Therapeutic Diet №3

Diet No. 3 is a special nutrition program developed by the famous Soviet scientist, gastroenterologist and nutritionist Manuil Pevzner. Such a therapeutic diet is prescribed for chronic bowel diseases, accompanied by constipation. Problems with regular bowel movements are quite common, which are more often caused by malnutrition, a sedentary lifestyle, and poor-quality food. All these factors affect the majority of working people, as well as students. Also, diet number 3 is often prescribed to older people, since intestinal motility worsens with age.

Chronic, prolonged constipation leads to formidable complications, such as colitis, diseases of the rectum. The third Pevzner diet will prevent these consequences in time. Read more about the diet, what you can eat, how to cook and how to finally return to the usual menu.

The essence of the diet №3

The entire cycle of diets developed by M. Pevzner is aimed at treating various groups of diseases: gastritis, ulcers, pancreatitis, infectious diseases, urolithiasis, etc. The medical diets created in the middle of the last century have been successfully used by doctors so far. Each diet is called a “table” and has its own sequence number.

The third of this cycle is prescribed for patients with constipation caused by chronic bowel disease. It is prescribed in the stage of mild or fading exacerbation, or without exacerbations. Also, this table can be recommended for patients with type 2 diabetes, given the limitations of foods high in “fast” carbohydrates. The purpose of the diet is to restore the motility of the gastrointestinal tract, improve metabolism, stimulate the restoration of the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines.

Motility of the gastrointestinal tract is the motor activity of the small and large intestines, so if it is disturbed, then constipation and bloating occur. To stimulate motor activity, diet No. 3 is prescribed, which contains a sufficient amount of fiber, beneficial bifidus and lactobacilli. Fiber is a plant fiber that activates intestinal motility and is found in most fresh vegetables and fruits. Lacto and bifidobacteria are beneficial microorganisms that inhabit the intestines and contribute to good digestion and absorption of food.

Foods that cause the processes of decay and fermentation in the intestines are prohibited. Therefore, table No. 3 provides for the exclusion from the patient’s diet of fried, fatty, pickled foods, smoked meats, whole milk, carbonated drinks. These products are not recommended in large volumes to healthy people, and they are generally contraindicated for patients on the third diet.

Table No. 3 is a complete and balanced diet for 2500 kcal, which includes all the necessary food components, vitamins and minerals. It must contain proteins (about 100 g per day), so fiber will be the basis of the diet. If there is a lot of fiber, but no proteins, its coarse fibers swell and also lead to fermentation. In addition, every day you need to eat carbohydrates and fats (vegetable and animal).

The diet is typical for most therapeutic diets. Per day you need to consume small portions of 4-6. It is important not to endure too long pauses between meals, and there is an 3-4 hour every hour. Portions should be moderate, not too big, but not tiny. The optimal volume of one meal should be placed in two palms.

Morning is recommended to start with a glass of cool water with honey or juice. At night it is useful to drink kefir, yogurt or eat some dried fruits, prunes are best. Porridge can be cooked with milk diluted 1:1 with water. Fried foods and baked with a crust are excluded.

To better understand the diet, consider the list of products: what is possible, what is impossible.

Products for table №3

Vegetables and fruits will form the basis of the diet. Only pickled, salty dishes, as well as sauerkraut are excluded. You can eat plant foods raw or cooked. It is not necessary to grind them; on the third diet, it is more useful to eat large-sized food. Limit the use of potatoes, white cabbage and peas.

Of vegetables are prohibited: onions, radishes, garlic, radishes, turnips. All kinds of mushrooms, sometimes you can make broth from them, but the fruits themselves are not there.

Of fruits and berries it is forbidden: quince, blueberries and dogwood.

Flour products also perfectly increase intestinal motility. You can eat bran and wheat bread 2 grades. Rye – only if well tolerated (better to check with your doctor). Any baked goods must be yesterday’s. Dried products, dry biscuit and cookies, drying are excellent.

It is forbidden to eat fresh pastries, soft wheat vermicelli, rich and puff products, pastries made from premium flour.

