Therapeutic Diet №9

The basis for a quality life with diabetes for patients is diet therapy. For prediabetes, mild type 2 diabetes, diet is used as the first line of treatment along with exercise. To maintain normal carbohydrate metabolism in patients with high blood sugar, the ninth Pevzner diet is used. The Soviet nutritionist professor compiled a therapeutic diet that is used by diabetologists and endocrinologists to this day. Those who have been diagnosed (or suspected) of moderate or mild diabetes should definitely familiarize themselves with the rules of therapeutic nutrition.

Purpose of the diet

Table No. 9 is prescribed to patients with diabetes mellitus with additional administration of insulin (up to 30 IU) or without it. Diet number 9 is prescribed for people with both type 1 and type 2 diabetes. With the help of selected nutrition, the patient’s carbohydrate metabolism is normalized during treatment and a normal glucose level is maintained.

Table No. 9 is often used by nutritionists in the treatment of a condition such as impaired digestibility of carbohydrates, and also during the use of such a diet it is easy to understand the sensitivity of the patient to prescribed insulin therapy.

Nutrition according to Pevzner can be used for children with diabetes, elderly patients, nursing mothers and pregnant women with gestational diabetes. In each case, the diet is adjusted together with the attending physician, since the physiological needs of the patient must be taken into account when compiling the menu.

As a result of complex therapy (medicines and table No. 9), the patient’s metabolism is stabilized: fat, water-electrolyte, carbohydrate. Often, patients with pre-diabetes, type 2 diabetes are also overweight, and if diet number 9 is followed, the body mass index can significantly decrease or even become normal. This indicator is very important for evaluating the effectiveness of therapy in such patients. However, it is not recommended to resort to it for healthy people only for weight loss.

Eating during a diet

Successful control of blood sugar and minimization of the risk of specific complications of diabetes is possible only with the help of drug and diet therapy. The Soviet scientist developed the necessary list of ingredients that can be used in diabetes and those that cannot.

First of all, Pevzner noted that in diabetes it is very important to eliminate fast carbohydrates. This is necessary because such components are instantly decomposed, saturate the body with glucose and are accompanied by a sharp rise in blood sugar levels. Modern nutritionists and endocrinologists agree with this statement, but make some amendments.

For example, previously it was believed that only sweet foods are dangerous for a diabetic. In our time, scientists have found that the only thing that matters to the patient is whether the components are able to increase sugar. White bread and potatoes, for example, can be more dangerous than regular sugar. Sweet, of course, is also excluded, but some categories are added to it.

It is necessary to significantly reduce the amount of animal fats, vegetable – can be left in moderation. The protein norm remains within the physiological need, up to 110 g per day, half of which should be animals.

The basis of nutrition for diabetics should be plant foods, especially vegetables and greens. The fiber they contain slows down the breakdown of carbohydrates, which means it lowers their glycemic index. In addition, the coarse fibers of plant components are practically not digested, due to which the intestines are cleansed and its peristalsis is improved. You need to limit starchy and sweet varieties of vegetables and fruits: figs, potatoes, beets, bananas, carrots.

For cooking, gentle heat treatment should be used. It is forbidden to eat fried, but all other types of cooking are available: steamed, grilled, in the oven, on the water. To add flavor to dishes, it is forbidden to add a lot of salt to them (up to 5), bright spices (curry, hot pepper, turmeric), sugar, honey. To brighten up diet food, you can season food with garden herbs, basil, Provencal herbs.

It is recommended to significantly reduce in diabetes:

  • confectionery and homemade desserts with sugar;
  • fatty meat, lard, sausages (except for doctor’s sausage);
  • fatty fish, salted fish, caviar;
  • butter, sweet pastries, puff pastry;
  • fatty dairy products, salted butter, cream;
  • any canned food, smoked meats;
  • semolina, white polished rice;
  • pickled and salted vegetables;
  • store sauces, spicy seasonings, non-natural food additives;
  • sugar;
  • alcohol, carbonated sugary drinks, packaged juices.

When buying products in the store (cheeses, drinks, doctor’s sausage, etc.) it is important to read the composition. Among the ingredients should not be harmful additives, sucrose, pure sugar.

Can be used on a limited basis:

  • potatoes – it is recommended to boil every three to four days, if possible, completely eliminate;
  • honey – very rarely can be added to drinks or for cooking, homemade healthy pastries;
  • whole grain pasta – you can eat rarely, only taking into account the rejection of the daily norm of bread;
  • meat offal: heart, liver, kidneys (can sometimes be added to the menu strictly with the permission of the doctor);
  • beets, green peas and carrots – can be boiled in salads, it is allowed to use no more than once a day.

