Therapeutic prostate massage

Therapeutic prostate massage has long been a real stumbling block among physicians. Initially, the opinions of scientists differed about the effectiveness of such a technique, since there was a theory regarding the possible harm when using massage techniques.

Over time, scientists have refuted doubts, proving that such an aid does indeed have a high productivity threshold. The main advantage of the method is the ability to produce a favorable therapeutic effect in the inflammatory process or congestion of the prostate.

This truth is confirmed by the patients themselves, who have undergone a massage course. This helped to overcome the acute symptoms of chronic prostatitis and contributed to the drainage of the prostate gland.

How does it work?

The most important point of the therapy program should be the choice of a doctor who will provide such delicate assistance. Despite stereotypes, it is possible to help patients with such an ailment even at home. But it is not he himself who should carry out the complex of manipulations, but an experienced urologist-andrologist.

Some patients try to cope without the help of medical personnel, using self-help books or dubious advice from traditional medicine. But physiologically independently getting to the desired point is a problematic task.

Even if the sexual partner agrees to do the massage, this is not a guarantee of the success of the enterprise. Doctors remind that pressing or stroking the prostate gland is not yet a full-fledged useful urological massage. If, due to his own shyness, the victim delays with a consultation and an appointment for a professional procedure, this will result in the development of a serious illness with irreversible processes.

The most important benefit of the technique is the ability to restore the patency of the ducts, which in medical terminology is called the drainage function. Due to this action, it turns out to provide the body with an outflow of secretion in the right amount. It will also contain destroyed microorganisms, their toxins produced in the course of life, which accumulate in the tubules of the prostate. Together, this guarantees blocking of the intoxication of the gland.

Also, an important preventive role is played by the restoration of venous and lymphatic outflow, which often at a more mature age becomes the basis for the development of more serious diseases.

Other useful changes include:

  • irritation of nerve endings locally, which improves the quality of blood flow;
  • vasodilatation, which provides an increased supply of nutrients along with oxygen;
  • improving the ability of drugs to penetrate into tissues when taking pharmacological preparations in a course;
  • stabilization of recovery processes.

The last paragraph covers the parameters of the normal tone of the muscle elements not only of the gland itself, but also of the muscle tissue in the perineal region.

But usually such a massage itself is not prescribed. It is customary to combine it with other massage techniques:

  • seminal vesicles;
  • testicles.

An integrated approach guarantees an improvement in blood circulation in the genital organs, which has a positive effect on reducing pain in the acute stages of the disease. Especially it helps with chronic prostatitis. But here it should be remembered that the presented measure is only auxiliary. It will not be able to completely cure the victim of prostate disorders, but only improves well-being, increasing the effectiveness of the drug course.

Often, doctors insist that massage be combined with physical therapy in order to achieve a better result in a shorter time. But this can only be done transrectally according to current indications.

Also, the method will be useless if the patient does not give up an unhealthy lifestyle. These include alcohol, smoking, drugs, and physical inactivity. Only a collective approach can provide optimal results.

Medical indications

Diagnostic and therapeutic massage to restore the functionality of the prostate should only be performed by a qualified urologist. This is stated even in the official documents of the Ministry of Health. An important factor of success is the observance of the entire protocol step by step.

It is believed that most often the method is practiced in some Asian and European countries. And American scientific researchers prefer to combine it with antibiotic therapy in order to extinguish pain in the non-bacterial form of prostatitis.

The main indications for manipulation are:

  • varieties of chronic prostatitis from bacterial to asymptomatic;
  • chronic pelvic pain syndrome;
  • sexual disorders like erectile dysfunction;
  • premature ejaculation.

Also, without this option for improving sexual health, it will not be possible to obtain a gland secret for its subsequent research in a clinical laboratory.

Despite the many positive aspects of the procedure, it has a number of contraindications. If you ignore medical prohibitions, then in a short time you will be able to harm yourself, making the situation even worse than it was.

The most common contraindications are considered to be:

  • prostatitis in the acute stage of the course, which increases the risk of the spread of the inflammatory process in neighboring organs and tissues;
  • oncology;
  • presence of stones.

In the second case, we are usually talking about malignant neoplasms along with metastases. In all other situations, it would be more logical to check with the attending specialist.

Scheme of the

The algorithm of the procedure provides for a mandatory preparatory stage. First, the urologist conducts hand antisepsis, then to put on latex gloves. All execution of the practical part should be done with the index finger.

The patient will be offered a choice of three positions:

  • kneel on the floor, and rest your elbows on the medical couch;
  • lying on your side, pulling your knees to your stomach;
  • stand leaning forward 90 degrees.

With the latter solution, you will definitely need to find additional support for the elbows.

First, the doctor lubricates the finger with petroleum jelly or a special gel to reduce trauma during its introduction into the victim’s rectum. Approximately at a distance of 3 to 5 cm of the anus, it will be possible to grope for the prostate gland.

With the help of the same palpation, it is evaluated:

  • sizes;
  • forms;
  • share symmetry.

Additionally, you need to control the consistency and condition of the mucous membranes of the rectum directly above the prostate. Also, the victim must inform the doctor about pain, if any. Only after that you can proceed to the massage itself.

This must be done first with one share, and then the second. Movements should be made along the excretory ducts of the gland from top to bottom from the sides of the lobe in the central groove. The latter is usually localized exactly in the middle of two parts, if one of them is not enlarged in diameter.

Sometimes experts add another movement that resembles a transversely located number “8” – a sign of infinity. To increase productivity, you will first have to practically not press the gland. Over time, the pressure should be increased, but here the patient’s well-being should act as a guideline. If he complains of pain, then this is the first sign that the massage has begun, despite the above contraindications.

The final link is to run your finger along the central groove according to the principle: “from the inside out”.

The exact time of the session is unlikely to be able to voice even an experienced urologist. Usually, the appearance of a drop of the gland indicates the need to complete the manipulation, which often occurs somewhere within a minute.

The number of visits to the massage room is from ten to fifteen, representing a full-fledged treatment course. Conducting each next session is a day, or even two days after the previous call.

The fact that the measure helped will be evidenced by the improvement in prostatic juice during the next laboratory test. Also, positive signs of effectiveness are the weakening or even complete cessation of the occurrence of pain. The same will be told by improving the quality of urination. But to get all of the above, you need to choose only a professional in your field, and not self-medicate.

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