Therapeutic Diet №8

Overweight and obesity are not only an aesthetic problem, because excessive body fat causes irreparable harm to health. Obesity complicates the work of internal organs and leads to their rapid wear. Therefore, it is classified as a disease that requires a careful and competent approach. It was for the correct solution of this problem that diet No. 8 was compiled. The diet, planned by the Soviet scientist, has been successfully used in diet therapy for almost a century. Most diets today are based on the principles of this technique – a smooth and guaranteed weight loss.

Who will suit

Diet, or, as it is also called “table”, No. 8 is used to treat obesity in all three stages. It can be prescribed by a doctor or used on its own. It is important to consult a doctor before starting the course, as the technique has some contraindications. It should not be combined with other therapeutic diets and is allowed when taking medication.

For self-correction of the figure, the “eighth” diet can be used if there are no diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. In the case of such diseases, the doctor prescribes another program – treatment tables No.: 1, 2, 3, 4. The limited diet of these diets is aimed at healing and also leads to weight loss.

Obesity may be due to another disease, in which case only the therapist can determine which diet is more important to the health of the patient.

A specially selected diet of diet No. 8 contributes to the normalization of metabolism, the splitting of the subcutaneous fat layer.

Terms of supply

The essence of diet number 8 is to gradually reduce the daily caloric intake of the diet. In this treatment program, a sharp decrease in the calorie content of food and, moreover, starvation is unacceptable. A sharp transition to a rigid diet in the fight against obesity does not work.

To what level you need to cut calories depends on the degree of obesity and physical activity of a person. If the lifestyle is sedentary, the daily norm should be in the range of 1200-1300 kcal. With average loads, you need to gain about 1800 kcal. For those who are busy with hard work or combine diet with sports per day, you need to consume 2000-2100 kcal. In the conditions of inpatient observation, patients are sometimes cut back to 600 kcal, but it is absolutely impossible to do this on their own.

Habitual amounts of food should also decrease. In most cases, excess weight is due to overeating. Portion sizes should be gradually reduced to a size slightly larger than your own fist. Often, patients are forced to fight overweight due to improper metabolism. In this case, the volume of meals can be equal to two palms or less than a fist – only a doctor can accurately determine the nutritional pattern, based on the general condition, the presence of chronic concomitant diseases and the results of the study. The Metabolic Diet is sometimes used to prevent metabolic disorders.

According to the chemical composition, table number 8 refers to a complete, balanced diet, which is based on vegetables, rich in fiber, whole grains and low-carb fruits. Protein remains within the normal range – 100 g. Slow carbohydrates are cut, and fast ones are completely excluded. Fats should be vegetable and in limited quantities, animal fat is excluded as much as possible.

Food is fractional, about 5 times a day with a gradual decrease in portions. At the beginning of the diet, it is recommended to increase the frequency of meals in proportion to the amount of food. That is, the more often you have to eat, the smaller the portion should be. Periodically, it is desirable to spend fasting days on one dietary product.

Drinking regimen consists of 1,5-1,7 liters of water per day. Hot drinks, broths in soups, cocktails, etc. are used as a liquid. Of course, if one is thirsty, to give up water, because for today the “plan has been completed”, in no case should be.

Products for diet: what can that can not

To achieve the best results, you will need to give up all “junk” food. It includes food containing flavor enhancers, preservatives and “heavy” trans fats, and high-carbohydrate foods are also excluded. Although, it is precisely such food products, having a high calorie content, that bring the greatest feeling of satiety and pleasure from its consumption, causing food addiction.

From the diet menu you need to exclude:

  • sausages (except doctoral), smoked meats, sausages and wieners;
  • meat with fatty layers, poultry with skin, lamb, duck, goose;
  • fatty fish species: capelin, salmon, pink salmon, mackerel, etc .;
  • salted fish and caviar;
  • fatty dairy products, salted and hot cheeses, baked and condensed milk, yogurts with additives;
  • white bread, sweet pastries, butter and puff pastry, pasta from wheat flour, dumplings, dumplings;
  • white rice, semolina, any cereal in milk;
  • ready-made shop sauces;
  • finished confectionery, raisins, any chocolate, honey, sugar, ice cream, figs, bananas, mangoes;
  • drinks: carbonated, sweet, alcoholic, cocoa.

