There is a growing willingness to vaccinate, especially among young Poles [SONDAŻ]
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Fear in society about contracting COVID-19 has stopped declining as dynamically last week, but at the same time the willingness to get vaccinated is growing, according to the latest data from the research agency Inquiry. Poles were also asked about their mood and general level of stress compared to the pre-pandemic times.

  1. In the previous measurement, 45 percent. Poles declared their fear of contracting the coronavirus, currently the result is exactly the same
  2. In turn, the percentage of people who directly indicate that they are not afraid of being infected increased by 2 percentage points – such responses were now provided by 38%. people
  3. 57 percent among the unvaccinated Poles declare their willingness to use the vaccine – this result is 2 percentage points higher than before and 4 percentage points more than two weeks ago
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Vaccinations against COVID-19. How many Poles want to get vaccinated?

Currently 57 percent. people who are not yet vaccinated declare that they want to take advantage of the COVID-19 vaccine (“definitely yes” and “probably yes” responses summed up), which means the result is 2 percentage points higher than a week ago.

The desire to be vaccinated has clearly increased in the group that has so far been the least interested in vaccinations, i.e. the youngest, aged 18-24. Currently, such people declare the willingness to use the vaccine by 7 percentage points more often (an increase from 33% to 40% among unvaccinated people). The data on vaccine rejection (“definitely no” and “probably not” responses to the question about the intention to vaccinate) changed even more. In this case, the youngest people now declare that they do not intend to be vaccinated by as much as 12 percentage points less frequently.

  1. The editorial board recommends: Young does not mean indestructible. Why should he get vaccinated?

The intention to be vaccinated also increased significantly in the group of people aged 35-44, among whom the willingness to be vaccinated was 10 percentage points more frequent (an increase from 52% to 62%). Currently, the openness to the vaccine in this group is at the same level as among people aged 45-54.

In the context of the fear of the coronavirus, the level of the declared fear of being infected has not changed last week and remained at the same level – 45%. people replied that they are afraid of COVID-19 infection (the sum of the answers “I’m very afraid” and “I’m rather afraid”). At the same time, the percentage of people who directly declare that they do not feel this fear increased by 2 percentage points (from 36% to 38%). For a month now, the number of people who are not afraid of COVID-19 has been growing systematically and most likely soon there will be more such people than those who still feel anxious.

Coronavirus: What are our moods and stress levels?

When asked about how their general mood changed in comparison to the times before the pandemic, Poles most often reply that their well-being has deteriorated – such an answer was given by as many as 7 out of 10 people (the sum of responses “definitely worse” and “rather worse”).

We observe similar results in the case of the question about the level of stress – 6 out of 10 Poles currently feel more stress than before the pandemic (the sum of the answers “much greater” and “rather greater”).

About the study

The survey has been carried out from December 21, 2020 on a representative sample of adult Poles using the CAWI method in weekly waves of approx. 700 people (online survey on the YouGov panel).

O Inquiry

Inquiry is a Polish market research agency. Since 2019, Inquiry has been cooperating with the international company YouGov, being its exclusive representative in Poland.

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