Therapeutic Diet №11

There are a number of infectious and non-infectious diseases that cause depletion of the human body and a decrease in its immunity to a greater extent. For example, anemia, tuberculosis, pneumonia, as well as the period after extensive operations and various injuries. In order to restore the overall strength of the body, increase immunity, you need food with an increased daily calorie content and enriched with all vitamins and microelements. Such a diet is provided by table number 11, which we will discuss in detail below.

Purpose and purpose of the diet

The therapeutic technique developed by the Soviet nutritionist Manuil Pevzner is primarily used for tuberculosis of the respiratory tract, bone tissue, and lymph nodes. Of the diseases caused by Koch’s wand, this technique is not used only in cases of intestinal damage. Diet No. 11 is used in the complex treatment of tuberculosis in the recovery period and incomplete remission.

If the patient has undergone extensive surgical interventions and / or injuries, then a long stay in intensive care, the inability to fully eat lead to a significant decrease in body weight. In this case, diet therapy is aimed at replenishing protein, subcutaneous fat and for faster recovery of all body functions.

For patients with anemia and croupous pneumonia, healthful nutrition helps to compensate for the lack of biologically active nutrients and bring hemoglobin levels back to normal.

Patients of any category during the diet strengthens the immune system, increases the overall resistance to infectious diseases, normalizes weight. Diet is not prescribed for concomitant severe gastrointestinal diseases, liver and heart.

Principles of therapeutic nutrition

In patients with serious infectious diseases (tuberculosis, lobar pneumonia), anemia, as well as after extensive surgical interventions, body weight is often sharply reduced, and can reach critically low. In this state, it is very difficult for the body to fight and diseases often become chronic. The treatment technique according to Pevzner is designed to quickly return the patient’s weight to normal, which will help him increase immunity resistance and prevent complications.

The diet of table No. 11 normalizes body weight, and is also complete. It contains all the vital nutrients, vitamins and minerals. The technique is based on the principle of a healthy diet, but with an increased daily caloric content of food intake. The diet is 5 meals per day, the last of which should occur no later than 2 hours before bedtime.

Every day, the patient should gain at least 3000 kcal, but an increase in calories over 3500 kcal is undesirable. The purpose of the diet is to normalize weight, improve the functioning of all organs and systems of the body, but without exceeding the daily calorie content, so that there is no opposite effect in the form of obesity. The prescribed number of kilocalories should be gained from protein foods and vegetable fiber. Animal and vegetable fats, slow carbohydrates remain within the requirements or increase slightly.

No requirements for chemical, thermal or mechanical deactivation are given. Food can be cooked in any available way, fried is allowed, but its quantity should be moderate – no more than once a day. Stewed and baked dishes, natural desserts, thick soups and borscht are best suited.

In order to fill the deficiency of vitamins, it is recommended to eat more seasonal plant foods: leafy vegetables, herbs, berries, fruits of local origin. It is important to choose only the most useful products. For example, grapes in winter will not bring any benefit and will not make up for shortages, like oranges in summer.

Be sure to have dairy and sour-milk products in the menu for tuberculosis. It is recommended to use natural milk of cows, goats, sheep. Such foods are essential for replenishing calcium and healthy animal fats. In case of anemia, the amount of whole dairy products should be determined by the doctor, since it interferes with the absorption of iron.

Weight gain and recovery must occur correctly. The calorie content of the diet should not increase due to too fatty dishes and semi-finished products. From the menu you need to exclude:

  • chips and crackers, flavored snacks;
  • ready-made cakes, cream cakes, chocolate with filling;
  • artificial seasonings and spices;
  • beef and mutton fat;
  • substandard sausages;
  • cheap cheeses, processed cheese;
  • shop sauces and pastes (fish oil, mayonnaise, sandwich pastes);
  • instant coffee, sweet soda, energy, alcohol.

The amount of sugar and salt must be reduced. You can sweeten drinks and homemade desserts with honey or maple syrup. To add flavor to dishes without salt, you can use herbs and greens: basil, cilantro, marjoram, rosemary, etc. Spices from natural ingredients: turmeric, cinnamon, cloves, nutmeg, paprika, etc. are not prohibited.

It is advisable to build food so that carbohydrates predominate at the beginning and in the middle of the day, and in the evening one should give preference to protein and plant foods. Fruits are suitable for breakfast and lunch, and in the afternoon, it is better to eat fresh vegetables and drink sour milk drinks.

