The worst symptom of COVID-19. «The pain was amazing. I couldn’t stand on my feet »
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– I was suffering from a lack of appetite and drinking a glass of water was a challenge. After each sip, I was breathless and nauseous. I ate nothing for the first night. However, there were worse symptoms – this is how our reader Alek tells about the course of the recent infection with the new variant of Omikron. Let’s add that he is vaccinated with three doses of Pfizer. This is his story.

  1. The summer wave of COVID-19 has brought many infections in Poland. Our reader, 33-year-old Alek, also fell victim to her, who told us what surprised him in the course of the disease
  2. Alek struggled not only with the headache, lack of appetite and thirst, fatigue and fever. He also had a lot of pain in his groin, thighs, calves and feet
  3. Covid also affected his mental condition. «I was totally broken emotionally. It was enough to be touched and I was already sticking up to laugh at my best »- he says
  4. More current information can be found on the Onet homepage.

What is the COVID-19 course now? Symptoms

Even though the pandemic has been going on for almost two and a half years, the coronavirus continues to surprise. Not only its variants are changing, but also the frequency of symptoms in COVID-19. Experts point out that COVID-19 is currently working differently than it was at the beginning of the pandemic. Evidence is emerging that neuropsychiatric symptoms and depression occur during infection.

Doctors face loss of smell or fever less and less often, but they notice headaches or sore throats more often. Other symptoms, so far rare in COVID-19, such as nausea or high morning fatigue, are also mentioned by Alek. The man also noticed that the disease affected his mental well-being. – I was totally broken emotionally. It was enough to be touched and I was already sticking up to laugh at my best – he says.

“At first I had a throat, then other parts of my body were aching.” But it doesn’t stop there

Recently, Alek’s partner traveled by train to Krakow. There were also two women on the train – coughing and sneezing and of course without masks.

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Two days after the trip, the man felt a slight scratch in his throat. – The next day I also started to have symptoms (it started with a scratchy throat). We decided to take a test from the pharmacy. It came out positive.

Check if it’s the coronavirus!

At you will find home tests for SARS-CoV-2:

  1. COVID-19 Rapid Test – Antigenic Test for Self-Control
  2. COVID-19 antigen test – SGTi-flex COVID-19 Ag
  3. Home COVID-19 Ag SGTi-flex cartridge test
  4. COVID-19 – Rapid Saliva Antigen Test

– Then there were headaches and muscle pains, in our case, in the legs and back. Total lack of strength. We had a cough and a fever of 39,9 degrees Celsius for over a day, he says.

The worst symptoms of the disease were precisely the fever and muscle aches. Getting out of bed was not an easy task. I had no appetite and drinking a glass of water was a real challenge – he recalls. – For the first night I ate nothing because I was not able to swallow anything – says the 33-year-old.

Contact a doctor when we have COVID? The clinic does not provide teleport advice

Alek’s partner has private medical care, he sought teleportation himself – he failed to get it. There is a health center in his town, but he does not offer teleportation.

– Walking with fever and other symptoms was a challenge beyond my strength. After 48 hours, the symptoms began to subside anyway, so I was able to slowly return to normal functioning – says our reader.

The men did not receive a test referral, but one from the pharmacy for about PLN 30 was enough for them. – After a positive result and consultation with my fellow doctors, I knew what medications I needed. I was taking fever remedies, throat lozenges and coughs, says Alek.

What was most surprising was the worse mental state

The young men suffered from eating problems, although they did not expect it at all. They slept through the first night anyway – tab they were very tired and weak. However, it was two other COVID-19 symptoms that surprised them the most.

– It was an incredible muscle pain. The groin seemed to fall apart, I couldn’t stand, not only because of the weakness, but also because of the pain in my thighs, calves and feet. There was also emotional disturbance. I became tearful – admits Alek. This breakdown lasted for a few more days and was very tiring. – As long as the activity was a challenge, I had no strength not only physically, but also mentally – everything was difficult for me.

– Fortunately, it has passed, but it is a pity that the impact of COVID-19 on mental health is not being discussed – our reader notes.

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