Meat and fish should be lean (low-fat varieties): veal, beef, rabbit, chicken, hake, cod. It is necessary to ensure that the fillet does not have tendons, fascia and veins. Limit pork and lamb (no more than 2 once a week). Any seafood other than canned is allowed.

Smoked meat and fish, canned food from them are prohibited.

Cereals can be part of soups, cereals, casseroles. Porridge should be crumbly, not sticky. Soups and borscht are thick.

From cereals from the diet are excluded: semolina and rice, which have a fixing effect. Legumes and sago should also be severely limited.

Eggs can be steamed, added to dishes, boiled soft boiled, made omelets with vegetables or cheese.

It is forbidden to fry eggs and cook hard boiled.

From dairy products you can eat non-acidic cottage cheese in its natural form, nonfat milk, natural yogurt. In dishes, you can add cream, sour cream, hard cheese.

It is necessary to exclude spicy types of cheese, dairy and sour-milk products above 5% fat.

Desserts are desirable to use at home: marmalade, jelly, marshmallow, marshmallow. Fruit soups, smoothies, salads and whole fruits (except prohibited) are suitable.

Exclude products with chocolate and cream. Ready-made confectionery products can be eaten, but a little and with normal tolerance (without cream and chocolate).

In diet number 3, the drinking regimen is important. It is recommended to use weak tea, without milk, chicory, any natural juices and compotes. You can also drink a decoction of wild rose and bran to improve the functioning of the digestive tract.

Excluded: natural coffee, cocoa, jelly, strong tea, especially with milk.

Sauces and spices can be used in minimal quantities and only natural ones. You can use greens to brighten the taste: parsley, dill, bay leaf.

Sharp spices and sauces need to be excluded: adjika, black and red pepper, horseradish, mustard, etc. Fatty sauces such as mayonnaise are also prohibited.

Food can be cooked in refined vegetable and butter. It is forbidden to use animal and cooking fats: margarine, spread. If diet 3 is prescribed for diabetes, foods containing sugar are additionally removed from the list: carrots, beets, bananas, confectionery, etc.

Compliance with diet No. 3 will not require much effort from the patient, because the diet is sufficiently expanded. Thanks to this, it will not be difficult to create your weekly menu. To eat deliciously on a diet and not violate the rules of clinical nutrition, you can add to the list of culinary recipes. Healthy eating is now very common, and finding recipes that fit the diet is very easy. Table number 3 is often prescribed for a long time, so treatment should not be a burden or torture. That is why it is so important to have a varied diet.

Recipes for table №3

Be sure to eat liquid food once a day. Soups are prepared from a whole piece of meat in the second broth, it is also good to use borscht and various cold soups in the menu. It is better to give preference to vegetable broths. Consider a complex version of cold vegetable soup and several unusual recipes from ordinary products.

Dietary beetroot

Have to take:

  • 2 medium boiled beets;
  • a slice of lemon;
  • 0,5 l low-fat yogurt;
  • 1 Art. liter. sugar;
  • chopped parsley and dill.

One beet must be cut into cubes, and the second be grated on a fine or coarse grater. From grated – squeeze the juice. Lemon also cut into small pieces. Cubes of beetroot and lemon put in a plate, sprinkle with sugar, pour on top of kefir and beetroot juice. Add greens and mix. Ready soup to stand in the refrigerator.

Carrot Jelly

Have to take:

  • 100 g carrots;
  • 50 grams of sugar;
  • 10 g of gelatin;
  • citric acid.

Peeled carrots should be cut into arbitrary cubes or strips and cook until ready. Then drain half of the water into a separate container, pour sugar and citric acid into it, put in a boil. Carrots with the remaining broth to wipe until smooth. Mix syrup, carrot mass and prepared gelatin. Jelly divided into portions and cool in the refrigerator.

Dietary mayonnaise

Have to take:

  • 1 egg yolk;
  • 50 ml of vegetable oil;
  • 1 tsp sugar or substitute;
  • 2 tsp citric acid solution.

