Therapeutic Diet №10

In the structure of total mortality, diseases of the cardiovascular system occupy a leading place. Therefore, it is important to carry out preventive measures and explain the need for the use of complex treatment programs (diet therapy, drug treatment and dosed physical activity) among the population. The key to the treatment of diseases of the heart and blood vessels is nutrition.

The diet that is used for the treatment of the cardiovascular system was developed by Manuil Pevzner, a Soviet scientist, professor and nutritionist. Acquaintance with the technique will allow you to minimize the risk of a heart attack, stroke, atherosclerosis, and more effectively undergo rehabilitation with already existing diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Application and purpose of the diet

The cycle of diet therapy programs for various diseases of the heart and blood vessels is called “table number 10”. Also, this diet is applicable in the nutrition of patients with I and IIa degree of circulatory failure. The use of table No. 10, together with drug therapy, in such patients can improve the course of the underlying disease and reduce the risk of complications. However, this diet is only suitable for compensated or subcompensated disease and should only be used when prescribed by a doctor.

The diet is aimed at restoring the normal functioning of the heart, normalizing blood circulation. Also, the diet of diet No. 10 improves the function of the liver and kidneys, helps to reduce swelling and shortness of breath, helps to reduce body weight if the patient has concomitant overweight or obesity. Such results are achieved by observing all the nutrition of table No. 10, which, first of all, are aimed at facilitating the work of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract and the cardiovascular system.

Terms of supply

An unhealthy diet is often a risk factor for heart disease. Eating food rich in cholesterol, “fast” carbohydrates, as well as fried semi-finished products leads to pathological changes in all organs and systems of the human body, primarily the cardiovascular system. Proper diet should be an integral part of the treatment of cardiovascular diseases.

Diet No. 10 according to Pevsner is considered a complete, balanced diet with a reduced calorie content. The decrease in energy value occurs due to the exclusion of fatty, fried, sweet. It is imperative to reduce salt intake as much as possible, with the permission of the doctor, the patient is entitled to approximately 5 g of sodium chloride.

A large amount of water is undesirable, since excess fluid puts a strain on the digestive organs, liver and kidneys. 1,5 free liquid is put per day. Given the fact of a limited drinking regime, it is necessary to reduce the number of first courses and drinks.

Tonic drinks are not allowed, as they have an exciting effect on the central nervous system and heart. These include coffee, energy, green tea, ginger.

Vegetables and fruits can be consumed in moderation. The use of vegetable fiber in large quantities carries an extra burden on the work of the gastrointestinal tract. Up to three small vegetable servings per day. Food must not be baked with a crust and fried. You can use all other types of cooking: steaming, stewing, in a slow cooker, boiling, grilling. Meat before use is recommended to pre-boil.

When eating on table No. 10, the same intervals between meals are maintained, portions are reduced in order to reduce the load on the digestive tract and cardiovascular system.

Patient responsibility is very important. During the period of treatment, it is extremely undesirable to break down on the “tasty” and overeat, as this can prolong the period of therapy and aggravate the general state of health.

List of products for diet

According to the chemical composition of food should be full and balanced. Daily calorie intake during the treatment program should be within the normal range, approximately 2500 kcal.

The menu should consist of easy-to-digest foods and natural ingredients. The main diet consists of:

  • lean meats: edged veal, pork without veins and fascia, beef, chicken and turkey without skin, rabbit fillet;
  • low-fat fish, suitable: flounder, hake, carp, pike perch, perch, eel, etc .;
  • seafood, seaweed;
  • salt-free bread, wheat flour of the first and second grinding (per day is laid up to 150 g) in dried form, yesterday’s pastries, pasta;
  • boiled and steam eggs, allowed up to 5 pieces per week;
  • dairy products, cottage cheese, unsalted cheese with low fat content, milk (with the permission of a doctor);
  • cereals, semolina – to a limited extent;
  • vegetables (except prohibited), green peas and white cabbage should be limited;
  • fruits and berries, nuts, dried fruits.

Cereals can be cooked in milk or water, combined with boiled fish or meat, added to soups. It is not forbidden to boil pasta from durum wheat in moderation (ready-made, it is permissible to use a serving of 12 cups), it can be made from wheat or buckwheat flour. The first courses are recommended to be consumed when the portion is reduced to 150-200 g at a time, vegetables for soup should not be fried.

Exclude from the diet you need:

  • lamb, meat with fat, duck, goose, offal;
  • fatty fish, salted and smoked fish, caviar;
  • canned food, pickles and marinades;
  • any store sauces;
  • fatty and salty cheese;
  • confectionery, chocolate, baking;
  • beans;
  • mushrooms, radishes, sorrel and spinach;
  • soft drinks, soda, cocoa;
  • fresh baked goods;
  • garlic and onions.

