Therapeutic Diet №7

A special diet for complex therapy for kidney diseases was created by Russian gastroenterologist Manuil Pevzner. Diet therapy, created by the scientist, is built on specialized tables that are used in the nutrition of patients with various diseases. The therapeutic diet for kidney diseases is represented by table number 7 and has several options. Depending on the patient’s condition, one or another menu option is prescribed to him.

With the help of properly selected products and their preparation, it is possible to significantly ease the patient’s health and completely get rid of the disease. Consider how to do this.

Medical Diet Rules

Diet No. 7 is used for such diseases: in the recovery phase after acute glomerulonephritis or chronic exacerbation, with pyelonephritis. At the same time, table number 7 is not suitable for patients with renal insufficiency. In the acute phase of glomerulonephritis, diet No. 7 is also not indicated. However, in most cases, acute nephritis becomes chronic and then diet number 7 should be prescribed. But, first of all, with glomerulonephritis, table No. 7 is prescribed after a month from the onset of the disease, when the inflammatory process is on the decline.

At the beginning of therapy, the patient is shown several days of fasting, during which it is allowed to drink only water (300 ml / day). After that, table 7a is applied, then 7b, 7c or other diets according to Pevzner (depending on the patient’s condition).

Such a diet improves the functioning of the kidneys, helping them to remove toxins that have accumulated as a result of a violation of the processes of formation and excretion of urine. As a result of such measures, edema decreases, blood circulation is restored and the excretory function of the kidneys improves.

The diet severely restricts the amount of salt and water, which provides maximum rest for the kidneys. A patient on the seventh diet should drink no more than a liter of water per day. The permissible salt rate should be established by a doctor based on tests. In addition, fats and proteins are limited in order to prevent the accumulation of nitrogenous “slags” that are formed as a result of the digestion of protein, fatty foods.

Products containing extractive substances are excluded. These substances have a stimulating effect on the digestive organs and kidneys, provoke the accumulation of uric acid in the blood. Most of these components are found in mushrooms and meat: poultry, meat, fish. When the work of the kidneys is not disturbed, the breakdown products of protein and fat are freely excreted from the body, but when there is a disease (nephritis, urolithiasis, kidney failure, etc.), they accumulate in the blood. This leads to edema, intoxication, which disrupts the functioning of internal organs, primarily the brain.

Diet 7 does not completely exclude meat and fish, they can be eaten, but only after careful heat treatment. First they need to be boiled, and then cooked in any other way: boil, stew, bake. Approximately half of the extractives go into the broth, you can’t eat it, only light “second” broths and vegetable broths are allowed. Fish and meat after cooking can be used for a diet menu – up to 150 g per day.

In addition, oxalic acid is prohibited. It also causes complications and can cause exacerbations. It is mainly found in green foods, chocolate, spinach, rhubarb, raspberries, gooseberries, etc.

Eating on a diet should be fractional, at least four times a day. Additional mechanical processing of dishes (chopping) is not required. You can cook in any way (it is advisable to use fried in moderation). The temperature for serving dishes is not set: you can cold drinks, hot soups and the second.

To finally get acquainted with the diet, consider the lists of products, menus for the week and recipes for therapeutic diet for jade.

Diet diet

To provide the patient with good nutrition, while not disrupting recovery, the menu includes:

  • dairy products, cottage cheese, sour cream, milk, cream (all low fat);
  • bread from bran flour or wheat, without salt;
  • cabbage, cucumbers, carrots, potatoes, lettuce, other vegetables other than those prohibited;
  • various cereals and pasta of any kind;
  • any eggs: up to 2 proteins per day and half of the yolk;
  • low-fat fish: zander, saffron cod, perch, pike, hake, carp and others;
  • lean fillet: rabbit, chicken, veal, turkey, beef;
  • berries and dried fruits;
  • honey, jam, jam, marmalade, sugar, jelly, candy;
  • cinnamon, vanillin, citric acid, refined oil, vinegar;
  • weak teas and coffee, juices, decoctions of berries and herbs.

For a diet menu, you must definitely enter the first dishes once a day. Soups should be on vegetables, without fatty broth, with the addition of cereals or vermicelli. Salt is not used. It is useful to use dried apricots, apples, raisins, black currants. Among the valid components there is everything you need for a full and varied menu.

It is forbidden to use for dishes:

  • flour with salt, including plain bread;
  • mushroom broths, fish soup, rich broths on meat;
  • cocoa and chocolate;
  • strong tea, alcohol, soda;
  • marinades, smoked meats and pickles;
  • sausage, canned food, salted fish;
  • any cheeses and too oily dairy products;
  • spicy and salty spices;
  • sorrel, spinach, rhubarb, any beans;
  • mushrooms, radish, garlic, radish;
  • onions (can only be in finished form);
  • fat: fish, beef, mutton, pork.

