There is no cure or effective cure for a hangover, unfortunately

Everyone has their own way of dealing with a hangover, but don’t cheat yourself. The only effective treatment for this condition is moderate alcohol consumption, according to a meta-analysis of 15 studies published by the British Medical Journal.

According to “BMJ”, often recommended and used treatments such as fatty breakfast, tripe popular in Poland or spicy sauces loved by Americans do not help against a hangover. Over-the-counter painkillers, such as aspirin, and even sports, such as jogging in the park in the morning, are also of little use.

The magazine also warns against the so-called morning wedge, that is, treatment with a small dose of alcohol, if we manage to overcome the disgust at all before drinking or even smelling any drink. Even Bloody Mary, one of the most popular alcoholic beverages, doesn’t work. It contains many ingredients, because it is a mixture of vodka, tomato juice and spices, Worcesteshire or Tabasco sauces, as well as lemon or lime juice, as well as horseradish, black pepper and celery salt. But Bloody Mary for breakfast, like other spirits, only gives a deceptive sense of relief.

Any alcohol treatment will only delay a hangover, but it does not relieve the discomfort caused by it, such as headache, nausea and severe thirst, as well as feelings of distress, apathy, irritability and difficulty concentrating, insomnia, general weakness, chills, sweating and anorexia or excessive appetite. You have to endure mine, unfortunately.

One of the main causes of a hangover is dehydration. Alcohol works like a diuretic, a diuretic. After penetrating the bloodstream and the brain, it blocks the release of vasopressin, a hormone that supports the absorption of water in the body. A significant amount of it is discharged with urine directly into the bladder. Hence the typical symptoms of this ailment: dry mouth, headache, nausea and fatigue. In addition, as you lose fluid, your potassium and sodium levels drop, which makes you feel weak and tired.

These ailments are reduced by the intake of more fluids and drinks containing electrolytes, such as isotonic drinks. You have to drink them before going to bed. This does not mean, however, that in this way we will get rid of the hangover.

The excess of alcohol leads to the poisoning of the body by products of its decomposition, such as acetaldehyde. This organic chemical compound is 10 to 30 times more toxic to humans than ethanol alone, the main component of alcoholic beverages.

Aldehyde is converted into acetic acid and then into other compounds, which causes, among others, acidosis (increased acidity of the blood). Antioxidants such as glutathione are also lost. Its deficiency is especially important because it acts as a detoxifying substance: it removes many toxins and neutralizes the action of harmful free radicals in the liver.

However, there is no scientific evidence that a hangover will eradicate drinks that are supposed to stimulate the production of glutathione. Such an action is to be demonstrated by a non-alcoholic drink called Mercy. It does not contain caffeine, but it contains, among others, amino acids and vitamins. This is denied by prof. Marion Nestle from New York University. The scientist, in a statement for the magazine “Time”, said that she did not know anything about the fact that the glutathione or vitamins contained in the diet would facilitate the removal of poisonous alcohol toxins from the body.

Specialists also warn against reaching for energy drinks while consuming alcohol. The feeling of less intoxication is only subjective, as it has been shown that reaction time and motor coordination are still the same. However, drinks of this type can cause cardiac arrhythmias because they contain caffeine, which, together with ethanol, accelerates heart muscle contractions.

According to prof. Nestle, the only effective method of preventing a hangover is to limit yourself to drinking alcohol.

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