Beat the yolk with sugar or xylitol, slowly adding vegetable oil. When the mass becomes thick and homogeneous, you need to add citric acid and mix everything. This sauce is also suitable for diabetes.

To make it easier to make your therapeutic diet, consider a sample menu for the week for diet number three.

Menu for table №3

As already mentioned, a day you definitely need to eat some raw fresh vegetables and fruits, a portion of soup or borscht and crumbly cereals.


In the morning: non-acidic cottage cheese with fresh fruit, not strong tea.

For lunch: vegetable soup with meatballs, slices of dried bread.

For a snack: crackers with raisins, juice.

In the evening: buckwheat with steamed chicken meatball, fresh tomato or vegetable salad.

Before going to bed: apple juice.


In the morning: omelette with cheese and steamed tomatoes, chicory with milk or cream.

At lunch: beetroot soup with bread.

For a snack: tea with meringue or marshmallow.

In the evening: cauliflower casserole with meat.

Bedtime: a little sour milk.


In the morning: two soft-boiled eggs, boiled milk sausage, tea.

At lunch: diet borsch, a little sour cream, bread.

For a snack: baked apples with honey, a little cinnamon.

In the evening: stewed rabbit or veal cutlets, vegetable salad.

Bedtime: a few prunes, juice.


In the morning: oatmeal porridge in milk with dried apricots, tea.

At lunch: fish soup with greens, bread.

For a snack: drying, not strong tea without milk, fruit.

In the evening: carrot pancakes, a little sour cream, juice.

Bedtime: kefir.


In the morning: steam omelette, sandwich with homemade pate, not strong tea without milk.

At lunch: broth with meat and vegetables, crackers.

For a bite: toast from 2 bread varieties, honey, tea or juice.

In the evening: baked fish, vinaigrette.

Bedtime: natural yogurt, dried apricots.


In the morning: squash fritters (without a crust), a little sour cream, tea.

At lunch: soup of vegetables in mushroom broth, crackers.

For snack: fresh fruit.

In the evening: steamed cauliflower, boiled veal or a slice of lean pork.

Bedtime: sour milk.

On Sunday

In the morning: oatmeal with fresh fruit, chicory with cream.

At lunch: okroshka (without potatoes).

For snack: vegetable salad, dressed with oil.

In the evening: noodles with minced meat, juice.

Bedtime: a handful of prunes.

You can make personal adjustments to the sample menu. The longer the diet is observed, the easier it will be to make the menu. The main thing is not to go beyond the rules of the diet and consult a doctor. It is not recommended to “prescribe” such a diet for gastrointestinal diseases on one’s own. A healthy person can periodically use the table number XXUMX, but with interruptions.

Additional recommendations

In order to return to the usual diet as quickly as possible, it is important to strictly follow all the rules of this diet: eat fractional, do not overeat, do not starve, drink enough water.

So that prohibited foods are not “seduced” by appetizing, it is better not to keep them in the refrigerator or in the kitchen. It is necessary to be very attentive on holidays and during meals at a party. It is unlikely that the festive table will be dietary casseroles and soups. Do not hesitate to ask what is included in the dish and choose only what you can eat.

Those who work will have to learn how to take homemade food with them. Preparing diet food takes time, but the complications associated with chronic bowel dysfunction can take a lot more effort, money and time. If possible, it is recommended to carry fresh fruits, dryers, compotes for a snack with you (and not even stop near fast food booths).

Good for intestinal motility is affected by physical activity and exercise. It is not necessary to sign up in the gym, you can do exercises in the morning. Exercises right in the bed will be suitable for the laziest: lifting the legs and body, 15-20 times. Also useful are walks in the fresh air and climbing stairs. If there is not much time for walking, you can just get out of the minibus a little earlier and walk at a leisurely pace.

To normalize digestion and avoid future diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and peristalsis, it is useful to eat at the same time, in medium portions, limit fried and fatty foods. It is also important to remember that alcohol and smoking create “favorable” conditions for severe gastrointestinal diseases, adversely affect the mucous membrane, provoke gastritis and ulcers.

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