Therapeutic Diet №12

The central nervous system controls the work and the relationship of all systems and organs in the human body. Violations in her work cause physical and mental pathology and require mandatory intervention by medicine. Part of this therapy consists of a diet. A Soviet gastroenterologist explained the relationship between nutrition and the development of diseases of the nervous system. Composed by him, the technique was called table number XXUMX and is designed to minimize the load on the central nervous system.


Diet ration No. 12 is used for functional disorders of the nervous system. Most often, the menu that corrects the work of the nervous system is prescribed for neurosis, neurasthenia, neurocirculatory dystonia.

Also, such a diet is successfully used for chronic stress, sleep disorders, phobias and an unstable emotional background. The diet of table No. 12 can be used by people who do not have mental disorders, in case of a stressful situation and insomnia.

The correction of the menu is necessary for the patient, regardless of the severity of the disease: from usual insomnia to epilepsy. Recommendations table 12 can be used by healthy people for the prevention of nervous disorders, insomnia, mood swings.

The essence of therapeutic nutrition

Soviet nutritionist Manuil Pevzner identified a number of foods that have a stimulating effect on the central nervous system. Based on this knowledge, he developed a specialized menu for people with mental disorders, which facilitates the course of the disease. Such exciting food turned out to be spices, salty, spicy and sour dishes. Table No. 12 provides for the complete exclusion of the above dishes from the diet of a patient with mental disorders.

The patient is supposed to eat in small parts, but often. Total per day should be at least 5 meals. The technique proposes to arrange heavy breakfasts, less dense lunches and light dinners. If, before the 12 table was assigned, the patient’s nutrition was very different from the general rules of the methodology, the menu should be adjusted gradually. Sharp transition to a diet can cause additional stress.

Additionally, drinks that also excite the nervous system are excluded from the diet, namely, coffee, strong black and green tea, energy drinks, sweet carbonated drinks. Drinking alcohol is especially dangerous for disorders of the nervous system. The use of alcoholic beverages in conjunction with drugs used in the treatment of mental disorders is deadly. It is highly desirable to get rid of nicotine addiction, if any.

The chemical composition of the patient’s nutrition should be balanced. It is recommended to eat 300 g of slow carbohydrates (beans, cereals), 70-80 g of vegetable and animal protein (vegetables, meat, eggs), healthy fats up to 70 a day, especially carefully when cooking food. The amount of salt also needs to be reduced, the recommended rate per day is 6.

From heat treatment, frying in a large amount of oil should be abandoned. Can be baked, boiled, steamed or in a slow cooker. It is desirable to consume food and drinks in a warm form, too hot or cold is undesirable for the central nervous system.

In addition to nutrition, the patient should drink enough purified water. It is better not to use ordinary sparkling water; periodically it is useful to use water enriched with useful minerals. Caloric intake per day should be no more than 2500 kcal.

Appetite disturbance is a frequent occurrence in case of malfunctions in the nervous system, the patient may refuse to eat or, conversely, overeat. It is important to ensure that the diet is moderate and balanced.

List of products for diet

In order to improve the activity of the central nervous system, Pevzner recommended introducing more fortified foods into the menu. The central nervous system needs all micro and macro elements, most vitamins. Deficiency of one or more components can be the root cause of the disease.

First of all, diet 12 eliminates those foods that irritate the central nervous system or do not provide any benefit. For the twelfth table are prohibited:

  • hot spices and seasonings;
  • mustard, horseradish, tabasco, hot ketchup;
  • fresh pastries, puff pastry;
  • fried eggs and hard boiled;
  • sweet and sour cheeses and drinks: feta cheese, yogurt;
  • garlic and onions, radishes, radishes, cucumbers;
  • spinach, sorrel, basil;
  • cocoa, black coffee, alcohol, strong tea, sweet soda;
  • salted fish, caviar;
  • chocolate and products with it;
  • canned food, smoked meat;
  • marinades, pickles, fermented foods.

When buying ready-made products, it is advisable to study their composition well, especially sausages, dairy products, and desserts.

The menu of table number 12 includes:

  1. Meat and fish – they need to choose low-fat species. Suitable: rabbit, turkey, chicken, pure fillet of veal and beef, horse meat, hare. From seafood you can use low-fat fish and shellfish: hake, pollock, carp, eel, mussels, shrimp, crucian carp, gobies and others. You can only cook meat and fish dishes in a gentle way: boiling, baking, steamed.
  2. Bread – Yesterday’s Baking Only. Any grades are suitable: white, rye, bran, oat. If possible, it is best to cook salt-free pastries. Yesterday’s pies, unprofitable buns and cookies, biscuits, drying, dry biscuit are allowed.
  3. Dairy products – you need to choose with low fat content. It is recommended to introduce more cottage cheese and kefir into the diet, dishes with them. You can use natural yogurt without dyes and flavors, whole milk, hard cheeses, low-fat sour cream.
  4. Vegetables – except prohibited. Familiar onions can be replaced with leek.
  5. Chicken and quail eggs are allowed in limited quantities. A day relies no more than 2 pieces of chicken or 4 – quail. You can cook soft-boiled, steamed omelets, add to dishes.
  6. Vegetable and butter – should be consumed sparingly. You can use sunflower, olive, sesame, linseed and other types. Butter is allowed only in melted form.
  7. Fruits and berries – it is advisable to choose according to season and place of origin. It is necessary to apply not too acidic varieties: blueberries, pears, apples, gooseberries, etc.
  8. Healthy drinks – coffee should be replaced with less aggressive ones. Teas are suitable: linden, rose hip, sea buckthorn, chamomile. Special herbs are allowed to normalize nervous activity, they can be purchased at the pharmacy. In addition, you can cook compotes, fruit drinks, freshly squeezed juices.