The listed products can be used periodically, it is advisable to consult a doctor, since the diet can be individually adjusted for each patient.

Foods that are recommended in the diet:

  1. Sweet and sour fruits and berries. It is advisable to use them in the morning. Suitable: pears, grapefruits, oranges, green apples, etc.
  2. Vegetables and greens. It is recommended to eat cooked vegetables and raw during the day. Best suited: cucumbers, zucchini, eggplant, salad pepper, pumpkin, squash, celery.
  3. Chopped bread, protein, rye. It is allowed to eat a day no more than 300 g of bread. If the disease is accompanied by obesity, the rate of flour should be reduced even more (150-200 g).
  4. Lean types of fish and seafood, it is recommended to boil, bake or steam. With the permission of the doctor, quality canned food is sometimes allowed in a tomato.
  5. Low-fat meat: veal, pork fillet without layers, chicken and turkey, boiled tongue (can be aspic), beef. By permission of the doctor, fried chicken (after boiling), doctor’s sausage, and offal are added.
  6. Boiled eggs. It is necessary to limit the yolk, proteins are allowed to eat up to 2 pcs. per day boiled or steamed.
  7. Low-fat dairy products: cottage cheese, sour-milk drinks, hard cheeses (unsalted and low-fat).
  8. Cereals and legumes (except semolina and polished rice).
  9. Vegetable juices, unsweetened fresh juices, stewed fruit drinks and fruit drinks, tea, weak coffee with the addition of milk.

Daily calories should be set by a doctor. It will depend on the lifestyle of the patient, the presence of obesity or concomitant diseases. Within the norm, you need to consume from 1200 kcal to 2300 kcal. It is important to monitor the drinking regimen, about 1,5 liters of clean liquid are relied on per day.

Diet number 9 for diabetes has the same rules for children, pregnant women, with or without obesity. For patients with type 1 diabetes and patients with type 2 who are on insulin therapy, it is important to consider and be able to count bread units. The endocrinologist should teach this patient. Otherwise, for each category of patients, only the chemical composition of the diet changes slightly. For example, more vegetables and sweet and sour fruits are introduced into the diet of children, and more low-fat dairy products and greens are required for pregnant women.

Diet menu

Diet should consist of 5-6 meals, it is desirable to divide them into 3 main meals and a couple of snacks. The amount of carbohydrates is recommended to take each time in the same amount. Per day put 300 g slow carbohydrates.

If possible, it is better to create the first menu for a week together with a nutritionist or doctor. If this is not possible, you can simply be guided by the list of products and rules. Sugar, cholesterol and blood pressure must be constantly measured. It is advisable to keep a food diary, at least for the first time, in order to accurately determine for yourself which foods are undesirable.

The dietary menu in case of type 1 and type 2 diabetes is practically the same. The therapeutic technique provides for a complete balance of the diet. Consider the menu for a week with a diagnosis of mild or moderate severity of the disease.

Day №1

Breakfast: a decoction of chamomile, a portion of pearl barley porridge.

Snack: one baked pear or fresh apple.

Lunch: a thick soup of zucchini, onions and cauliflower, bran bread.

Snack: fresh vegetable salad, a glass of tomato juice.

Dinner: a slice of baked veal, boiled broccoli with lemon juice dressing.

Day №2

Breakfast: diabetic biscuits, weak coffee with milk.

Snack: low-fat cottage cheese, a glass of natural citrus juice.

Lunch: boiled millet, steam cutlets from lean meat, fresh herbs.

Snack: green apples, chamomile tea.

Dinner: steamed carp, green beans.

Day №3

Breakfast: omelette steamed from 2 protein, celery salad.

For celery salad, you need to mix half of the peeled apple, a celery stalk with herbs and a few fresh radishes. Supplement everything with vegetable oil and flaxseeds, lemon juice.

Snack: baked apple, tea with sugar substitute.

Lunch: cabbage and beef soup, rye bread.

Snack: squash caviar.

Dinner: corn porridge, seaweed, juice from green apples.

Day №4

Breakfast: cereal mix cereal, pieces of dried apricots, coffee.

Snack: a glass of milk, oatmeal cookies (on a sugar substitute).