When cooking, do not forget that you can not add salt. Garden greens, natural herbs are allowed. Spices that are sharp and bright in taste are also better to exclude, as they excite the appetite.

Diet menu

It is important to ensure that the body is saturated with useful components and nutrients. On the day you need to eat two or three servings of carbohydrate meals (with a predominance of complex), two servings of protein foods, snacks with vegetable fiber (vegetables, berries, fruits) are allowed. Periodically, you need to eat nuts and drink sour-milk drinks to avoid a lack of potassium. This macronutrient is extremely important for the heart, and a potassium diet is often prescribed to prevent its deficiency.

It is better to write the diet on a piece of paper and place it in a conspicuous place, it is advisable to eat at the same time. A sample menu for a week can be compiled in advance so that later you do not come up with dietary solutions on the go.

The first day

In the morning: buckwheat in milk mashed, a little dried apricots, herbal decoction.

Snack: peeled grated apple with carrots.

Lunch: fish steaks, mashed potatoes, unsweetened berry juice.

At lunch: milk.

Dinner: stuffed peppers, tomato juice.

Second day

In the morning: cereal flakes with pieces of peeled pear, weak black tea.

Snack: Kiwi puree.

Lunch: vegetable soup with pearl barley, dried bread.

At lunch: a little curd, one tomato.

Dinner: vinaigrette without onions and beans, a piece of boiled beef, a glass of natural juice.

The third day

In the morning: one boiled egg in a bag, a salad of cucumber and tomato, linden tea.

Snack: unsweetened yogurt.

Lunch: boiled millet porridge with pieces of boiled veal, squash caviar.

For an afternoon snack: a few nuts, a rosehip broth.

Dinner: baked fish, boiled cauliflower.

Fourth day

In the morning: liquid semolina, some honey or jam, unsweetened tea.

Snack: dried bread with cottage cheese.

Lunch: vegetarian beetroot, baked potatoes, fresh cucumber.

At lunch: homemade oatmeal cookies, milk milk.

Dinner: stewed eggplant with rabbit meat, carrot juice.

Fifth day

In the morning: barley porridge, Greek salad without onions.

Snack: a glass of kefir, some berries.

Lunch: vegetarian borsch, broccoli puree, milk jelly.

At lunch: berry jelly, chamomile decoction.

Dinner: cottage cheese casserole, salad from boiled beets and prunes.

Sixth day

In the morning: grated rice porridge, pieces of kiwi, tea with milk.

Snack: yesterday’s rye bread, slices of avocado and tomato.

Lunch: cooked beef stroganoff, boiled potato garnish.

For a mid-afternoon snack: a glass of carrot and apple fresh, walnuts.

Dinner: boiled squid fillet, green beans, milk.

Seventh day

In the morning: oatmeal in milk with honey, linden tea.

Snack: grated carrots with raisins, seasoned with a spoon of unsweetened yogurt.

Lunch: stewed fish in tomato juice, boiled mashed rice.

Afternoon snack: stewed pumpkin with flax and sunflower seeds.

Dinner: baked rabbit with prunes, a glass of apple juice.

With intolerance to whole cow’s milk, it is replaced with coconut, soy or almond.

You can not starve on a diet, nutrition must fully meet the needs of the body. Do not forget about the calculation of fluid, small deviations from the norm are not terrible, but for a speedy recovery it is better to follow the rules accurately.

Diet №10 with hypertension and other diseases can last as long as necessary to restore the patient’s health. The exact duration of the program can be established only by a doctor, as a rule, this technique is prescribed for several months or more.

Diet №10a

If the patient is diagnosed with IIb or III degree of circulatory failure, diet No. 10a is used. In this case, diet therapy becomes as gentle as possible for the work of the digestive organs, the cardiovascular system, because this condition is considered decompensated.

The list of products remains the same as the tenth diet. The patient is forbidden to eat fatty, canned, fried, baking and confectionery, hot spices and salt, meat by-products. Alcohol, soda, energy, coffee and green tea should be completely eliminated. Limited to fruits and vegetables with coarse fiber and peel.

It is advisable to wipe the cereals, you can cook them with milk or water. Soups should be on a low-fat broth, it is advisable to cook them on vegetables or lean fish. The amount of dried bread is recommended to be reduced to 150 g. The daily calorie intake is reduced to 2000 kcal.

In the day you need to drink no more than a liter of water. Fluid restriction is caused by impaired kidney and liver function in these stages of the disease. Diet number 10a lasts until the patient feels better and the disease regresses. Often the 10 table goes into the tenth diet.