In more severe mental and nervous system disorders such as epilepsy, catalepsy attacks, the diet is prescribed individually by a doctor, taking into account the characteristics of the course of the disease and the deficiency of certain components.

Proper nutrition for the nervous system

Having a list of products for the table number 12, you can plan the diet of the patient, it is better to make a menu in advance for a week or a few days in advance. As already mentioned, it is important to ensure that food is enough, but without overeating. Breakfast should be the most dense, and dinner should be light. Between the main methods rely small snacks, which are best suited nuts, dairy drinks, vegetables.

Diet Option # 1

Breakfast: wheat cereal with stewed meatballs, vegetable salad, lime decoction.

Snack: biscuits, a glass of milk.

Lunch: cabbage soup with potatoes and tomato paste, bread.

Snack: natural yogurt with fresh blueberries.

Supper: braised green beans, a slice of hard cheese, chamomile broth.

Diet Option # 2

Breakfast: mashed potatoes, steam cutlet, vinaigrette, weak tea with milk.

Snack: tomato juice without salt.

Lunch: soup with rice and chicken, a little sour cream, dried bread.

Snack: drying (100 g) with milk.

Dinner: stewed cabbage rolls in tomato juice, lime tea.

Diet Option # 3

Breakfast: biscuits with pasta from cottage cheese and avocado, a portion of bulgur with mushrooms.

Snack: weak white tea, a handful of dried apricots.

Lunch: white fish ear, rye toast from yesterday’s pastries.

Snack: currant compote, a handful of cashews.

Dinner: stewed chickpeas with a rabbit, rosehip tea.

Diet option number 4 – children

Breakfast: boiled egg, sweet buckwheat porridge with milk.

Snack: compote with dry oatmeal cookies.

Lunch: thick soup with cauliflower and leek, sour cream.

Snack: salad with unsalted cow cheese, nuts and tomatoes.

Dinner: steamed potato zrazy, compote.

If diet No. 12 is supposed to be used as a prophylaxis, then its calorie content can be increased or decreased, based on the actual body weight. In this case, the list of allowed products can be expanded after discussion with the doctor. If table No. 12 is used in the complex therapy of the disease, then all the rules must be strictly observed.

Additional measures for disorders of the nervous system

Table No. 12 is used for sleep disorders, anxiety, feelings of fear, and reduced ability to work. These conditions can be a sign of nutrient deficiency, which can be caused by inadequate, irregular nutrition and chronic stress.

Patients with impaired functioning of the nervous system should include in the diet a sufficient amount of fiber, which is rich in vitamin B. This vitamin is especially useful for improving the functioning of the nervous system. It can be obtained from fruits, cereals, cereals. Also, foods rich in fiber have detoxifying and antioxidant effects, which is very important in increasing the body’s immune defenses and strengthening the nervous system.

The drinking regimen is also important. In diseases of the nervous system, it is necessary to drink a sufficient amount of purified water. However, you need to remember that you can not drink water with food (and other drinks too), drink an hour before bedtime.

If the disease is accompanied by muscle cramps, tic, other involuntary movements, it is recommended to consume more phosphorus. It is found in dairy products, liver, legumes, tongue, brain.

With neurasthenia, increased excitability, nervousness, unreasonable attacks of aggression, you need to eat food with magnesium. It normalizes blood pressure and pulse, has a calming effect, positively affects the work of the heart muscle. To make up for its deficiency, you need to enter lentils, beans, chickpeas, buckwheat, nuts, bran into the menu. The cause of the same irritability and convulsions can be calcium deficiency. In addition to dairy products, they are rich in: beets, almonds, cabbage, beans.

To improve brain activity, attention, memory, it is recommended to introduce food that is rich in iron into the diet. It can be obtained from white cabbage, turnips, seafood, buckwheat, beef. In order for iron to be better absorbed, you need to add vitamin C to the menu. In addition to citrus fruits, there are a lot of it in berries: strawberries, rose hips, black currants.

After suffering stress, you need to consume more vitamin E. This element improves the activity of brain cells, and also has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the central and peripheral nervous systems, and regulates the emotional background. It can be found in sprouted wheat, peas, beans, lentils, eggs, nuts.

With mild neuroses, excitability, neurasthenia and other functional disorders of the central nervous system, walks in the fresh air are mandatory. With frequent stress, short-term nervous tics, aggression, it is recommended to add reading positive books (“Dandelion Wine” by Ray Bradbury, “Pollyanna” by Eleanor Porter, “Three Cups of Tea” by Greg Mortenson and others).

Conclusion about diet

Diet table number XXUMX was composed in the twentieth century. Modern psychotherapists and neurologists still use it. It is easy to comply with it, because it does not contain a large list of restrictions, and in contrast to prohibited products, there are still a lot of useful and recommended ones.

With the help of simple nutrition in patients, the work of the nervous system is restored faster, the period of drug therapy is reduced. As a preventive measure, such a diet is recommended for people during periods of emotional and physical overload, in stressful situations.

If you notice serious changes in your behavior, mental well-being – do not rely only on diet. Seek advice from a clinical psychologist, psychotherapist, or psychiatrist.

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