The world’s oldest mothers. “If you have a child, you have no death”

«When you go away, some part of you will live on. If you have a child, you do not die, “said Romanian writer Adriana Iliescu, who gave birth to her first child in 2005, in an interview with The Daily Mail. She was 66 then. Women are ready to cross many boundaries in their quest to have children. Also the age-related one. Pregnancy and childbirth at a mature age are happening more and more often and are less and less shocking.

  1. Late motherhood is less and less surprising. They give birth to women over 40, 50 and even older. There have even been births of 70-year-old women, but these are very rare cases
  2. The concept of geriatric pregnancy covers even 35-year-old women. Childbirth at this age or older carries certain risks, both for the birth itself and for the health of the mother and baby
  3. Late pregnancy is very often the result of IVF surgery. Often it concerns women who are trying to have children for many years
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Pregnancy after XNUMX has not surprised anyone for a long time, especially since celebrities are more and more willing to talk about their late motherhood. After fifty it may be surprising, but it is still a socially acceptable age for becoming a mother. The next decade on the back of the neck seems to be an absolute contraindication to pregnancy, but there are also such cases with a happy ending, what’s more – there are examples that even at the age of 70+ one can give birth, but these can already be counted on the fingers of one hand, and doctors qualify them rather as a “miracle” than as a healthy and safe option.

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  1. See also: Late motherhood in Poland

The oldest mothers in the world. Indian women break records

India is definitely ahead in the race for the record for advanced maternal age. Currently, the name of the oldest mother in the world is still alive Erramatti Mangamma, who gave birth to a child at the age of 74. Woman she tried to get offspring for 57 years. Eventually, she managed to get pregnant thanks to the IVF method. Embryos were collected from an anonymous donor, and sperm from a biological father, also over 70 years old. The birth ended happily and healthy twins were born.

However, before Erramati gave birth to her dream twins, for some time she was considered the oldest mother in the world Daljinder Kaur, also from India. When she gave birth, she was 72 years old, and pregnancy, as in the case of Erramati, was also the result of in vitro fertilization. The woman’s son was born in April 2016. The 72-year-old mother allegedly said that after the death of her parents, God would take care of the child, so she did not worry.

  1. we recommend: Why is “geriatric pregnancy” not a very happy term? Gynecologist: late motherhood is no longer a cause for shame

Another example of the Hindu “miracle” of late motherhood is Rajo Devi Lohan, who was 70 years old when her daughter was born. Apparently, she and her husband had been trying for a child for over 50 years, and had to take 2 for the IVF procedure. loan pounds. Unfortunately, the treatment and delivery by caesarean section turned out to be too much of a burden for the woman’s body. When her baby was 18 months old, word spread that she was seriously ill. Her sister, 10 years younger than her, helped her care for her daughter. She went to live with her and her husband.

Another Indian woman, Bhateri Devi, was trying to conceive for 44 years without success, only the third IVF treatment turned out to be a success. At the time of giving birth, she was 66 years oldwhich means that, according to her doctors, she became the oldest mother of triplets in the world. She gave birth to two sons and a daughter.

  1. You can buy a test package for pregnant women at Medonet Market

The oldest mothers. Who will look after the baby?

In the case of late maternity, one of the arguments against such a solution is the issue of childcare, which may not be an easy task for the elderly. Mothers have different approaches to this problem.

The Spanish Maria del Carmen Bousada de Lara, 67 years old at the time of childbirth, had a ready plan for the future of the children. Again, the in vitro method was chosen. She then admitted that she had deceived doctors by saying that she was 55 at the time of taking the hormone therapy. Maria died of cancer in 2009, orphaning her two-year-old sons. In one of the interviews she gave, she confessed that if she had to die early, her family would take care of her children. And that’s what happened.

Some mothers, however, think differently and don’t just rely on the family. For example, already mentioned 72-year-old Daljinder Kaur said that God would take care of the baby after her parents died, so she didn’t worry.

  1. Read: When a premature baby is born, that is, the difficult beginnings of motherhood

The oldest mothers in the world. “20-30 years for motherhood”

Adriana Iliescu from Romania, a writer and lecturer at the university, gave birth to her first child thanks to IVF in 2005. She was then 66 years old, and her decision was justified by the lack of time to have a child earlier. She thought it was the right choice.

However, she regretted her decision to adopt late motherhood, according to press reports, British Sue Tollefsen. She gave birth to her daughter in 2008, when she was 57 years old. After giving birth, she was struck by a dangerous viral diseasewho made her realize that maybe she wouldn’t have time to enjoy her daughter. She warned other women, and in an interview with The Daily Mail she said: – I think there should be an upper age limit to which women are allowed to have children, this age should be “50”. It is quite possible that then you still have 20 or 30 years to raise your child.

The oldest mother in Poland

You may find it difficult to support a baby born late in life. On the one hand, the age is not necessarily ideal for professional work, on the other – the rules for granting maternity benefits may work against a mature mother. She found out about it Polish record holder – actress Barbara Sienkiewicz, who gave birth to her twins – Anna and Piotr – at the age of 60 and thus deserved to be called the oldest mother in Poland.

Perhaps we would not have heard about her at all, because she did not boast about her pregnancy, but there was a problem. Due to the fact that she was receiving a pension, she could not receive maternity allowance. So she applied to the prime minister’s chancellery for additional funds. She even appeared with the children in the Sejm, where in an interview with journalists she spoke about the “special retirement pension” that she would like to receive. Unfortunately, she was unable to receive any additional benefit.

Geriatric pregnancy – is it safe?

In medicine, late motherhood even has its official name – geriatric pregnancy. We talk about it when a woman expecting a child is at least 35 years old. And although today such or even older pregnant women hardly surprise anyone, the facts are unambiguous – women who decide to give birth to their first child in their forties are even five times more likely to suffer from serious complications. There is an increased risk of gestational diabetes, pre-eclampsia, premature birth or miscarriage. It is possible for a baby to develop birth or genetic defects, as well as a too low birth weight.

Which does not mean that advanced age is a contraindication to childbirth in everyone. Fortunately, the development of modern medicine allows for better diagnostics and the use of appropriate therapies so that a geriatric pregnancy ends in the birth of a healthy child.

Also read:

  1. How does female fertility change over the years? Doctor: There is a point where he is clearly falling
  2. The female reproductive age has increased by two years. This could have health implications
  3. How to take care of your health with a small child

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