Another discussion on the topic of preferences and tastes. It turns out the main thing: what is so attractive about what women of all ages struggle with. Is it worth it to start?
Victor Smirnov, nutritionist
I have a very beautiful girlfriend, but one day she lost a lot of weight — and I realized that it was unpleasant for me to hug her: clinging to her back, I felt bony shoulder blades. I have always liked girls who “have something to hold on to”, but this does not mean that I liked the extra weight. Because it’s unhealthy. But fitness-obsessed girls are too fit — tough, and we men prefer softness.
How to compress, for example, an elastic muscle or bones and skin? In fact, preferences lie deep in our unconscious, they are laid down by genes — it is not for nothing that the fat mass in men and women differs by ten percent. A woman needs a higher percentage of fat in order to be able to give birth, so that the hormonal background is normal (with a low fat mass, periods disappear).
Hence, we unconsciously seek out those who are «healthier». In Africa, a plump girl with wide hips is considered the standard of beauty. But no one talks about a sagging belly. Yes, it is ugly for both men and women. But the smooth rounded outlines of the hips, full breasts — it’s beautiful and sexy.
Evgeny Yakovlev, consultant psychologist
For me, as, I think, for so many men, weight or fullness are not the determining factors of choice. I had relationships with girls and women of completely different builds. But here are both mothers of my children — yes, they are inclined to be overweight. Estrogen body type. I met my future wife when she was 18, and I immediately saw that she had the most feminine figure of all with whom she studied together.
Of course, I didn’t choose for this, but it’s wonderful when there are roundness, everything that distinguishes a female figure from a male one. And the fact that according to the classification this is called the “estrogen type”, I already knew: I was a fifth-year medical student, and I was going to obstetricians. Of course, there is a predisposition in women of such a physique to be overweight. But for me, these preferences are not very conscious, but in fact they are about femininity and motherhood.
No Shame
Under the modern concept of «completeness» it is possible to bring sizes 44-46. In most cases, girls with forms are drawn to men by the notorious “future motherhood”. A juicy woman (large breasts, full wide hips) is perceived by a man on an instinctive level as the future mother of his children, capable of bearing / feeding children. Plus — it’s better to swim on the waves than to beat on the rocks. I do not urge anyone to agree with me, but I have long decided on priorities.
And hardly anyone can convince me.
Source: TheQuestion.