The wuefist who throws the ball and tells the students to “do what you want” is in the past

– The breaks between lessons are too short. After all, girls would like to take a shower after exercise, put on make-up and comb their hair again. They are at such an age that attractive appearance is of great importance to them. The optimal lesson plan would be the last one, emphasizes Urszula Pawlak, a PE teacher with 30 years of experience. The accumulation of years in secondary schools in the next school year, such organization of classes is unlikely to give a chance.

* Contrary to many stereotypes, Polish youth stop avoiding exercise in physical education lessons. Their idols are Ewa Chodakowska, Anna and Robert Lewandowski, who promote exercise and a healthy lifestyle

* If there are also teachers who throw a ball and tell students “do what you want”, they are on the verge of extinction

* In the past, children brought a medical certificate from PE and no one found out why it was issued. Now we contact the family doctor and find out the details: what exercises must the student be exempt from? And we ask: what are recommended for him?

* In the early 2000s, there were a lot of anorexics at school. Today these are isolated cases, although it happens that girls and boys fall into the diet trap. Our role is to make them aware that the “miracle diet” does not exist and that they must play sports

* Insufficient showers are an issue that can discourage people from attending PE lessons. And a lesson plan that makes it impossible to use them

Until recently, the reports of the Supreme Audit Office on physical education in Polish schools were frightening. Seven years ago, about 7 percent of students did not participate in physical education lessons, 18 in lower secondary schools, and 25 in upper secondary schools.

In “Wiadomości Bytowskie” Marcin Pruszak, PE teacher at the Complex of Economic and Agricultural Schools, complained that he did not practice 10 students in each class. “They have no problem getting a sick leave,” complained the PE therapist.

Today there are no mass layoffs anymore

– Today the situation has changed radically – says Katarzyna Gietner, PE teacher at High School No. XNUMX in Wrocław. – In the past, children did bring medical exemptions from classes, and no one found out why they were issued. Now we contact the family doctor and find out the details: what exercises must the student be exempt from? And we ask for tips: what exercises are recommended for him? We individualize exercises and adapt to the needs.

The teacher says that if there are people with dysfunctions in the group of participants who, for example, do not allow them to play volleyball because they have soft bones – she offers them to play with soft balls in another part of the gym. Or they appoint for refereeing.

– We are trying to diversify the classes so as to encourage all students to move – adds Gietner.

Let the parents not disturb you

Urszula Pawlak has been teaching physical education for 30 years. He also admits that the plague of medical certificates exempting children and teenagers from exercising in schools is decreasing.

– It also results from the fact that they get better and better models from home – says Pawlak. – They are brought up by a new, conscious generation. Young parents attach great importance to physical activity: they run with their children, go hiking in the mountains, go on bicycle trips.

Of course, it’s not always perfect. Often mothers and fathers are overly protective of their children. This is confirmed by Gabriel Makucha, a physical education teacher with 30 years of experience.

– It would be good for some parents not to tremble at every step that their child will catch a cold after classes on the school playground. I always appeal to them not to disturb us in our work with students – emphasizes the teacher.

Katarzyna Gietner tells another story. – Once a mother had a grudge against her son exercising outdoors at 17 degrees Celsius. She was concerned that a 17-year-old child would get a cold.

“Have and play!”

Until recently, there was a stereotype about physical education teachers who throw a ball to students in the middle of the gym and instruct them: “play!”. And then they sit in their cubbyholes. Gietner, who is the coordinator of the network of health promoting schools in Wrocław, denies.

– If there are also teachers who throw a ball and tell students “do what you want”, they are extinct. I am involved in the activities of the Wrocław Network of Kindergartens and Schools Promoting Health, and my colleagues in the projects of the Wrocław Civic Budget. We are trying hard to create open-air gyms in Wrocław, better pitches, and yards with exercise equipment.

The coordinator regrets that the school and sports infrastructure is changing too slowly.

– Unfortunately, not only in Wrocław the budget is not made of rubber. All gyms in Poland cannot be renovated at once.

An insufficient number of showers is a problem that can discourage people from attending PE lessons. And a lesson plan that makes it impossible to use them.

– The breaks are too short. And yet the girls would like to put on make-up, comb their hair and refresh themselves after exercise. They are at such an age that attractive appearance is of great importance to them. The optimal lesson plan would be the last one – emphasizes Urszula Pawlak.

As it seems, with the accumulation of years in secondary schools in the next school year, there is no chance for such organization of classes.

Chodakowska and Lewandowska are doing a good job

Teachers notice that among young people there is a fashion for an athletic body shape.

– I remember that in the early 2000s there were a lot of anorexics. Today these are isolated cases, although it happens that girls and boys fall into the diet trap. Our role is to make them aware that the “miracle diet” does not exist and that proper, balanced nutrition is the most valuable – explains Katarzyna Gietner.

The teacher notices that for girls the authorities are Anna Lewandowska and Ewa Chodakowska. – They are modeled on them – he emphasizes. – Another thing that we have to explain to them: the exercises that they show are wonderful. But you have to repeat them painstakingly and don’t get upset that you don’t see the results right away.

Anna Pawlak, on the other hand, is pleased that the new generation of PE is a well-prepared group for the teaching profession.

– They promote new sports, popular among kids: all exercises such as fitness, aerobics, exercises with various devices, such as “fitballs”.

Fighting overweight and smartphones

FEs realize that the condition of Polish youth is not perfect. That a large percentage of it is overweight, inadequately eats junk food: chips, burgers, sweets, carbonated drinks.

Yet another of the problems brought about by the development of civilization is the smartphone plague.

– We’re grappling with this. Young people practically do not function without cell phones, they do not take them out of their hands. Young people are constantly leaning over the screen. I suppose that in 5 years, as adults, they will be forced to undergo rehabilitation, because their cervical spines will be pathologically affected. I also know from my friends that children in kindergartens are already addicted. Equipped with smartphones that they never part with, they start to fear the real world, worries Katarzyna Gietner.

Teachers realize that they have a huge and responsible educational task ahead of them. And Urszula Pawlak adds at the end.

– You have to remember that no other lesson, just like PE, teaches teamwork. The corporations in which today’s teenagers will work one day pay more and more attention to being able to function in a group and to be physically fit.   

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