Therapeutic Diet №13

Despite the fact that medicine today successfully copes with most pathogens, infectious diseases among children and adults are quite common. Severe diseases caused by viruses, fungi or bacteria require long-term treatment and recovery. Drug therapy, which is mandatory for infections, often reduces overall immunity and resistance to new diseases. To prevent the patient from falling into this vicious circle, a special therapeutic diet No. 13 is prescribed.

Application and purpose of the diet

Diet number 13 is also known as table number 13. It was compiled by the Soviet scientist Manuil Pevzner, who devoted his life to the study of dietology and developed specialized nutrition, the task of which is to alleviate the course of the disease and speed up recovery.[1]. Since the middle of the twentieth century and until now, this nutrition system has been used for severe infectious diseases.

Table number 13 is prescribed for pneumonia, acute bronchitis, whooping cough, bronchiolitis. Also, this diet helps patients recover faster after extensive surgery on the bones, soft tissues and thyroid gland. Special sparing nutrition is required for patients suffering from any pathological processes that are accompanied by suppuration.

The therapeutic diet is applied during bed rest. Such meals can last no more than two weeks. If the patient quickly goes on the mend and does not need food elimination, the diet is stopped. If no improvement is observed, the patient’s menu should be adjusted by the attending doctor.

The purpose of the diet is to restore the general strength of the patient, increase resistance to infections, strengthen immunity. Due to the three types of sparing, the work of the digestive organs is facilitated.

Terms of supply

Infectious diseases greatly deplete the body, and in combination with antibiotics significantly weaken it. With bronchitis, pneumonia or other diseases, it is important to fill the lack of vitamins and minerals that will strengthen the immune system and prevent re-infection.

Diet No. 13 facilitates the process of assimilation of nutrients from food as much as possible and at the same time is quite high in calories. This therapeutic diet also contributes to detoxification, the removal of excess fluid from the body.

The diet excludes indigestible foods, as well as foods that cause increased gas formation, fermentation processes in the intestines. The diet of the patient should consist of food rich in vitamins, protein. The volume of liquids increases, 2-2,5 liters per day.

Food during cooking should be subjected to three types of sparing:

  1. Chemical. That is, the composition of food should be as easily digestible as possible. The first courses should be light, low in fat, vegetables well boiled. All food should not irritate the digestive organs and have a positive effect on the nervous system. Spicy, sour, strongly salty are excluded.
  2. Mechanical sparing is necessary to ensure a certain consistency of dishes. On the thirteenth diet, it is necessary to chop food well, wipe, boil it. Food should be of a homogeneous mass, in the form of cereals and mashed potatoes. It is forbidden to fry and bake, diet recipes should consist of boiled or steamed foods.
  3. Thermal sparing ensures the optimum temperature of the cooked food. Cold drinks and dishes must have a temperature of at least 15°C, hot – no higher than 65°C.

Portions of meals should be small and meals should be taken at regular intervals. It is advisable to plan the diet so that 6 small meals per day come out.

The norm of salt for the patient depends on his condition. If the disease is not accompanied by vomiting, profuse sweating, up to 10 g of sodium chloride is required per day. If complications of the disease lead to fluid loss, the amount of salt is slightly increased. With swelling, irregular stools, constant feeling of thirst, the amount of salt is reduced to 6 g.

To cleanse the body and remove harmful substances, you need to increase the amount of water consumed. Compliance with such a drinking regimen reduces intoxication and replenishes the body’s water balance. It is not recommended to drink during meals and at bedtime.

Product List

In the presence of an infectious disease or after undergoing surgical interventions, coarse fiber, hard-to-digest food, and harmful flavors should be avoided. The menu should consist of natural products, lean meat and fish, boiled vegetables.

From the list of products and dishes you need to exclude:

  • lamb, fatty pork, lard, ham;
  • sausage;
  • fatty fish species, caviar;
  • fried eggs, hard boiled;
  • smoked meat, canned food, marinades;
  • vegetables and fruits in their raw form, with coarse skin;
  • radish and radish, all kinds of mushrooms;
  • fresh pastries, baking, puff pastry, fresh bread, rye;
  • onions, garlic, cucumbers and white cabbage;
  • cream, spicy and fatty cheeses, fat sour cream, whole milk;
  • beans, barley groats, corn, pearl barley, millet;
  • confectionery, chocolate, sweets;
  • cocoa, strong tea, black coffee.

The list of non-recommended products can be replenished if the patient has complications. Infectious diseases are often accompanied by stool disorders. If there is diarrhea, you need to exclude everything sweet, dairy, cold. In case of constipation, on the contrary, you should add prunes, boiled beets, freshly squeezed juices from raw vegetables, sweet juices to the menu.

For bronchitis, pneumonia, recovery, it is recommended to prepare:

  1. Low-fat meat, poultry and fish – they can only be boiled or steamed. Products from minced meat are allowed, but without pepper, onion and garlic. Skin and bones must be removed.
  2. First courses are obligatory for every lunch. They can be cooked in vegetable broth, meat or fish secondary. It is recommended to add vegetables, vermicelli, dumplings, egg flakes. You can cook soups with allowed cereals: oatmeal, buckwheat, rice. Cereals in this case should be boiled as much as possible.
  3. Porridge and puddings – they can be made from semolina, oatmeal, buckwheat or rice. Porridge should be viscous, soft, not crumbly. It is advisable to wipe them through a sieve before use.
  4. Low-fat dairy products – must be used in limited quantities. It is allowed to drink kefir, yogurt, acidophilus. Low-fat sour cream and unsalted butter can be added to dishes. Cottage cheese and grated hard cheese are allowed.
  5. Wheat crackers, dried bread, dry biscuit and biscuits.
  6. Boiled vegetables – you can cook mashed potatoes, stews, puddings and soufflé from them. Recommended use: beets, carrots, potatoes, zucchini, pumpkin, squash, cauliflower, broccoli.
  7. Natural drinks – you can make compotes of fresh and dried fruits (drink without fruits), jelly, herbal decoctions, fruit drinks. You can only sweeten it if recommended by a doctor.

