There are more and more cases of Lyme disease in Poland
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Lyme disease is transmitted by ticks, which usually become active at the turn of March and April. According to the latest data from the WSSE in Poznań, since the beginning of this year, more than 50 cases of this disease have been reported in Greater Poland, including three cases of neuroborreliosis.

  1. Until mid-April alone, seven cases of Lyme disease were recorded in Greater Poland
  2. Lyme disease is transmitted by ticks that usually become active in March / April
  3. A characteristic symptom of the disease is migratory erythema, appearing about a week after the injection
  4. Failure to treat Lyme disease can lead to serious complications such as meningitis
  5. More information can be found on the Onet homepage

Lyme disease in Greater Poland – an increase in the number of cases

According to the press spokeswoman of the Provincial Sanitary and Epidemiological Station in Poznań (WSSE), Wiesława Kostuj, in the period From January 1 to the end of March, 49 cases of Lyme disease have been reported in Wielkopolska, including two cases of neuroborreliosis. In turn, in the period from the beginning of this month to April 15, there were already seven cases of Lyme disease, including one neuroborreliosis.

Kostuj indicated that in the previous years there were approximately 600 cases of this disease in the region. In 2019, it was 640 cases, in 2020 – 633, and in 2021 – 603 cases, including 11 neuroborreliosis, i.e. form of nervous Lyme disease.

  1. Can You Have Lyme Disease? Check!

Lyme disease is a tick-borne disease. Its characteristic symptom is the so-called migratory erythema, which may appear 7-10 days after being bitten by an infected tick. The erythema increases in size to form a red or bluish-red blotch. It is estimated that it occurs in about 40-50 percent. sick.

Kostuj noted that “the redness that may appear immediately after the bite is an inflammation caused by an animal bite and is not a typical symptom of Lyme disease. Wandering erythema most often appears at the site of the bite. Local skin lesions are often accompanied by generalized symptoms such as fatigue, muscle pain, fever, headache, neck stiffness ».

  1. See also: Symptoms of Lyme disease – cutaneous, neurological, joint and cardiac

«Failure to start treatment may lead to a late phase – even several years after the injection – including meningitis and encephalitis, nerve inflammation, arthritis or heart rhythm disturbances»- she added.

The rest of the text below the video.

Experts emphasize that Ticks usually become active in March / Aprilalthough it happens, for example in recent years, that they become active even earlier. The greatest number of ticks is observed in forests near tall grasses, shrubs and low trees, but it should be remembered that they can also be found in city parks, home gardens and lawns. Ticks “like moisture”; the easiest way to meet them is after rain and in the morning or evening when there is dew.

  1. Lyme disease – questions to which it is good to know the answer
Lyme disease test

You can also test for Lyme disease at home. Check the offer of shipping tests in Medonet Market.

To avoid a tick bite, specialists recommend the use of appropriate deterrents, and when walking into the forest, also wearing appropriate clothing that covers as many parts of the body as possible. After a walk, however, you should remember to carefully inspect the body, especially around the ears, scalp, and knee and elbow bends.

«If you notice a tick bite, gently remove it immediately. Use the tweezers to take the tick close to the skin and pull it up firmly, do not squeeze the tick too tightly so as not to squeeze out its excretions. The tick should not be twisted or tried to squeeze out »- emphasized Kostuj.

She added that before removing the tick, the puncture site should not be lubricated with any substance, and after its removal, the puncture site should be disinfected with an appropriate preparation.

  1. Also read: Treatment of Lyme disease – diagnostic difficulties, treatment of various forms of Lyme disease. When and how to treat this tick-borne disease?

If you find it difficult to remove the tick, you should seek help from your GP. However, all the symptoms typical for Lyme disease – including, among others, erythema, fever, headache, muscle aches, consult a doctor. (PAP)

author: Anna Jowsa

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This may interest you:

  1. A little known symptom of Lyme disease. Check what should worry you
  2. Lymphatic borreliosis – symptoms and diagnosis of the disease
  3. Imaginary Lyme disease. What is this?
  4. New Lyme Disease Test – Faster and Safe. This could be a revolution in the diagnosis of this disease

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