Therapeutic Diet №2

The founder of gastroenterology and diet therapy in the USSR is considered to be a therapist, one of the organizers of the Institute of Nutrition in Moscow, Manuil Pevzner. The dietary system that he developed is aimed at treating certain diseases and is called the “table”. Pevzner nutrition programs have been successfully used by doctors since the middle of the last century.

Let’s take a closer look at the second diet from this list, which is used for chronic diseases of the stomach and intestines, in particular, chronic gastritis with secretory insufficiency. Table No. 2 can be used for enteritis and colitis, not only during the recovery of bowel function, but also during an exacerbation. Even such a diet, often, is prescribed after operations in the rehabilitation phase, as well as at the stage of recovery after infectious diseases. We will learn what to eat and in what form, what can be cooked, and how to make a menu.

The essence and purpose of the diet

Treatment table No. 2, as a rule, is used in the period after the exacerbation of the inflammatory process of the stomach and intestines, before that, diet No. 1 is used. It is important to know that such a diet may not be suitable for patients with concomitant diseases of the pancreas, liver and gallbladder.

Therefore, only a gastroenterologist should prescribe such a diet based on the general condition of the patient, the results of laboratory and instrumental tests. : If the patient’s condition worsens and the symptoms of the disease progress, the doctor prescribes a different course of treatment and diet.

The goal of this program is to stimulate the normal secretion of digestive enzymes. With the practical absence or insufficient production of digestive juices, the normal process of digestion is impossible.

That is why the goal of diet therapy using table number 2 is to restore the function of digestion. In addition, in the course of therapeutic nutrition, the motility of the digestive tract improves. Motility of the gastrointestinal tract ensures the movement of food through the digestive tract, its mixing with gastric juice. Violations of this function are also dangerous and highly undesirable.

Table number 2 is characterized as a complete and balanced diet. In the lists of prohibited foods are hard-to-digest, fatty and spicy foods. Almost all types of heat treatment are allowed. On the day, the patient must eat at least 2800 kcal, this is the daily calorie intake for an ordinary person. That is, you don’t have to starve or severely limit yourself, and it’s not even allowed. Particular attention is paid here to mechanical sparing.

The chemical composition of the diet should consist of all the vitamins and minerals needed by the body. Every day you need to consume about 100 g of proteins and fats, both vegetable and animal, and supplement 400 g with carbohydrates.

In order to accurately navigate the number of components consumed, it is better to find recipes indicating the content of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, as well as calories per 100 g of a dish or food product. There are most of these recipes on websites for athletes and health portals. In general, you need to eat a little of everything a day: dietary meats, poultry, white fish, cereals, vegetables, fruits. Plant foods are recommended to be eaten not raw, but cooked. You also need to limit the amount of salt – no more than 15 grams per day.

Mechanical processing of dishes for table number 2: food should be finely chopped, pureed, soft, mushy. Fillet of low-fat fish can not be chopped, the main thing is to eat it without skin. Everything else should be in the form of baby food, soups – not rich and liquid (not boney and on the second broth), porridge – mashed, fillet for cutlets and meatballs – it is better to pass through a meat grinder several times.

Heat treatment: a ration of about 80% should consist of boiled or steamed foods. You can also bake, simmer or fry food. The main thing is not to have a dense crust. When frying it is not allowed to use breading in breadcrumbs or batter with flour. Food consumed should be only warm: not very cold and not hot. Also not allowed to overeat, in the day should be 4-5 moderate portions.

So, to recover from gastritis and related diseases, you need to eat soft food in a warm form, divided into 4-5 doses. You can not overeat and starve. The basis of the diet should be boiled ingredients.

Nutrition on a diet

Flour for baking should be І-ІІ ІІ-milling and only from wheat. Baking should be dried, baked the day before use. Once every three to four days you can eat pies or dried cakes, the filling should be from the acceptable ingredients.

You can not:

  • puff buns and cookies;
  • baking;
  • dark bread;
  • hot baking.

