurosis, the patient is prescribed sedatives. Sometimes nervous shortness of breath comes to the fore precisely for the reason that the patient concentrates on this problem. In this case, it will be protracted and always occur during emotional overstrain.

Treatment of cerebral dyspnea is carried out by various specialists. These can be therapists, psychiatrists, and even resuscitators, since mechanical ventilation is required for severe brain damage. The brain tumor needs to be removed. If a person has hysteria, then he is prescribed tranquilizers, sedatives, antipsychotics.

Changes in the gas composition of the blood

If the gas composition of the blood is disturbed, experts speak of hematogenous shortness of breath. At the same time, the level of carbon dioxide in the blood rises, acidosis develops. Anemia can provoke hematogenous shortness of breath, which occurs against the background of various reasons: diabetic coma, the presence of a malignant tumor in the body, severe intoxication, renal failure, etc.

Hematogenous shortness of breath causes a feeling of lack of air, but the inhalation and exhalation of the patient is not disturbed. A blood test for its gas composition allows you to identify the problem.

To eliminate anemia, iron and vitamin supplements are required. A person must eat right, sometimes a blood transfusion is necessary. Detoxification therapy is indicated for patients with renal or hepatic insufficiency. They perform infusion therapy, hemodialysis and other procedures.

Other causes of shortness of breath

Sometimes a person on the background of full health may experience acute pain in the chest or back. The reason for this is not always heart problems. Intercostal neuralgia, spinal hernia and even osteochondrosis can provoke discomfort.

Severe pain on one side of the chest indicates intercostal neuralgia, which increases when inhaling. The movements of the upper half of the body also become painful. If a person is emotional and impressionable, then his breathing may become more frequent.

Osteochondrosis causes pain in the spine, which can lead to the development of chronic shortness of breath. Sometimes it resembles shortness of breath, which occurs against the background of cardiovascular or pulmonary pathologies. To get rid of such shortness of breath, you should perform exercise therapy, visit a physiotherapist, massage therapist, take anti-inflammatory and pain medications.

Breathing difficulties are observed in women who are expecting a child. The longer the period, the more difficult it will be to breathe deeply. The child grows, the uterus increases in size and begins to put a lot of pressure on the diaphragm. This does not allow the lungs to fully expand, so breathing difficulties may occur. In addition, the woman’s body now works for two to saturate the blood with oxygen not only of the mother herself, but also of the fetus.

During pregnancy, you should especially carefully monitor your breathing. After all, sometimes its violations can indicate the development of a serious disease, for example, thromboembolism, anemia, heart failure, etc.

PE during pregnancy is one of the serious pathologies that can provoke respiratory problems. Embolism is dangerous not only for health, but also for the life of a woman, therefore, it requires emergency medical care. At the same time, breathing becomes noisy, the victim begins to suffocate.

So, breathing difficulties can indicate diseases of almost all organ systems. Moreover, it is not always easy to determine the cause of shortness of breath. Therefore, if there are problems with breathing, you should immediately consult a doctor. Often, emergency medical attention is required.

Even if the lack of air worries from time to time and does not cause acute respiratory failure, then you should not postpone a visit to the doctor. Especially carefully you need to monitor the breathing of pregnant women and children. Sudden attacks of shortness of breath in any person is an occasion for medical advice.

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