There are still a lot of COVID-19 infections, but the wave of infections will slowly decline
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A lot, but stable – this is how you could summarize the current covid statistics, which show that the number of coronavirus infections is still high, but not more than a week or two ago. According to the latest report of the Ministry of Health (Ministry of Health) in Poland, 19 people fell ill with COVID-6176 since yesterday, and 28 patients have died.

  1. Since the last MZ report, 19 people have officially tested positive for COVID-6176
  2. There have been 28 deaths of coronavirus patients
  3. 15 thousand. 688 tests for the presence of SARS-CoV-2
  4. Everything indicates that the wave of infections will begin to subside. However, this does not exempt us from vigilance and caution, because autumn, the time with an increased risk of contracting all respiratory infections, will be “epidemically” difficult.
  5. You can find more such stories on the TvoiLokony home page

Coronavirus in Poland. The latest data on COVID-19 in Poland

According to the report of the Ministry of Health, 6176 people infected with the coronavirus arrived. 1169 fell ill with COVID-19 again (so-called reinfection). 28 patients died. 15 thousand. 688 tests for the presence of SARS CoV-2.

The greatest number of cases was recorded in the following voivodships: Mazowieckie, Śląskie and Małopolskie. The statistics for these regions can be found below, and you can check the number of infections in other provinces HERE.

How does today’s data relate to the number of infections and deaths from a week ago? On August 16, there were 807 new infections and no deaths were recorded, but it was the first day after the long weekend. There were considerably fewer tests at that time than usual, and the reports of deaths may have been delayed.

The next day(17 August) There were already 7175 cases, which was a record for the summer wave of infections – so many infections were previously recorded in March. Almost until the end of the week, the numbers remained high – around 5. infections daily. The number of deaths is almost always double-digit. The largest was August 19, when 34 COVID-19 victims were reported.

For comparison: a month ago, there were about 2-3 thousand cases. deaths ranged from six to 12 (there were quite a few days when there were none). On the other hand, in the second half of June, the number of infections was around 300 per day, with an average of three or four deaths each day.

COVID-19: what will autumn be like?

For several days, the number of infections has remained at a high but similar level. This probably means that we are at the peak of the summer wave of infection and soon the “bars” will start to decrease. However, autumn will soon begin, and this is usually marked by an increase in the incidence of all respiratory infections. So what and when should we expect in the context of COVID-19?

The experts don’t have good news. «We estimate that in the worst scenarios, 12-15 thousand people will be needed every day this fall. beds for COVID-19 patients»- told PAP Dr. Franciszek Rakowski from the Interdisciplinary Center for Mathematical and Computational Modeling at the University of Warsaw.

The expert also pointed out that forecasting the development of a pandemic is more difficult today than before due to limited testing.

“We have lost the tool that allows us to check the actual number of infections now,” he stressed, adding that the official number of infections in recent months does not reflect real statistics. “Our estimates show that there may be 20 to 50 times more infections than the official ministerial data,” he added.

This means that with the record-breaking 7175 cases from last week, actually infected with coronavirus in Poland may be from 143,5 thousand. up to 350

You are not sure if your ailments indicate COVID-19? Reach for a convenient antigen test that you can do yourself at home. You will find it in Medonet Market.

In turn, the Minister of Health, Adam Niedzielski, at the beginning of August said that due to the unusual “outbreak” of infection in the summer the autumn wave of SARS-CoV-2 infections will most likely be postponed by about two months.

«It is assumed that the period of about 20 weeks is the period when we gain such short-term immunity that puts off the fall wave that we always talked about in the context of the turn of September and October. Now the most likely scenario is that if we deal with another wave, it will rather be postponed to November or December »- he noted.

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