Be sure to eat liquid food at least once a day. Broths for first courses can be made on mushrooms or with vegetables. It is not forbidden to use vermicelli, finely chopped vegetables, allowed cereals for the first. If meat is used for the broth, it must be boiled twice, the soup should be prepared on the secondary broth. Use only lean meats. Also allowed is a light fish soup from lean fish, borscht (with a minimum content of white cabbage).

You can not first with:

  • with milk or kefir;
  • beans;
  • strong broth;
  • with millet.

Lean meat without layers of fat and skin is allowed. Boiled tongue and natural sausages are allowed (milk sausages are allowed). You can cook rabbit, chicken, turkey, young beef, game. Lamb and pork are limited (it is possible, but as little as possible). Suitable fish with white, lean meat: crucian carp, hake, cod, etc.

You can not:

  • old lamb, beef meat, pork with streaks, goose, duck;
  • other types of meat and fish, smoked or raw;
  • canned pickles

Cereals (except prohibited) can be added to diet cutlets, puddings, baked pancakes. As a basis for cereals, you can take water or add a third of milk to it. Before serving, be sure to grind them. Millet can be eaten up to 2 once a week.

You can not:

  • barley;
  • barley;
  • corn;
  • all kinds of beans.

Plant food. Only fully ripe fruits are allowed. Several times a week (if well tolerated), green peas are introduced into the diet. Mousses, mashed potatoes, jelly, steamed vegetables, lean roasts, smoothies are served in mashed form (after heat treatment).

Do not use:

  • Bulgarian pepper;
  • radish and radish;
  • mushrooms;
  • garlic;
  • cucumbers;
  • bow.

From fruits and berries fruits with rough skin and seeds are forbidden: figs, dates. Also do not use raspberries, currants and gooseberries.

The eggs. You can any: quail, chicken, turkey, goose. If fried eggs or scrambled eggs are fried, a crust should not be allowed. You can cook soft-boiled, steamed or poached.

You can not: boiled eggs hard boiled.

Milk products. Low-fat milk, kefir, yogurt, natural yogurts without additives. You can have a little grated hard cheese. Cottage cheese is allowed to be used for dishes or eat in kind. In drinks and food, you can add cream and a little sour cream (for one dish 15 g).

You can not:

  • fat milk products;
  • cheese with nuts, high salt or sharp.

Drinks – light coffee and cocoa. You can weak decoctions and teas, sometimes with lemon. Natural juices from fruits, berries and vegetables should be diluted with clean water. It is recommended to periodically use a decoction of bran (has an enveloping effect on the inflamed mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines, mild stimulation of motility). It also has a very good effect on digestion.

You can not use:

  • carbonated drinks;
  • alcoholic beverages;
  • grape juice.

Desserts. Baked fruits, boiled berry purees, dryers, dried fruits in pureed form are not prohibited. Buckwheat or May honey is added to dishes, teas and infusions. Natural nougat, jam, marshmallows, liquid jam, meringues and marmalade are allowed. You can also drink sweet decoctions based on fruits and berries, jelly.

You can not:

  • fresh baked goods;
  • chocolate and cream products;
  • cold desserts;
  • yogurts with additives.

Spicy, sour and fatty spices and sauces are also prohibited: mustard, adjika, ketchup, mayonnaise, horseradish. Animal and cooking oils must not be used for cooking: margarine, spread, lard, etc. Finely chopped herbs can be added to dishes.

Consider a sample menu for the week to make it easier to navigate in the treatment program.

Menu for table №2

Since the list of allowed products contains almost all the necessary ingredients, it will not be difficult to create a menu. Also, there are practically no restrictions for heat treatment: any available methods, except for deep fried. In the menu, you can make individual amendments and dishes, focusing on the rules of the therapeutic course.


Breakfast: boiled eggs, fruit jelly, coffee with milk.

Lunch: soup with beef, potatoes, vermicelli and herbs.

Snack: natural yogurt, honey apple in the oven.

Dinner: buckwheat with stewed chicken meatballs.

Bedtime: natural yoghurt.


Breakfast: cheese omelet from proteins, coffee with cream and sugar.

Lunch: tomato soup, a portion of mashed potatoes.

Lunch: tea with dryers.

Dinner: soft rice and fish dumplings.

Bedtime: kefir.


Breakfast: light semolina with the addition of finely chopped dried apricots, coffee.