Gradually, under the supervision of a doctor, the patient will be added one forbidden product at a time to return him to a normal diet. Violation of the rules of the diet can significantly slow down the healing process. It is important to strictly comply with all requirements so as not to exacerbate the pathological process.

Menu for the seventh table

The menu may vary depending on concomitant diseases and the nature of the course of the disease. Concomitant diseases may impose additional restrictions on the list of products (for diabetes, pregnancy, etc.). Therefore, it is important to check with your doctor if there are any additional exceptions.

Consider an exemplary menu for the recovery period for glomerulonephritis (without exacerbation).

Day 1

Breakfast: ripe baked apples with cinnamon and honey, tea with lemon.

Snack: dried apricots with cottage cheese.

Lunch: soup without meat with fresh cabbage, sour cream, rice with boiled meat.

Dinner: sautéed squash with carrots, boiled rice, fruit compote.

Day 2

Breakfast: potato pancakes with sour cream, weak green tea.

Snack: ripe apricots or apples.

Lunch: noodle soup with vegetables, buckwheat porridge, fresh vegetable salad.

Supper: braised cabbage, separately a piece of baked chicken.

Day 3

Breakfast: oatmeal with milk and honey, weak tea.

Snack: cabbage salad, cucumbers and carrots.

Lunch: okroshka on kefir (without radishes and sausages), barley porridge with butter.

Dinner: cabbage rolls, sour cream, salt-free bread.

Day 4

Breakfast: protein omelet, grated carrot and dried apricots salad with sour cream, chicory coffee.

Snack: grapefruit, unsweetened yogurt.

Lunch: milk soup with buckwheat, meat cutlet with mashed cauliflower.

Dinner: roast without meat, freshly squeezed juice from carrots and apples.

Day 5

Breakfast: pancakes (without salt), jam, chicory with milk.

Snack: fruit salad.

Lunch: beetroot soup, mashed potatoes, coleslaw and carrot salad.

Dinner: carp baked in the oven with vegetables (pre-boil the fish a little).

Day 6

Breakfast: cereal with semolina milk, tea with lemon.

Snack: cottage cheese with dried apricots.

Lunch: tomato puree soup, meat patty.

Dinner: beef stew with potatoes.

Day 7

Breakfast: soft-boiled eggs, cucumber and tomato salad, tea with milk.

Snack: fresh juice from vegetables or berries, raisins.

Lunch: diet borsch, sour cream, salt-free bread.

Supper: stuffed pepper, fresh fruit compote.

Hardest to find in stores bread without the use of salt. In most cases, there is no composition on the product at all. It is not recommended for patients to eat such bread, as there may be other prohibited ingredients in the composition. Dietary bread can be prepared at home, in the oven or bread maker.

Salt-free bread: slightly heat up 250 ml of whey and pour 2 teaspoons of dried yeast into it. Sift 400 g flour (wheat or bran) here and pour 1 tablespoon of oil. Knead the dough and leave for 40 minutes. Knead the risen dough and let it rise again. The last time to knead and place in the form, again wait until it rises. Place the pastry in the oven or bread machine for 50-60 minutes.

In the network you can find recipes for such bread to your taste. In general, salt can be replaced with citric acid in every bread recipe. It is better to use yeast-free pastries.

Yeastless cakes: stir a teaspoon of citric acid in one glass of water. Separately sift 2,5 cups of flour and pour it gently into the water. If desired (if tolerated), you can add sweet peppers or tomatoes. Leave the mixed dough for half an hour. Then form cakes and fry them in a pan.

Table №7

Diet 7a is prescribed after “hungry” days during an exacerbation, on the third or fourth day. Before the diet, the patient drinks only water in limited quantities. This table is used for the treatment of severe forms of acute and chronic nephritis. The task of the therapeutic diet is to spare the kidneys, remove harmful substances, and get rid of edema.

The patient is prescribed a predominantly vegetarian diet, those types of vegetables, herbs and fruits that are contraindicated for table No. 7 are excluded. Salt is completely excluded, proteins are severely limited. It is important to keep track of the amount of fluid consumed and excreted, because the doctor will determine the drinking regimen based on these measurements. This is about 400 ml of water, teas, juices, soups are taken into account.

Meat and fish are allowed no more than 70 g per day, boiled and additionally processed. Only low-fat varieties are allowed (veal, chicken breast, turkey, rabbit). Sour-milk and dairy products are allowed for consumption in the amount of 70 g, but only on this day any other protein product (meat, poultry or fish) is excluded. It is also allowed only half an egg a day, it is better to take only proteins.