Be sure to introduce nuts to replenish the supply of essential amino acids, vegetable fats, vitamins. Any available varieties are suitable: cashew, walnut, forest, peanuts. It is also recommended to use sesame seeds, flax, poppy seeds. They can be added to desserts, vegetable salads, unsweetened pastries.

Salads need to be seasoned with sour cream, vegetable oil, lemon juice. Mayonnaise and other purchased sauces should be discarded. It is advisable to eat a portion of liquid food every day: broths, fish soup, borscht, cream soups. They can be prepared on a secondary meat broth, fish, mushroom. It is not forbidden to add cereals and pasta to the first.

The exact menu and set of products for the patient need to check with your doctor. The composition of the diet is influenced by the type and degree of the disease, the stage of recovery, the presence of concomitant diseases. Arbitrary dietary changes may aggravate the patient’s position.

Medical menu

Nutrition on the diet No. 11 is not a difficult task and is easily used in patients in the recovery phase after suffering from pneumonia, tuberculosis, and also with anemia. The diet implies the maximum set of products and possible dishes. Lean types of meat, fish, seafood are allowed. Porridges can be prepared from any cereals, add roast, stew or vegetables to them.

From cheese and sausage products, you can choose only quality products. Before buying, be sure to examine the composition and avoid long lists consisting of obscure abbreviations and words.

Baking is not prohibited, but its quantity should be in moderation. You can eat white and rye bread, pies, biscuit and oatmeal cookies, gingerbread. It is better to give preference to homemade cakes, in no case should you use street products.

The 11 diet allows for canned fish and meat, but their quality should not be in doubt. Again, before buying you need to familiarize yourself with the composition and well inspect the container. If the product is in a tin, it should not have depressions and tubercles, chipped pieces. Covers on glass jars should not have rust or blistering.

The diet should be formulated so that the patient receives all the necessary components. Consider an example of such a menu for the week.


Breakfast: scrambled eggs with bell pepper and cheese, bread, coffee with milk.

Lunch: carrot juice with nuts.

Lunch: pearl barley soup, stew with chicken and vegetables, tea.

Snack: vegetable salad, juice.

Dinner: pork chop, steam broccoli, wheat porridge.


Breakfast: sandwiches with cheese and tomatoes, coffee.

Lunch: tea with dried fruits.

Lunch: pickle, buckwheat with mushrooms and onions, bread.

Snack: cottage cheese casserole, apple juice.

Dinner: couscous with dried apricots and lean beef, vegetable salad.


Breakfast: sweet rice porridge with honey and raisins, coffee.

Lunch: bun with poppy seeds and tea.

Lunch: pasta soup, salad with boiled egg and leaf lettuce.

Snack: toast with jam, tea or juice.

Dinner: baked fish with lemon and green beans, rosehip broth.


Breakfast: cottage cheese with sour cream, coffee.

Lunch: a decoction of chamomile, biscuit cookies with seeds.

Lunch: buckwheat soup, noodles with a piece of boiled chicken.

Snack: vinaigrette, plum juice.

Dinner: chicken fillet with braised cabbage, bread, juice.


Breakfast: potato pancakes with sour cream, tea or coffee.

Lunch: pie with cottage cheese and greens, apple juice.

Lunch: soup, buckwheat with meatballs in tomato sauce, bread.

Snack: yogurt or fermented baked milk.

Dinner: casserole with a rabbit and cauliflower, light salad, linden tea.


Breakfast: mashed potatoes with a chop, tea or coffee.

Lunch: fresh fruit.

Lunch: soup, millet porridge with chicken chop, bread.

Snack: carrot muffin, tea with chamomile.

Dinner: boiled rice with a fish patty, a salad of bell pepper, herbs and feta.


Breakfast: buckwheat with milk and honey, coffee.

Lunch: semolina pudding, tea.

Lunch: soup with cauliflower, pilaf with lean meat, bread.

Snack: compote, a plate of cottage cheese with dried apricots.

Dinner: baked zucchini and eggplant, chicken Kiev, cherry juice.

The considered nutritional option is common for recovery, and cannot be used for complications or concomitant diseases. Each patient must consult a doctor before making a diet, since each picture of the disease is individual and requires a careful approach.

