The XNUMX-year-old wants to undergo euthanasia. “There is nothing that can fix me”

He is only 20 years old, and has had almost a lifetime of suffering behind him. Canadian Eric Coulam has been suffering from an unidentified digestive system disease since childhood, which doctors called “abdominal blockage”. Its consequence was a rupture of the intestine, necessitating the transplant of as many as six organs. The boy, not wanting to risk, decided to leave on his own terms and decided on euthanasia legal in his country.

  1. Eric Coulam has been living for many years with a disease for which Canadian doctors cannot find a cure
  2. In 2020, he experienced intestinal perforation and sepsis. As a consequence, the boy is fed parenterally, spends most of the day under a drip, and his internal organs only work halfway.
  3. Eric requires several organs to be transplanted, and the surgery is likely to be successful in 50 percent.
  4. Last month, Coulam hosted a farewell party for loved ones and friends, announcing that he wanted to undergo euthanasia
  5. More information can be found on the Onet homepage

“I can dehydrate or starve myself in five hours”

Eric Coulam has been struggling with an unusual digestive system disease since he was a child, the source of which could not be found by any of the doctors consulted in six different hospitals in Canada. For many years, the boy was constantly taking drugs that helped him function. He managed to get a job as a car mechanic, started snowboarding, met a girl and lived the life of an ordinary teenager.

Two years ago, however, he had a perforation of his intestine, which resulted in sepsis. Eric survived, but a large part of his intestine had to be removed, and there were extensive changes in his body. The only salvation is a multi-organ transplant, but the chances of successful surgery are the same as the risk of failure.

The boy’s condition deteriorates day by day. Eric told about his suffering, among others via Facebook, where the Erica group was founded, supporting him in his treatment.

«I have no intestines, I cannot eat or drink. Food and drinks come to me through a special pump. I haven’t had a bowel movement in three years, and I can’t survive without a drip. I can dehydrate or starve myself in five hours. I can’t even come home tonight. (…) I am 177 cm tall and weigh only 35 kg. (…) I have liver problems, kidney failure, a lot of kidney stones, chronic pancreatitis, (…) right wrist tendinitis, no teeth, over 50 blood transfusions behind me. My hair is falling out, I’m cold all the time. I am hungry and thirsty for 24 hours. daily »- he reports, adding that his case is unprecedented, unseen in Canada or the USA.

«There is nothing that can fix me. (…) If God can do it, put his ass by my bed. Please… If this can’t happen, I don’t want to waste my time listening to anyone else’s texts about God, ”he added.

The rest of the text below the video.

“I’ll be gone when I’m ready”

Doctors cannot say how long Eric may remain in this condition. The boy does not want to wait and live longer in suffering, with no hope of improving his health, which is why he decided to undergo euthanasia.

On May 22, Coulam organized a barbecue, attended by over 600 people who wanted to support him in this decision. As he said, he does not know yet when he will end his life. “I will leave when I am ready,” he assured.

Canadian law allows him to carry out the euthanasia procedure. In June 2016, the law on medical assistance in death was passed (Ang. Medical Assistance in Dying – MAiD), under which the suffering could receive medical assistance to commit suicide.

Last year This act was amended, thanks to which the right to euthanasia gained a larger group of patients. Even those who do not have an opinion in a “rational manner” that can estimate the lifetime of their remaining life can end their lives legally (this requirement was underlined in the original act).

Testing for diseases of the digestive system allows for early detection of possible abnormalities that may appear in the human body. You can order a diagnostic test package from Medonet Market.

We encourage you to listen to the latest episode of the RESET podcast. This time our guest is Marek Rybiec – businessman, as one of 78 people from all over the world, he completed «4 Deserts» – ultramarathon taking place in extreme places around the world. She talks to Aleksandra Brzozowska about the challenge, mental strength and mindfulness training. Listen!

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