Lunch: light fish broth with pearl barley, bran bread toasts.

Snack: plum or a couple of kiwi.

Dinner: buckwheat porridge, seaweed with slices of lemon, apple juice.

Day №5

Breakfast: granola with natural yogurt.

Snack: fruit and nuts salad.

Lunch: chicken soup with vegetables and bulgur.

Snack: cottage cheese with herbs, chamomile decoction.

Dinner: braised eggplant with tomatoes, a slice of rye bread.

Day №6

Breakfast: diet omelet with hard cheese, rosehip broth.

Omelet can be cooked without boiling. To do this, whipped whites and grated cheese should be placed in a regular bag, let off excess air and put it in boiling water. Cook the omelet need 15-20 minutes.

Snack: biscuits with apple juice.

Lunch: buckwheat porridge with seafood, tomatoes.

Snack: a glass of milk, pear.

Dinner: boiled fish, fresh celery with cucumber, chamomile decoction.

Day №7

Breakfast: oatmeal on the water, slices of fresh or dried apricot.

Snack: boiled egg, juice from orange.

Lunch: baked turkey or chicken with a salad of fresh vegetables.

Snack: Low Fat Free Yoghurt.

Dinner: millet porridge with seafood or a separate piece of boiled fish, cucumbers.

If the disease is not accompanied by obesity, as a rule, it is 1 type, you can increase the caloric content at the expense of vegetables, cereals, dairy products. The second type of diabetes is often caused by malnutrition and is accompanied by obesity, the menu in this case should be lower calorie (up to 1300 kcal per day).

It is important to share meals in order to gradually consume the energy received. Despite the limited list of products, nowadays you can easily find interesting recipes and recommendations to diversify nutrition.

Diet №9 for pregnant women

For diabetes in pregnancy (gestational diabetes), a low-carbohydrate diet is the mainstay of treatment. The increased need for useful components requires special attention to food. The menu during pregnancy must be agreed with the doctor.

The exact diet and the list of products depend on the trimester, the initial weight of the mother, the presence of complications. If a woman does not have obesity and complications, the diet and the list are not much different from the regular table number XXUMX.

The morning should begin with a full and hearty breakfast, which contains sufficient amounts of proteins and “slow” carbohydrates (vegetarian foods and whole grains). For snacks, it is recommended to use milk, nuts, dairy products, fresh fruits. Carbohydrate food should be divided into two meals a day, the same cereals (except semolina), legumes, lean meat and fish, cottage cheese are suitable.

Milk and its derivatives should be selected with low fat content. When choosing a product, it is important to pay attention to the shelf life. If milk is “able to live” for more than 2 weeks – this is not milk. Among low-fat dairy products, most of the powder types take up, which do not have any benefit for the baby and mother.

Drinking more than one cup of milk at a time is not recommended. It is important not to overdo it with dairy products, as this can additionally cause an allergy to lactose in the child. An individual milk norm is best agreed with the doctor.

Fats are also important for the normal formation of the child. Animal fat does not increase sugar, but is rich in calories. Doctors recommend scooping the necessary supply of healthy fats from nuts, seeds, vegetable oils, avocados.

Sweet is excluded as much as possible. The ban will include: honey, dried fruits, pastries, sweet cheesecakes, chocolate, etc. In addition, even sour-sweet fruits should be limited, it is recommended to eat them no more than 3 once a day in small portions. From drinks, you must additionally remove natural coffee and green tea.

A balanced diet is very important for pregnant women. Every day, the diet should include: lean meat (or fish), fresh and cooked vegetables (stewing is the best way to cook vegetables), some cereals, dairy products and bread (except white).

In addition to the diet, you can drink special vitamins for pregnant women.

Diet results

Table number 9 is used to maintain normal blood glucose levels in patients with type XNUMX and type XNUMX diabetes. Reviews about the diet from patients and doctors differ. Patients note that it is rather inconvenient to follow a diet: you often need to monitor the level of cholesterol and sugar, cooking diet meals takes time, and many foods are not suitable for such a diet. However, diet is the key to managing diabetes and cannot be avoided.

The ninth table will not be able to completely cure this ailment, but it will provide patients with normal well-being and protect them from the progression of the disease. The menu is organized so that the patient receives a maximum of useful components and nutrients. Modern doctors do not fully agree with Pevzner’s methodology and make adjustments to the diet of their patients. Despite the changes made by the new generation of doctors, most modern diets for diabetes are practically no different from the ninth table.

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