Having set a goal, we feel a surge of energy: we make grandiose plans, allocate time to complete individual tasks, study the rules of time management … In general, we are preparing to conquer the peaks. But as soon as we begin to implement our plans, our forces disappear somewhere. Why it happens?
Achieving goals is inherent in us at the genetic level. And therefore it is understandable why we feel inferior and lose confidence in ourselves when plans are frustrated. But how to achieve what we want, if sometimes we do not have the physical strength to take action?
At such moments, we find ourselves in a state of mental retardation: we begin to get confused, make ridiculous mistakes, break deadlines. Therefore, others say: «she is not herself» or «does not look like herself.»
And if it all starts with harmless, at first glance, symptoms that we attribute to beriberi, fatigue or workload at work and at home, then over time the condition worsens. It becomes more and more difficult for us to solve any problems without outside help.
At this stage, we no longer have the strength to act, but the notorious “I must” continues to sound in our heads. This contrast provokes an internal conflict, and the demands on the world become too high.
As a result, we show excessive demands on others, short temper. Our mood often changes, we constantly scroll through obsessive thoughts in our head, we have trouble concentrating. Lack of appetite or, conversely, a constant feeling of hunger, insomnia, convulsions, tremors of the limbs, nervous tics, hair loss, weakened immunity also come into our lives. That is, the body also «notices» that we are at an impasse.
You can avoid a total breakdown and health problems if you follow simple rules.
Have a rest
The first thing to do is forget about goals and plans for a while. Let your body and mind relax by spending at least one day the way you want to. Even if you don’t do anything, don’t blame or beat yourself up for your «unproductive» time. Thanks to this spontaneous rest, tomorrow you will be more cheerful and active.
Walk outdoors
Hiking is not just a common recommendation. It has long been proven that walking helps to quickly cope with a depressive state, as it reduces the level of cortisol — the stress hormone.
Get enough sleep
During sleep, the body produces the hormone melatonin, which regulates circadian rhythms, prevents the formation of tumors, stimulates the immune system and has an antioxidant effect. Its deficiency leads to insomnia and depression.
Therefore, it is important not only to sleep a certain number of hours, but also to stick to a schedule: go to bed on one day and wake up on another. This schedule is due to the fact that the most active production of melatonin occurs from 12 o’clock at night to 4 o’clock in the morning.
Keep track of your vitamin levels
In most people who complain of an uncontrolled decline in strength, a biochemical blood test reveals a deficiency of vitamins and trace elements. Based on the results of the analysis, your doctor may prescribe vitamins A, E, C, B1, B6, B12, magnesium, potassium, calcium, zinc or iodine. And as an additional therapy — substances that contribute to a greater formation of serotonin. That is, the «hormone of joy.»
“Serotonin is a special chemical that our body produces to regulate mood, sexual and eating behavior. The human endocrine and immune systems are directly connected with this hormone,” explains Denis Ivanov, professor, doctor of medical sciences. — Serotonin deficiency is an independent syndrome that can be diagnosed on the basis of laboratory blood tests and other indicators. Today, special attention is paid to it, since the lack of the “hormone of joy” provokes the occurrence of serious diseases.
With confirmed serotonin deficiency, a specialist may prescribe the use of various drugs, for example, dietary supplements containing B vitamins, as well as the amino acid tryptophan and its derivatives.
Train your brain
Monotonous activity dulls brain activity, so our task is to stir up the «gray matter». To do this, you need to introduce unusual practices into life: for example, if you are right-handed, then brush your teeth and fill out children’s prescriptions with your left hand. You can also listen to unusual genres of music or learn words in a new foreign language.
Stay Active
It is not necessary to force yourself to go to fitness if you are far from sports. You can always find something to your liking: dancing, yoga, swimming, Nordic walking. The main thing is not to sit still, because in motion the body produces serotonin, and we get not only physical, but also emotional relaxation.