The young woman almost lost her sight from swimming in contact lenses. A corneal transplant was necessary

A 24-year-old woman almost lost her eyesight because she climbed into the pool wearing contact lenses. Natalie Rance got keratitis. The situation was so serious that a cornea transplant was necessary. In order to fully recover, the woman will have to undergo a few more operations. The ophthalmologist from the hospital Natalie came to admitted that such situations are very rare.

Natalie Rance from Bristol was a flight attendant and was just doing an internship. While exercising, the 24-year-old entered the pool wearing contact lenses. It was a simulated landing in water. The woman did not think that this exercise would have such a serious effect. Natalie got keratitis. The infection was caused by an amoeba in the pool. She was close to going blind. The woman has undergone a corneal transplant. Surgery performed at Bristol Eye Hospital. Natalie will also have an artificial iris. And that’s not over yet. There are a few more treatments waiting for her to fully regain her sight.

A woman has been wearing contact lenses for several years and has always taken great care of her eyes. As she admitted, she believed that the water in the pool could be so dangerous for people wearing lenses. Swimming in them may be hazardous to your eyesight. When the eyes come into contact with water, they can become infected with various bacteria, viruses and fungi. The most dangerous are the amoebas that attacked Natalie Rance. You can swim in contact lenses, but be very careful. Ophthalmologists advise you to use special glasses to protect your eyes, and to choose daily lenses if you are going to be in contact with water. In the event of any disturbing symptoms, consult a doctor immediately. A quick response, as in the case of a 24-year-old flight attendant, can save your eyesight.

Based on the Daily Mail:

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