Diet №10b

Table No. 10 is often prescribed to patients after myocardial infarction, as well as in the presence of rheumatic heart disease without circulatory failure. Compared to other diet options, Diet #10 is broader and the drinking regimen is not as rigid. It is important for the patient to increase in his diet foods high in potassium and magnesium: nuts, cereals, milk. The menu must contain protein foods, with a predominance of animal protein.

After a heart attack, a diet is prescribed in several stages. The diet consists of three phases, which are assigned alternately:

  1. First phase. Lasts during the first week after myocardial infarction. The energy value is reduced to 1200 kcal, the patient is entitled to approximately 1,5 kg of food and 0,8 liters of liquid per day. Dishes are prepared in a pureed, chopped form, food is taken warm. Salt is not used at all, you can occasionally eat rye bread crackers, fresh vegetables are prohibited.
  2. Second phase. It proceeds for 2-3 weeks, and is called the subacute period. Daily calorie content increases to 1800 kcal, liquids can be consumed in a volume of 1 liter. Up to 3 g of sodium chloride is allowed. You can introduce fresh vegetables, increase the amount of protein foods and healthy polyunsaturated fats.
  3. The third phase begins in the fourth week after a heart attack, during this period scarring occurs. The menu at this stage will be complete, the amount of food should increase to 2,2 kg, and water – 1,1 liters. The allowable salt intake is 6 g per day. The list of products is typical for table number 10.

During the rehabilitation period of a myocardial infarction field, it is important to eat food with a low salt content, the main amount of sodium chloride will contain bread. It is important to adhere to this rule, because salt tends to retain fluid in the body and lead to edema, thereby further worsening the work of the damaged heart muscle. Meat and fish must be boiled before other types of cooking. It is allowed to fry foods in a small amount of vegetable oil. Porridge should be boiled and mashed. Vegetables can be eaten cooked or raw.

After the fourth week from the onset of the disease, the volume of liquid increases to 1,5 liters, all drinks and first courses must be taken into account. The daily calorie intake should be 2500 kcal, if the lifestyle is sedentary, this figure should drop to 2200 kcal.

During treatment, the patient must be monitored periodically by the attending physician in order to adjust the menu.

Diet №10c

Table No. 10c is intended for patients with atherosclerosis. Such diet therapy is aimed at improving blood circulation, normalizing fat metabolism, restoring the functions of the liver and kidneys. All this slows down the progression of the atherosclerotic process in the vessels.

Depending on the condition of the patient and the presence of excess weight, the doctor may prescribe one of two options for this diet.

The first option is intended for patients without excess weight. In this case, the caloric content and composition of the diet are within the normal range. You need to consume up to 2600 kcal per day, drink no more than 1,2 liters of liquid (including drinks and soups).

The second diet option is prescribed for overweight or obese patients and has a reduced daily calorie content of up to 2200 kcal, and in some cases up to 1800 kcal. The drinking regimen remains the same (as in other diet options). Table No. 10c provides for an increased consumption of vegetables in a boiled, chopped form, however, it is occasionally possible to use them raw as salads. Significantly reduce carbohydrates and fats.

The list of products and nutrition rules remain the same for table number 10. Coarse fibers of plant foods and meat should preferably be boiled before further cooking. Food is not salted, you can use pure sugar up to 50 g per day.

It is important to exclude from the diet foods containing oxalic acid, animals, cooking fats, as well as foods rich in “fast” carbohydrates and extractives (limit essential oils, spices and spices). Tonic drinks, strong tea, coffee are also sharply limited or excluded, as they have a stimulating effect on the central nervous system.

Cereals, cottage cheese and vegetable food with coarse fibers should be crushed, boiled, wiped. The amount of bread increases significantly (up to 300 g), but it should be consumed dried. You can eat lean dough, biscuits, yeast-free pastries. Under the taboo remain: shortbread and puff pastry, sweet buns, store-bought pastries.

Meat by-products are added to the menu, they must be boiled before further use. They are allowed to bake, stew and eat with a side dish, add to homemade cakes.

The diet can change or stop completely only after approval of the doctor.

In conclusion

Patients who used one of the programs of table No. 10 note, in addition to improving their general well-being, they also notice a decrease in body weight, an improvement in the condition of their hair and skin. However, the independent use of the diet complex No. 10 is not permissible, as well as self-adjustment of the already prescribed diet.

Currently, not only the elderly, but also younger people are susceptible to diseases of the cardiovascular system. WHO statistics note that along with diabetes, heart disease is getting younger, i.e. affecting more and more young people. The root cause of this is a sedentary lifestyle, improper and excessive nutrition, smoking.

After recovery and the end of the prescribed diet, it is important to maintain a healthy lifestyle, eliminate bad habits, increase physical activity, and monitor nutrition. Get rid of the “garbage” in your plate: E-supplements, fast food, dyes, excess fat, so that you never return to therapeutic diets.

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