One of the essential requirements of the diet is the rejection of salt, which retains water and prevents weight loss. Spices are also not recommended. They, according to the author of the diet – Manuil Pevzner, provoke appetite. Modern nutritionists have corrected this item. If there is enough protein food, you can safely eat spices and herbs, which are very necessary for taste in non-salty dishes.

You can make the menu periodically:

  • doctor’s sausage and natural beef sausages (up to 2 once a week);
  • rice and buckwheat noodles (1-2 once a week);
  • rye or bran bread toasted or dried (up to 3 once a week);
  • diet bread
  • salted, pickled and pickled vegetables (well washed);
  • hard cheese, tofu, mozzarella;
  • potatoes (in soups, baked 2 once a week).

Reviews of patients and losing weight indicate that the periodic inclusion in the menu of such components makes it easier to move the diet in moral terms.

For dietary meals you can use:

  • fresh vegetables: cucumbers, cabbage, radishes, ripe tomatoes, lettuce;
  • garden greens: lettuce, dill, parsley, celery, basil, arugula, lettuce, etc .;
  • sweet and sour fruits: apples, kiwi, pears, citruses, grapefruit, etc .;
  • berries (can be fresh or frozen);
  • barley, buckwheat, millet, brown rice, oatmeal (one serving a day);
  • boiled eggs (up to 2 units per day);
  • low-fat dairy products, “empty” yogurts;
  • low-fat fish: carp, flounder, cod, pollock, hake, sea bass;
  • fresh or frozen seafood;
  • lean meat: rabbit, chicken, veal, beef;
  • teas, herbal decoctions, coffee, unsweetened compotes and fruit drinks.

For breakfast, it is recommended to cook porridge on the water. For taste, you can add fresh berries and fruits, sometimes nuts and dried fruits. The amount of prepared cereals should be no more than 200. It is recommended to season salads with vegetable oil, apple cider vinegar, lemon juice.

In the middle of the day it is better to eat diet soup. For the first, you can cook light broths, vegetarian cabbage soup and borscht, vegetable cream soups (except mushroom). You can not cook the first: in milk, with fatty broth, with pasta. You can add a little salt, add herbs, tomato paste. From 3-5 g of salt per day, the results of the diet will not change at all. Before the main meals, it is recommended to eat a portion of a salad of fresh vegetables and herbs seasoned with lemon juice or 2 tsp. olive oil. On average, a serving of the second course along with a protein component (dietary meat, steam cutlets or meatballs) should be about 200-250 g.

Vegetables can be present in the diet constantly. Foods with a high starch content are best reduced. From vegetables, you can cook casseroles, roasts, vegetable juices, salads. Fried food is completely prohibited, you can cook food in any other way: boiling, stewing, steaming, grilling, in the oven or slow cooker.

Dinner should consist of one protein portion and one vegetable. The last meal is recommended to make 3-4 hours before bedtime. Fermented milk products, nuts, dried fruits, berries can be used as snacks throughout the day. From the natural ingredients can be prepared fruit puree, smoothies, baked desserts, light salads. It is desirable to diversify the menu as much as possible to make the diet easier.

Menu for table №8

If the diet was far from healthy, the menu should be adjusted gradually. First you have to give up fatty and fried foods, then remove flour and sweet from the diet, at the last stage you should reduce the amount of salt and dairy products.

The menu for the week can be painted in advance, based on the existing set of products. In addition, if you put in a visible place painted power mode, the probability of failure decreases. Consider the approximate diet for the average daily load (1800 kcal).


Breakfast: unsweetened oatmeal cookies, coffee without sugar, one apple.

Lunch: a glass of natural tomato juice.

Lunch: soup with broccoli, sweet pepper and chicken, whole grain bread (1 slice).

Snack: sea kale (100 g), tea.

Dinner: one baked potato, one boiled egg, tomatoes, a glass of berry juice.


Breakfast: loose buckwheat, tomatoes, coffee or tea.

Lunch: a glass of kefir, some nuts.

Lunch: vinaigrette without potatoes, diet bread, citrus juice.

