The yield of garlic from 1 weave: how to achieve the maximum?

The process of growing any crop in large areas requires careful preparation. In addition to providing good growth conditions, it is necessary to understand how much seed is required, how much land it will take, what garlic yield will be obtained under given conditions in the end. We will talk about how to grow a garlic crop on plots of different sizes (from one hundred to a hectare) in this article.

Secrets of a rich harvest

There are many factors that affect the yield of garlic, which you should know before you start cultivating a plant. First of all, it is, of course, the soil and its chemical composition. Garlic grows best in loamy soil, the acidity of which is neutral or low. The more the soil is saturated with organic and mineral fertilizers, the more crops can be harvested from 1 ha.

The next item is the plants that grew in the selected area before. It is recommended to plant garlic after cabbage, gourds (pumpkins, cucumbers, zucchini, eggplant), legumes, peas (especially Vika peas), green manure (winter wheat, mustard, etc.). During the growing season, these crops saturate the soil with micronutrients, positively affect its mineral composition, and also do not deplete the soil. This is what has a positive effect on the growth of garlic, allowing you to grow larger and healthier bulbs.

With caution, a plant should be planted after early ripening potatoes. Despite the fact that potatoes do not have time to significantly deplete the soil in a short period of vegetation, this can still have a depressing effect on the development of garlic.

Soil preparation

The site should be prepared in advance, at least one and a half months before planting. It is best to choose a well-lit place where moisture does not accumulate. As already noted, loamy soil with neutral acidity is best suited for garlic. However, remember that any soil can be deoxidized by using slaked lime or dolomite flour.

Observe crop rotation and do not plant it after late-ripening potatoes, turnips, carrots. Peas and beans should not be planted in areas adjacent to garlic, as they actively take away all the nutrients from the soil. The list of unfavorable neighbors is also replenished with onions, cucumbers, carrots, and tomatoes.

Be sure to fertilize the soil, otherwise the garlic will not be able to reveal its vegetative potential. For top dressing, you can use the following mixtures:

  • In 5 kg of humus add 20 g of superphosphate, 15 g of potassium salt per 1 sq. m.
  • In 5 kg of manure, add 30-35 g of double superphosphate in granules and 25 g of potassium salt per 1 sq. m.
  • In 1 bucket of compost mix 10-15 g of superphosphate, 1 tablespoon of nitrophoska per 1 sq. m.

When calculating the amount of fertilizer, proceed from the size of your plot (ha), choosing a more suitable option.

Fertilizer is applied in the fall, when all plant residues have already been removed from the garden, disinfection has been carried out.

Apply fertilizer while digging the soil so that it penetrates to a depth of at least one shovel bayonet. If your site has more than one hectare of area, use special machines.


Before sowing, it is necessary to disassemble the heads into individual cloves, calibrate, choosing only the largest ones (large heads grow from them), and then disinfect. You can use the herbicide “Totril”, which not only increases the immunity of the plant, but also prevents the growth of weeds.

Depending on the type of garlic and your climate, the date of sowing varies, but in general, winter varieties can be planted from the beginning of September.

In the selected area, mark furrows 20-25 centimeters deep, cover the bottom of which with a layer of clean river sand and ash. This will help the sprouting garlic cloves not rot during rains or snowmelt. Lay the seed on the bottom of the beds, keeping a distance of 10-12 cm between them. There should be about 20 cm of free space between the beds so that the root system, which is quite developed in garlic, does not intertwine with each other. Moisten the furrows before filling them with earth. After planting, be sure to mulch the beds with leaves, straw, pine needles, or sawdust to avoid rapid evaporation of moisture.


How long does garlic grow? The approximate dates for the end of the growing season can be obtained from the manufacturer, since they differ for each variety. Moreover, in different regions of Our Country, the ripening period is different.

In the process of growth, garlic needs regular watering approximately once every 10 days. However, if the season turned out to be dry, then the beds should be watered more often. After each watering, the soil should be loosened.

You can also carry out top dressing. How many you need depends on the composition of the soil and weather conditions in your area. Usually, liquid mullein is used in the first growing season, when garlic is just building up its green mass. A yeast solution is often used as irrigation, which, in addition to saturating the soil with nutrients, increases the plant’s immunity against fungal diseases.

For preventive purposes, it is necessary to treat the site with fungicides, as well as insecticides, for example, Kruizer, Fastak.

Maximum yield from 1 acre

So, what kind of crop can be obtained from 1 hundred square meters? It depends, first of all, on the chosen variety.

The Lyubasha variety, bred in Ukraine, has proven itself well. Subject to all growth conditions, it gives a yield of about 35 tons per 1 ha, that is, about 350 kg per 1 weave. At the same time, the weight of one head ranges from 80 to 120 g.

Another variety that will help grow a good harvest is Ukrainian White (and its variety Ukrainian Purple). If the agrotechnical conditions of cultivation are observed, 1-15 tons can be obtained from 20 ha (about 150-170 kg per 1 weave). The weight of one head of garlic in this variety ranges from 60 to 140 g.

“Spas” is a productive winter variety that produces up to 20 tons of garlic per 1 ha (about 200 kg per 1 weave) with a weight of one bulb up to 100 g. Plus, this variety has increased immunity against damage by stem nematodes and Fusarium.

Smaller bulbs are in the Violet Kharkiv variety, their weight is up to 60 g. At the same time, about 1 tons can be obtained from 11 ha (about 100 kg from 1 weave). Despite the small bulbs, the variety is resistant to many diseases.

For the territory of Our Country, the Romanian variety “Benefis” is suitable. Its distinctive features are increased frost resistance, abundant harvest, stable immunity to various diseases. Bulbs grow up to 170 g in weight, and bulbs up to 240 g can be grown from single cloves. At the same time, about 1-35 tons of crop can be obtained from 45 ha (350-400 kg per 1 weave).

The soil should also be considered. Even if you plant 10 hectares of land with infertile soil with selected seed, you will not get the above yields. Thus, in order to obtain the maximum yield from each hectare, all the nuances of agricultural technology should be taken into account.

Video “Garlic without diseases and pests”

This video is about the features of growing a good harvest of healthy garlic, about the prevention and treatment of crop diseases.

How to deal with pests of garlic

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