If the infection goes away against the background of other diseases (diabetes mellitus, anemia, gastritis, ulcers, etc.), the doctor should make the final list of acceptable products. Arbitrarily adding products to the menu is strictly prohibited, as this can complicate the course of the disease.

Diet menus and recipes

Since the list of prohibited foods is wide, it is recommended to make a menu in advance. Planning will allow you to choose the right recipes on time and stock up on the necessary ingredients.

The menu for the week for the table №13 may look as follows.


In the morning: mashed buckwheat with meatballs from a rabbit.

Snack: carrot mousse.

For lunch: veal and cauliflower soup puree, crackers.

Snack: apricot juice.

Dinner: zucchini home-made caviar, a slice of boiled chicken.

Bedtime: acidophilus.


In the morning: liquid semolina with milk, weak tea.

Snack: mashed baked apple.

For lunch: carrot, potato and sweet pepper soup.

Snack: cowberry compote, a slice of dry biscuit.

Dinner: potato casserole, chamomile tea.

Bedtime: Compote or juice.


In the morning: cottage cheese casserole, tea with milk.

Snack: currant jelly.

At lunch: soup with fish and finely chopped greens.

Snack: jelly.

Dinner: Greek with beef, a little sour cream.

Bedtime: kefir.


In the morning: grated rice porridge, tea with crackers.

Snack: quince jelly.

At lunch: cream soup of tomatoes and cauliflower.

Snack: compote with dryers.

Dinner: fish dumplings, braised zucchini.

Bedtime: linden tea.


In the morning: carrot and apple puree, tea.

Snack: kefir.

At lunch: soup with buckwheat, a little sour cream and crackers.

Snack: low-fat grated curd.

Supper: fish souffle, compote from plums.

Before going to bed: a decoction of chamomile.


In the morning: semolina porridge with milk, tea.

Snack: apple jelly.

For lunch: mashed rice soup and tomato.

Snack: plum compote.

Dinner: rabbit meatballs in sour cream.

Bedtime: sour milk.


In the morning: carrot and semolina pudding, weak green tea.

Snack: drying with broth hips.

At lunch: beet liquid puree, crackers.

Snack: cranberry mousse.

Dinner: chicken pudding, boiled potatoes.

Bedtime: linden tea.

Cooking for a diet number 13 takes time and requires attention. The main task in drawing up the menu is to diversify food using a minimum of products. The patient needs more healthy ingredients, so the diet should be diluted as much as possible with healthy foods.

Cranberry mousse is not only a delicious dessert, but also healthy. Cranberries are rich in rare vitamin PP, potassium, iodine, vitamin B. To prepare one portion of the dish, you will need 50 g of washed berries to be rubbed through a fine sieve and left to drain. Put the pulp into water and cook for 5 minutes, strain.

Into the resulting broth, introduce diluted gelatin and simmer over low heat. After boiling add cranberry juice into it and cool to room temperature. Beat the liquid with a mixer until lush foam, then pour into containers and place in the refrigerator. Before serving, place the dishes with mousse in hot water for a few minutes and put on a saucer.

A soufflé of fish is suitable as a second dish and diversifies the menu. It will require boiling the fillets of any lean fish, cool it and skip twice through a meat grinder. Separately, fry a few tablespoons of flour in a pan, then dissolve it in cold milk, pour the resulting liquid into boiling milk and cook to a state of liquid sour cream.

Add the egg yolks (1 pieces per 100 g of fish), milk mixture, a little butter, salt to the fish mass. Beat the remaining proteins into the foam and add to the minced meat, mix. Place the resulting mass in molds and cook for a couple.

Zucchini puree soup is cooked quickly and requires a minimum of ingredients. For it you need to peel a large zucchini (for a single serving) from the skin and seeds, cut it into cubes and boil it in a small amount of water. When the zucchini is cooked, cool slightly, beat it with a blender and add 100 g of milk. Again, bring to a boil all and pour two tablespoons of semolina. Cook all until fully prepared. When serving, sprinkle with wheat breadcrumbs.

Diet results

Table number 13 is appointed for a short period. As a result of such a diet, the recovery process is accelerated, the work of internal organs is restored faster and intoxication is reduced. Recovery after surgical interventions is faster, the period of drug therapy is reduced.

During the diet, patients are advised to comply with bed rest or half-bed rest. It is forbidden to lift weights, overstrain, tire. It is advisable to ventilate the room in which the patient is located every day, and during the ventilation itself, it must be transferred to another room.

At the end of the diet, the patient is transferred to another diet, most often table No. 11 or No. 15 is laid. Strict observance of all the rules and requirements provide the best therapeutic effect of table number 13 and a quick recovery.

Sources of
  1. ↑ Borodulin V.I. Canons of dietetics and life lessons. In memory of prof. M.I. Pevzner (1872–1952) / Borodulin V.I., Kaganov B.S., Topolyansky A.V. // Issues of dietology. – 2013 – Volume 3, No. 1. – P. 6-28.

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