Therapeutic Diet №6

Diet No. 6, created by the Soviet nutritionist, gastroenterologist Manuil Pevzner, is used for a specific disorder of purine metabolism and excess uric acid in the blood. This pathological condition is called gout, in which recurrent inflammation of the joints develops, salt deposition in the kidneys. Table No. 6, prescribed for this disease, reduces the content of uric acid in the blood and almost completely excludes the entry of purine bases into the patient’s body through food. Consider how to achieve this with the help of diet number 6.

Diet rules №6

Before compiling the diet itself, a Soviet scientist, Manuil Pevzner, investigated the causes of gout and uric acid stones in the liver and kidneys. The main factor in the development of these diseases are nitrogenous substances – purines. These components are found in every organism and plants. By themselves, they are safe: in a healthy body, they break down, forming uric acid, and are excreted naturally. Disorders of this process may be hereditary. But most often such a failure occurs with improper nutrition.

If the body does not properly metabolize purines, uric acid crystallizes and forms stones and deposits.

Diet No. 6 for gout reduces the intensity of manifestations by eating alkalizing foods. The basis of the diet is vegetable and dairy dishes. Also, the patient will have to comply with the drinking regime, there should be a lot of free fluid – about 2,5 liters per day in the absence of pronounced edema, chronic heart and kidney failure in the patient.

Products that contain oxalic acid are excluded from the menu and the amount of salt is limited (10 g per day). There should be little protein and fat, if diseases are accompanied by weight gain, carbohydrates also decrease.

All varieties of meat and fish are pre-boiled, because during cooking, half of the nitrogenous substances remain in the water. For this reason, broths are not used for food, and at the first attack of gout or its exacerbation, meat is excluded from the diet. For the same reason, soups can only be prepared with vegetable broths. Fish and meat after boiling can be used 2-3 times a week for other dishes: minced meat, casseroles, rolls, roasts, etc. First courses are allowed only dietary: cabbage soup, beetroot soup, okroshka, borscht. You can add cereals, milk or a little vermicelli to them.

All in all, eating Diet 6 is the foundation of a healthy diet. Food on a diet is fractional, you need to eat at least 4 times a day. With exacerbations of the disease, the patient needs up to 1900 kcal per day. After exacerbation and during remission – 2800 kcal. The diet is balanced and complete, as it contains all the necessary components. Reducing the intake of purines (even for a long time) does not entail side effects or complications.

Dishes can be prepared using any heat treatment, you need to reduce the amount of fried food (2-3 times a week). The temperature of the dishes served is not strictly stipulated: it can be hot or cold.

Therapeutic diet number 6 is prescribed to the patient until significant improvement. As a rule, this is a long-term nutrition program and, depending on the course of the disease, it can last a couple of months, or it can drag on for years. Below we consider in detail the diet of diet number 6.

Product list for table # 6

To stop the formation of crystals from uric acid, you must include in the table number 6 alkaline food:

  • vegetables and fruits (fresh, cooked and pickled in large quantities);
  • roots;
  • bread from any flour (only 2 grade);
  • boiled and baked meat (150 g per day);
  • lean fish (170 g per day);
  • quail or chicken eggs (1-2 pcs per day);
  • any cereals (with the exception of dried unrefined grains);
  • prune;
  • dairy products, milk, cottage cheese;
  • citrus fruits;
  • nuts;
  • marmalade, candy, honey, jam, jam;
  • alkaline water, chicory, green tea;
  • decoctions of herbs.

Foods containing purines should be excluded from the menu:

  • mushroom broths, soups on meat, ear;
  • fish roe;
  • fatty meat and poultry, offal;
  • spinach and sorrel;
  • mushrooms in any form;
  • peas, soybeans, beans (except leguminous), legumes;
  • sweet and sweet pastries;
  • salted cheese;
  • margarine (in pure form or in dishes);
  • any smoked meats;
  • raspberries, cranberries, viburnum, rhubarb, figs;
  • spicy and highly salty: sauces, spices, spices;
  • alcoholic beverages.

It is better to print the list of products or write on a piece of paper, so that at first it was easier to follow all the rules of the diet. It is not as difficult to make a daily diet of the proposed permitted foods as it might seem: you can have both the first and meat with a side dish, meatballs, casseroles, homemade dumplings and dumplings, and much more. For a good example, consider the menu for the week and some diet recipes.

Menu for table №6

Sample menu for a week for patients with gout and kidney stones.

The first day

Breakfast: cottage cheese pancakes, honey, chamomile broth.

Lunch: a handful of prunes, homemade compote.

Lunch: soup with rice and bell pepper, mashed potatoes with stew (70 g), bread.

Dinner: vegetables on the grill or in the oven, boiled beef (80 g).

Before sleep: a decoction of rosehip berries.

Second day

Breakfast: oatmeal flakes with slices of ripe apple and banana, chicory with milk.