Of the cereals allowed rice (limited) and sago. Bean and fatty broths are strictly prohibited. From drinks you can drink natural juices, weak teas and decoctions.

Day menu for 7 table

In the morning: carrot zrazy, ripe grated apple, a cup of tea.

Snack: berry jelly, dried apricots.

At lunch: vegetable vegan broth, a little sour cream, salt-free scone.

Snack: black currant jelly.

In the evening: stewed cabbage with tomato paste, potato pancake.

At night: a rosehip drink.

Due to the serious condition of the patient, it is very important to follow all the rules of the diet. The use of prohibited ingredients, a large amount of water and salt can again lead to exacerbation.

After improving the health of the patient is transferred to another diet: №7, №7б and others.

Table №7b

This option is used if the nephritis is mild or after table 7a. The purpose of the diet is the same: to provide the kidneys with peace, reduce swelling, improve the excretory function of the kidneys.

Table 7b differs from the previous diet only in the amount of acceptable protein. You can eat 125 g of fish fillet or meat per day, or replace meat dishes with dairy products in the same volume. It is also allowed to eat one egg or two whites without yolks. The fluid intake can be increased up to 1 liter per day, but you need to monitor the amount of fluid you drink and excrete (they should approximately match). If the balance of “drink-allocated” is disturbed, consult a doctor.

The rest of the rules of the diet and the list of products are the same as the number 7. There is a need a little, 4-6 times, only permitted products without the use of salt.

Table №7в

After a cycle of seventh diets, the patient often loses most of the proteins in the urine. Given that the diet severely limits this component, the body feels its lack – nephropathy. Table No. 7c can be used in complex treatment in pregnant women with the development of late preeclampsia and the appearance of nephropathy (detection of protein in the urine). Diet 7c is prescribed to replenish the missing nutritional components. As a result of this treatment, the patient (or pregnant woman) improves protein metabolism, edema disappears, and kidney function normalizes.

The expansion of the diet of table No. 7b will occur due to an increase in protein. The basis of nutrition is plant foods (except for prohibited species), without the use of salt, 125 g of dairy or meat products per day. Liquids, including first courses and drinks, should be approximately 800 ml. Sugar consumption is limited (50 g per day).

The rules of the diet remain unchanged: fractional nutrition, less liquid, a minimum of salt, refusal of alcohol. Several times a week you can drink weak natural coffee with milk. Pasta and cereals (as in No. 7), seafood are added to the menu. For pregnant women, the diet may vary slightly depending on the condition of the patient and the fetus.

When the general state of health improves and the laboratory and instrumental analyzes of the patient return to normal, diet No. 7 or other proper nutrition is prescribed.

Table №7g

Diet #7g is a specialized therapeutic diet for patients with kidney failure who are on a hemodialysis machine (“artificial kidney”). The task of clinical nutrition is to provide the patient with a complete diet (2500 kcal or more), taking into account renal failure.

The chemical composition of the diet is completely balanced, there are carbohydrates, proteins (60 g) and fats. The latter must be animals at 70%. Limited products with essential oils, extractive substances, potassium: cherries, currants, bananas, cereals. Salt is not used. If for a long time there is no edema and jumps in blood pressure, the patient is allowed to 3 g of salt.

The necessary components and amino acids should come from meat, fish (125 g per day) and plant foods. Dairy products are limited. Combining milk with meat and fish on the same day is not recommended.

The volume of the first dish should not exceed 250 ml. Exclude rich broths. Sometimes you can cook milk soups, the first with cereals can be eaten up to 3 once a week. Mostly they cook vegetable broths, borscht and soups. On the day it is allowed to eat up to 3 pieces of chicken eggs (preferably only soft-boiled).

Fully exclude: cocoa, canned food, pickles and smoked meats, chocolate, pastries with cream, spicy and fatty, cheeses and legumes.

The entire cycle of the seventh diet according to Pevzner is not recommended for healthy people to use often. Since such a diet is not considered complete, insufficient in terms of protein, it can cause disruption of the entire body in practically healthy people (hormonal disorders, decreased immunity, liver changes, impaired absorption of vitamins and minerals, etc.). Periodically, prevention of nephritis in the remission phase is allowed using table number 7, but the course should not last more than 2 weeks.

Any version of the seventh diet requires care and responsibility on the part of the patient. If you have any doubts about a particular product (may or not), it is best to ask your doctor. Products and products without the indicated composition on the label are not recommended for use. It is also better to give up exotic vegetables, herbs and fruits.

With frequent increases in temperature and pressure, turbidity of urine, loss of appetite, sweating, you should contact your urologist or nephrologist.

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