The worst pregnancy remarks

Pregnancy: the top of the most derogatory remarks

My first pregnancy was not planned (forgetting to take contraception). When I announced that I was pregnant with the second, I was kindly asked if this time it was desired!gigitte13

I gained quite a bit of weight for my pregnancy. At the last ultrasound my gynecologist told me that I was going to have a “big baby… .. and that dogs don’t make cats”. It’s great fun! Especially that at birth, my baby was 50 cm for 3,5 kilos, all that is more normal. nono101188

During my pregnancy I gained 25 kg, which, I admit, is quite significant. 3 days after giving birth, while I am wisely awaiting my turn in the maternity ward with my darling who has our baby in her arms, I meet my parents’ neighbors. ” It’s for when ? », They tell me. Tit for tat, I answer “It was for 3 days!” “ liliegump

My two oldest are just 13 months apart. At the maternity ward the day before the birth, my husband comes to see me with my son. My roommate then said to him: “poor darling, you didn’t even have time to take advantage of your mother that your little brother is going to take her from you …” No need to tell you what I answered when she asked me. ‘asked if I could lend him a towel! tazzou33

I am a liberal nurse. When I announced my pregnancy to my patients, a grandmother told me “ah but I wish you a beautiful litter “. As if I were a cat … louloutte02300

“You became fat and lazy from the first pregnancy, how can you take care of the rest?” People are really ruthless! reclaijeanne

My neighbor (whom I don’t like at all, the type who always watches out for other people’s lives) calls out to me in the middle of the day ” do you expect youth? »I almost answered him:« no, I am expecting a little old man! I’m the mother of Benjamin Button! “ sch117397

When I announced that I was expecting twins, I received several times as a return: “ what an idea to make twins “. It is true that we are the ones who decide. sch117397

I had the right to: “seeing how thin you are, your baby will go straight to the incubator” Or “you have no hip, it will end in cesarean section”. Results ? A beautiful baby of 3.750 kg and 54 cm born at term vaginally and… without episiotomy. ” bigballon3

For my 3rd pregnancy, I had thoughts like “With 3 children, there is always one who is neglectedIt’s crazy how that lifts your spirits in the midst of nausea. olmiflo

Throughout my pregnancy, my mother-in-law kept telling me “are you sure we can’t do anything about your pimples?”. She hit the nail on the head when we got back from vacation “my poor thing, even the sun didn’t help anything.” Thank you lovely mom. ”


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