Lunch: bran bread toasts, jam, alkaline mineral water.

Lunch: soup with milk and pasta, fresh vegetable salad.

Dinner: a piece of fish, stewed carrots and zucchini, bread.

Before bedtime: natural drinking yogurt.

The third day

Breakfast: soft-boiled egg, boiled milk sausage, fresh cucumbers, chicory drink.

Lunch: pasta from cottage cheese with fresh fruit.

Curd paste: 200 g fat-free cottage cheese to wipe through cheesecloth or a fine sieve. In a separate bowl, grind 50 g of sugar, 10 g of vanillin and 15 g of unsalted butter. Combine the two masses and add two tablespoons of sour cream, stir well. Ready pasta can be used as a separate dessert or mixed with fruits, prunes.

Lunch: beetroot vegetarian, a little sour cream, pasta with chicken dumplings.

Dinner: potato casserole with hard cheese.

Casserole with cheese: cut raw potatoes into slices and put in a greased form, alternating with grated cheese. The last layer should be from cheese, put on it a few slices of unsalted butter and pour all 100 ml of milk. The oven is under a foil or a lid.

Before sleep: decoction of chamomile.

Fourth day

Breakfast: potato pancakes, sour cream, green tea.

Lunch: cottage cheese with pureed prunes and nuts, milk.

Dinner: soup with rice, potatoes and vegetables, salad, separate steam meatballs, bread.

Dinner: fish jackdaws, steam carrots, green beans.

Jackdaws of fish: skip fillet of pike perch (possible with skin) through a 200 meat grinder. Pour 50 ml of milk into the meat and add 10-15 g of starch. Form oblong jackdaws and lower them into boiling salted water for 10 minutes.

Before bedtime: bran broth.

Day five

Breakfast: omelet from one egg, milk and wheat flour, vegetable salad, tea.

Lunch: fresh fruit (salad or smoothie), some walnuts.

Lunch: soup without meat, sour cream, buckwheat porridge.

Dinner: pilaf with prunes, fresh juice.

Before sleep: milk.

Sixth day

Breakfast: apple and carrot salad, toast with jam, chicory.

Lunch: berry jelly or jelly.

Lunch: tomato soup, oatmeal, cutlet of rabbit or beef, bread.

Dinner: stuffed peppers with sour cream.

Before sleep: fresh carrot.

Seventh day

Breakfast: cheese sandwiches, plain yogurt, tea.

Lunch: cottage cheese, berry juice.

Lunch: soup with barley and vegetables, potato patties in sour cream.

Dinner: a slice of boiled lean pork, a salad of fresh vegetables, buckwheat porridge.

Before bedtime: kefir.

Patients with gout appoint fasting days, 1-2 times a week. For unloading, you can choose one product and there is only it throughout the day. Low-fat or calcined cottage cheese is good for such purposes. On the fasting day, you need to use it on 150 g with every manifestation of hunger. It is forbidden to starve completely, this leads to an even greater accumulation of uric acid in the blood.

So, with urate diathesis and gout, use the table number 6. The diet excludes products that contain a lot of purines. The therapeutic menu consists of alkaline products, which help excrete the decomposition products of nitrogenous substances. As a result of such a diet, the patient gradually normalizes the process of uric acid elimination, splits the urine stones and does not form new ones.

Additional recommendations

Often, in addition to table number 6, it is advisable to use herbal medicine. The patient is prescribed infusions and decoctions of herbs that speed up the healing process. But it is important to remember that herbal medicine should be prescribed by a doctor and self-medication in this case is very dangerous.

With gout, tea from lingonberry leaves is very beneficial for the body. For him, in a glass of water, bring to a boil 1 a tablespoon of the leaves of the plant. Take such a decoction on 3-4 once a day on 1 spoon. You should drink it no longer than a week, then take a break for the same time. Once in 4-5 days you can make a laurel decoction. For it you will need 5 g bay leaf and a half cup of water. Boil the leaves and insist for 3 hours. It is important not to cover the dishes, since there are essential oils in the laurel that should not accumulate in the infusion. Ready broth needs to be drunk in parts, during the day.

For the treatment of uric acid diathesis (formation of stones), it is very important to drink plenty of clean liquid, mineral alkaline water is especially suitable. Also, patients are recommended to drink water with lemon, grapefruit and orange fresh, decoctions of herbs, cherry juice. Suitable for decoctions and tinctures: milk thistle, St. John’s wort, calendula, sage, senna, lemon balm. Drinking such decoctions is necessary only with the permission of the therapist and for 6-7 days, after which – take a break for a week.

Alcohol slows down the process of the disintegration of purines and the removal of excess uric acid, therefore alcoholic beverages are dangerous in cases of gout or diseases of the genitourinary system. If you experience pain in the lumbar region, painful urination, severe swelling of the extremities, pain in the joints, you should seek advice from a urologist, gynecologist or rheumatologist as soon as possible.

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