Safe,: salad from cucumbers and greens.

Dinner: steam cutlets, light salad, a decoction of chamomile or dog rose.


Breakfast: fruit salad with flaxseeds, coffee or tea.

Lunch: “empty” yogurt or cottage cheese.

Lunch: pickle or green soup, a slice of rye bread.

Lunch: a slice of hard cheese, tea or herbal decoction.

Dinner: aspic of veal or beef, natural juice.


Breakfast: boiled egg, cucumber, tomato and green salad, hot drink.

Lunch: one orange or grapefruit.

Lunch: soup with chicken meatballs and vegetables.

Tea time: a handful of nuts, tea.

Dinner: vegetarian cabbage rolls, a little sour cream, freshly squeezed juice.


Breakfast: oatmeal on the water, one toast with cottage cheese and greens, tea.

Lunch: two baked apples, rosehip broth.

Lunch: cream soup of broccoli and potatoes.

Lunch: berry jelly, tea with milk.

Dinner: stewed cabbage with carrots and prunes, a glass of yogurt.


Breakfast: millet porridge, one pear or apple, coffee.

Lunch: croutons from rye bread, a glass of milk.

Lunch: fish soup, a slice of black bread.

Tea time: a glass of yogurt.

Dinner: stew from zucchini, tomato and eggplant, separately a few pieces of mozzarella.


Breakfast: scrambled eggs, lettuce and celery salad.

Lunch: dried apricots, dogrose decoction.

Lunch: vegetarian borscht, separately a piece of boiled veal.

Snack: a mix of lettuce, grapefruit and sesame seeds.

Dinner: carp grilled or in the oven, celery and cucumber salad.

It is important when compiling the menu to take into account your own physical needs. If the planned food is not enough, you feel severe weakness or dizziness, you need to add more vegetable and protein foods to the menu.

The results will be more effective if morning coffee is replaced with rosehip broth or green tea. It is also acceptable to use a chicory drink. Cooking low-calorie meals will take time, you can cook one dish for two or three servings to reduce the time in the kitchen. Various kitchen appliances will become useful helpers: a slow cooker, a juicer, food processors, etc. Although, as the reviews note, with the help of a conventional grater and oven, dishes turn out no worse.

Orange cream soup can be prepared using a blender or simply rub it through a sieve. In a saucepan you need to boil well one onion, 200 g pumpkin and one potato. Kill the finished vegetables (or rub), you can add 100 ml of milk and finely chopped greens. When serving, you can separately cut the boiled chicken fillet into pieces and sprinkle it with soup.

Unsweetened cookies can solve the problem of dietary breakfasts or snacks. You need to grate one apple, add one whipped protein to it and mix well. Send 1 cup of previously soaked oatmeal there and knead the dough. The workpiece must be kept in the refrigerator for half an hour. Then put the future cookies on parchment and place in the oven for 25 minutes (at 180 degrees).

You can find a variety of dietary options. Over time, the basic rules of the diet will be remembered and recipes can be easily come up with on their own.

You can adhere to diet No. 8 according to Pevzner until the required weight is established. The technique is long-term, the average duration of overweight correction takes an average of six months. A gradual decrease in body weight on such a diet allows you to maintain the achieved result for a long time, because the therapeutic technique allows you to adjust the metabolism sparingly and without stress. This distinguishes table number 8 from many hard diets.

In conclusion

The technique is absolutely safe when used properly. The results of such a program are achieved slowly, but steadily and for a long time. Due to the gradual adjustment of the volume, the skin adapts perfectly and does not sag. A fully balanced diet does not even require additional vitamins, since it will saturate the body with all the nutrients.

The nutrition program can easily be combined with exercise, which is highly recommended by doctors. Additional activity will allow the built body to remain in good shape, tighten muscles, and improve overall well-being.

The diet is universal and can be used even with diabetes, pregnancy or breastfeeding, but this will definitely require a doctor’s consultation. Those who decide to use this program on their own need to make sure that there are no diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

The technique differs from other popular diets in that it is based on constant dynamic medical supervision, control of analyzes and has scientific evidence of its effectiveness. Be careful when choosing body shaping methods so as not to harm your own health.

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