Diet number 11 is quite diverse and provides an opportunity to show imagination. It is better to make the menu in advance in order to stock up on time with food, find recipes and time to cook.

Medical Recipes

Table number 11 is easy to adhere, since it practically does not exclude familiar products. Dietary dishes can be cooked tasty, even if they are without salt. The whole family can adhere to this kind of food, which further simplifies the observance of the method.

Cheesecakes with carrots are healthy, tasty and suitable for children and adults. To prepare them you need:

  • half a kilo of cottage cheese;
  • 2 spoons of honey or maple syrup;
  • 2 tablespoons of semolina or oatmeal;
  • 2 chicken eggs;
  • one medium carrot.

Peel and grate the carrots, let them stand and then drain the juice. Carrot juice can be left, then you have to add another spoon of semolina. Knead the dough of eggs, semolina and cottage cheese, sweeten. In the kneaded dough to enter the carrots and mix well. Formed cheesecakes fry in the usual way, it is better to use a double boiler or bake them in the oven.

Soup with cauliflower is easy to prepare, you can store it in the refrigerator for up to two days. It will require:

  • 200 Mr. Chicken or Rabbit;
  • one cauliflower head;
  • large sweet pepper;
  • one carrot;
  • leek;
  • cilantro.

Wash the fillets need to boil until half ready, then drain the first broth. Again, put the meat in water and put on the fire, there add the chopped vegetables and half the carrots. Separately, saute the leeks and leftover carrots, fry them in the soup and cook 15 for another minute over low heat. Over 5 minutes until ready to add chopped greens.

Zrazy stuffed for dinner or lunch, perfectly in tune with boiled rice. For their preparation will need:

  • a pound of lean pork;
  • 250 ml of milk;
  • bread flesh;
  • 100 butter;
  • 2 large bulbs;
  • 2 chicken eggs;
  • bunch of greens.

Meat with one bulb mince. Soak the bread flesh in milk and squeeze, add to the pork and knead the stuffing. Separately fry the remaining onions, and boil eggs hard, combine them, add chopped greens and melted butter. In a stuffing wrap a little stuffing, form a patty. Fry zrazy in breading until cooked.

Diet №11 during pregnancy

During pregnancy, the diet of table No. 11 is used if anemia of moderate or severe degree is diagnosed against the background of poor weight gain in a woman. Diet rules remain virtually unchanged, but the set of products will be slightly different.

Pregnant women are given more fortified food. At the same time, products that have an increased allergenicity are often minimized: red and orange fruits, nuts, citrus.

Daily calorie content remains within 3000-3500 kcal. The diet should be controlled by the patient herself. If there is no desire to eat, you should never force yourself. In this case, food intake should be fractional up to 7-8 times a day, in small portions. If the appetite is better in the afternoon, which happens during pregnancy, then it is recommended to increase the serving volumes due to healthy and low-calorie foods.

The basic principles in compiling the diet of table No. 11 for pregnant women should be based on a varied and nutritious diet. The diet should contain all the necessary components with an emphasis on protein and fiber.

It is impossible to use the table No. XXUMX without the recommendation of the doctor. The doctor needs to clarify the complete list of prohibited products, which is compiled on the basis of analyzes, the degree of illness, trimester, the presence of other diseases.

11 diet can be prescribed for the child. In this case, the principles of nutrition remain the same as for adults. Be sure to introduce easily digestible proteins into the menu: fish, eggs, rabbit meat, Brussels sprouts, cereals. Food in the children’s menu should be minimally salted. The amount of sweets is also minimized.

In conclusion

Proper nutrition also includes a healthy lifestyle. Alcohol and nicotine are completely eliminated, because these toxic substances further harm the exhausted body.

Such diseases must be accompanied by drug therapy. Alcohol neutralizes the effect of most medicinal preparations, which will lead to the extension of the disease itself and therapy. A craze for nicotine on the background of pulmonary tuberculosis significantly shortens the life of the patient. With pneumonia, smoking can cause a more serious illness.

In the course of diet No. 11, it is recommended to use additional vitamins in the form of supplements. But vitamin supplements have a different composition, so they should also be prescribed by a doctor, taking into account the pathology and stage of the disease.

In general, the eleventh Pevzner diet is easy to follow, does not require menu restrictions or inaccessible products. Following such a diet, patients recover faster from infectious diseases and injuries, normalize their weight, well-being and, as a result, a positive attitude towards life.

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