The year in review 2007

The year in review 2007

The year in review 2007
The year in review 2007
  • The controversies of 2007

    The conception of health is based, for some, on science and for others, on perceptions. Controversies ensue from which 2007 could not escape …

  • The great quotes

    By their deep reflections or their shocking sentences, the personalities interviewed by PasseportSanté.net, in 2007, did not leave any of our readers indifferent!

  • Resolutions for 2008

    Know that there are resolutions that you can keep, because they are easy to implement and they do good. Here are a few.

  • The successes of 2007

    The promotion of healthy lifestyles has become an essential subject, as evidenced by the political decisions taken during the year.

  • Well-kept secrets

    To satisfy your curiosity: subjects that are sometimes new, sometimes unusual, but never trivial!


  • Will you make any resolutions in 2008?
2007 in pictures
Sea buckthorn berry: “the most complete fruit of creation”

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