“The youngest patient in whom I confirmed the disease was 24 years old”. Can Alzheimer’s be avoided?

It can take several years from the diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease to the onset of dementia. How quickly this happens depends on taking the right medications, and on a proper diet and lifestyle. Therefore, early diagnosis is important. September 21 is World Alzheimer’s Disease Day.

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1/ 9 The disease does not choose

– The youngest patient, in whom blood tests confirmed the onset of the disease, was 24 years old, and the patient in whom I diagnosed the onset of dementia was 27 years old. Fifty-year-olds are not uncommon. Meanwhile, due to the age of these patients, such a diagnosis is often not taken into account, which delays the start of treatment – says neuropsychologist Dr. Anna Barczak from the Alzheimer’s Department, Central Clinical Hospital of the Ministry of Interior and Administration. If your family has a history of Alzheimer’s disease, be especially vigilant. – The study of three markers from the cerebrospinal fluid may be almost 96 percent. tell us if we have Alzheimer’s disease before any symptoms appear, ‘he adds.

2/ 9 The sooner the better

The onset of dementia is often unnoticed until the person loses independence. Routine daily activities, the repetitive rhythm of the day, the presence of another person, most often a spouse, who organizes more demanding activities, allow people with dementia to function undisturbed. – A sudden event, such as a hospital stay, illness, renovation, severe stress, departure or death of a household member, often worsens the condition – says neuropsychologist Dr. Anna Barczak. If a disease is suspected, it is necessary to go to the family doctor who will refer the patient to a neurologist or psychiatrist. In addition to performing mental fitness tests, your doctor may order blood, urine, and in some cases, a hospital to assess the cerebrospinal fluid, to rule out other conditions showing similar symptoms. In the diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease, computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging are also used, less often due to costs and difficult availability – positron emission tomography (PET).

3/ 9 Only every fifth patient has a correct diagnosis

Only 20 percent. first-stage patients are properly diagnosed. The rest starting therapy is already 60 percent. up to 80 percent deficiencies of brain neurons. The first symptoms are forgetting what happened a moment ago. The sick person cannot find the items left behind, repeats himself, does not pay the bills or pays them several times, does not come to meetings, but remembers past events. Then he loses his memory of past events as well. He does not remember the names of his loved ones. He doesn’t watch TV, he stops washing himself, he starts eating with his hands without cutlery. Avoids people. There may be bouts of aggression, crying or laughing for no reason, sometimes a compulsion to walk. The sick person may be suspicious, feel that someone is being robbed. He is afraid to be home alone. In the last stage, he no longer recognizes the guardian, speaks individual words, has to be fed, does not control the sphincters.

4/ 9 Delay dementia

Unfortunately, despite the advances in medicine, there is still no cure for this disease. The available methods of therapy include relieving symptoms and preventing the rapid development of the disease. In the first phase of the disease, drugs are administered to restore the proper transmission of information between neurons. Then they are most effective because they can delay the development of the disease. They improve memory and other cognitive functions. The problem is that due to a late diagnosis, only 20 percent. sick people benefit from this treatment. Some patients are also taking antipsychotics or antidepressants. The onset of dementia is delayed by a healthy lifestyle, diet and exercise.

5/ 9 Crosswords and TV are not enough

– Low education is one of the most important factors in the development of dementia – says neuropsychologist Dr. A. Barczak. He adds that although the number of years of formal education cannot be changed in middle age, it is always possible to build the so-called cognitive reserve. – It is like saving in a bank, and its enrichment can reduce the risk of developing a disease by up to 46%. – he adds. Building this reserve means developing interests, practicing art – painting, writing poetry, sculpting, DIY, traveling, going to the theater, cinema or concerts, reading books. – I recommend my patients to write short epigrams, sign up for a computer course and learn the language. Protective mental pastimes are those in which there is a gradual difficulty, i.e. solving more and more complex tasks, moving to new levels of difficulty, dealing with new challenges. These conditions are met by computer games and sudoku, but not by crosswords, he points out.

6/ 9 Create an account on Facebook

Like cognitive activity, involvement in social life can reduce the risk of developing dementia. Dr. Anna Barczak, a neuropsychologist, advises you to learn computer skills and set up a Facebook account. But only to arrange Nordic walking, play bridge or chess with others. The point is to meet as many new people as possible, but not virtually, but in real life. A good option is to walk the dogs at the shelter, join a choir or attend the University of the Third Age. It is also worth maintaining good family relationships and seeing relatives. – Contact with other people also reduces the risk of depression. And this one is the highway to dullness – warns Dr. Braczak.

7/ 9 Have sex

Although sexual activity may decrease over the years, carnal enjoyment should not be abandoned. Having sex greatly increases the level of endorphins in the brain, acts as an antidepressant. It is a natural painkiller that eliminates nervous tension, relaxes you and helps you fall asleep. It also improves self-esteem and gives you self-esteem. Sex also improves cerebral circulation, which increases the ability to concentrate. It is also a physical exercise, which in cardiology is measured in the so-called metach – determining the patient’s efficiency based on the amount of oxygen consumed. Sexual intercourse is an effort of 4 meters, which is about the time needed to climb the stairs to the first floor.

8/ 9 A diet for the brain

Diet can also postpone dementia for several years. B vitamins, omega-3 fatty acids, especially DHA and zinc, selected in appropriate configurations and proportions, support the work of the brain and nervous system. Vitamins A, C, D, magnesium, selenium, calcium, iron, proteins, carbohydrates – which are “fuel” for the brain, and fats contained in unrefined vegetable oils, nuts and plant seeds are also extremely important. The effectiveness of these ingredients, however, depends not only on their amount or concentration, but also on the combination in which they are consumed. Therefore, it may be a good idea to include specialist nutritional supplements in the diet for patients with early symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease. These preparations also help to create new synaptic connections in the brain. Medical nutrition can also be used in patients with already emerging dementia, who for this reason forget to do shopping or eat a meal, which may affect the inadequate nutrition of the body. Then they worsen the cognitive processes even more.

9/ 9 Go for yoga or dancing

Exercise also delays the onset of dementia. A walk, however, is not enough. It is worth investing in sports shoes and a tracksuit and signing up for yoga or Pilates or starting walking with poles. Nordic walking also improves coordination. Like tennis, badminton or ping pong. Any sport, swimming or even ballroom dancing – as long as practiced at least three times a week for 45 minutes – is good. Movement, especially in the open air, oxygenates the brain, has a positive effect on the heart, regulates blood pressure, lowers cholesterol, lowers stress and stimulates the production of happiness hormones.

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