Lunch: soup with boiled cereals and vegetables, dried bread.

Lunch: strawberry decoction, homemade jelly.

Dinner: lean vegetable roast, separately a piece of boiled veal.

Bedtime: sour milk.


Breakfast: fried eggs, boiled milk sausage, coffee with milk.

Lunch: broth for lean fish, dried bread.

Lunch: pudding on semolina, tea.

Dinner: Dietary steam chicken cutlets with vermicelli garnish.

Bedtime: kefir.


Breakfast: cocoa, oatmeal with milk.

Lunch: beetroot soup without meat, bread.

Lunch: tea with marmalade.

Dinner: dumplings cream sauce, a little soft rice.

Bedtime: natural yoghurt.


Breakfast: boiled sausage, eggs, coffee with cream.

Lunch: mashed soup with chicken and broccoli or cauliflower.

Snack: honey and dried cookies, tea.

Dinner: baked cod without skin, carrot puree.

Bedtime: sour milk.


Breakfast: sandwiches from wheat bread with hard cheese, coffee with milk.

Lunch: pickle (pickle instead of cucumbers).

Lunch: baked pear with icing sugar, tea.

Dinner: noodles with minced meat, juice with water.

Bedtime: kefir.

During the day, it is important to drink a normal amount of purified water, the main thing is not with meals. Water dilutes the gastric juice and food is not digested in normal mode. After taking a meal, you need to wait for 15-20 minutes and only after that drink water. At night it is recommended to drink a glass of fermented milk drinks. For cooking, you can use salt, but in minimal quantities. Strict adherence to all rules of the diet provides a speedy recovery and the transition to a good diet.

Dietary dishes for the table №2

A wide list of products allows you to show imagination in the preparation of the diet. Despite the fact that the nutrition system is medical, there are many options for dishes: puddings, casseroles, stews, soups, desserts and much more. For example, consider some recipes for the table number XXUMX.

Oatmeal pudding is suitable for breakfast, snacks and as a main course.

To prepare, you need to cook 2 cups of oatmeal with milk and sugar, and leave to cool. At this time, grate the pumpkin (one glass). Place the pumpkin in a pan, pour one glass of milk and simmer until tender. Mix both masses. Beat 2 egg whites into foam and add to the pumpkin mass, stirring constantly. Place the resulting workpiece in a greased form, grease with sour cream on top and bake until tender. You can check the degree of readiness with a toothpick.

Fish pate is suitable for breakfast sandwiches or snacks.

One boiled carrot and 100 of cottage cheese should be ground to a homogeneous mass. Separately, cook 200 g of cod fillet (you can hake), skip it through a meat grinder and simmer the stuffing before evaporation of moisture. Combine both masses and beat well.

Kissel with dried apricots is great as a dessert or a drink. In a thermos, you can take it to work or walk.

Dried apricots (arbitrary amount) should be boiled in water for 30 minutes. Then wipe the dried fruits and return to the broth. Separately mix starch with clean water (1: 4), based on: for 200 ml of broth, 15 g of starch is needed. In a boiling broth with mashed dried apricots, introduce a thin stream of starch solution and immediately turn it off. If the jelly is placed in portioned dishes (bowls, glasses), it should be sprinkled with powdered sugar on top so that a crust does not form.

In conclusion

Diet No. 2 according to Pevzner improves the functions of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract and the process of digestion. This diet table is used for chronic gastritis with insufficient secretory function, as well as for colitis and enteritis. This diet is not recommended for healthy people as a self-medication. A gastroenterologist should prescribe a therapeutic nutrition system. The treatment program should be comprehensive – diet therapy and medicines. For a speedy recovery and return to a normal diet, it is necessary to strictly follow the rules of the diet.

To avoid gastrointestinal diseases, it is important to eat fractionally, eat at least a minimum amount of food every 3-4 hours, and not eat too much at a time. Bad habits, malnutrition, stress load significantly increase the chances of developing diseases of the digestive system. With the appearance of regular pain in the stomach, causeless nausea, frequent heartburn, it is better to undergo an examination as soon as possible. Prevention of such diseases requires much less time and money than their treatment.

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