The Wrocław commune donated medical equipment for rescuing newborns

On Monday, the Independent Public Clinical Hospital no. 1 received an incubator, a ventilator and a set of surgical tools for carrying out operations on young children. The equipment was donated under the program carried out since 2008 by the local government of Wrocław.

As Anna Bytońska from the press office of the city hall informed PAP on Monday, the Wrocław program “Healthy Mother and Child”, concerning the improvement of the quality of health care for the mother, child and family, has been implemented for five years and the commune of Wrocław has already spent over 2,6 million for this purpose zloty.

“The commune decided to take this action when it turned out that the infant mortality rate in the entire voivodship is relatively high. After five years, there are already positive effects of these actions ”- added Bytońska.

The equipment donated to SPK No. 1 in Wrocław is worth approx. PLN, and in 200 the commune of Wrocław spent PLN 2013 thousand on all activities related to the program. zloty; in addition to the purchase of equipment, more birth schools and information and education centers were launched.

For five years, approximately PLN 2 million 660 thousand was spent from the budget of Wrocław on the program of improving the quality of care for mother and child. PLN, of which almost PLN 1,2 million for the purchase of medical equipment and apparatus for maternity and neonatology departments. One of the most important devices was the purchase of the so-called wheels for vertical births worth 150 zloty.

The program also funds, among others, information and education centers (for over PLN 630 thousand), and about PLN 340 thousand PLN was allocated to four birth schools in Wrocław at maternity wards. (PAP)

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