Satanic mushroom (Red mushroom satan)

  • Division: Basidiomycota (Basidiomycetes)
  • Subdivision: Agaricomycotina (Agaricomycetes)
  • Class: Agaricomycetes (Agaricomycetes)
  • Subclass: Agaricomycetidae (Agaricomycetes)
  • Order: Boletales (Boletales)
  • Family: Boletaceae (Boletaceae)
  • Rod: Red mushroom
  • Type: Rubroboletus satanas (Satanic mushroom)

The woodpecker (Rubroboletus satanas) is on the mountain

Satan’s Mushroom (lat. Red mushroom satan) is a poisonous (according to some sources, conditionally edible) mushroom from the genus Rubrobolet of the Boletaceae family (lat. Boletaceae).

head 10-20 cm in ∅, greyish white, pale buffy white with an olive tint, dry, fleshy. The color of the cap can be from whitish-gray to lead-gray, yellowish or olive with pink stains.

Pores change color from yellow to bright red with age.

Pulp pale, almost, slightly bluish in section. Orifices of tubules. The smell of pulp in young mushrooms is weak, spicy, in old mushrooms it is similar to the smell of carrion or rotten onions.

Leg 6-10 cm long, 3-6 cm ∅, yellow with red mesh. The smell is offensive, especially in old fruiting bodies. It has a mesh pattern with rounded cells. The mesh pattern on the stem is often dark red, but sometimes white or olive.

Споры 10-16X5-7 microns, fusiform-ellipsoid.

It grows in light oak forests and broad-leaved forests on calcareous soil.

It occurs in light deciduous forests with oak, beech, hornbeam, hazel, edible chestnut, linden with which forms mycorrhiza, mainly on calcareous soils. Distributed in Southern Europe, in the south of the European part of Our Country, in the Caucasus, the Middle East.

It is also found in forests in the south of Primorsky Krai. Season June – September.

Poisonous. May be confused with, also growing in oak forests. According to some sources, the satanic mushroom in European countries (Czech Republic, France) is considered conditionally edible and is eaten. According to the Italian handbook, toxicity persists even after heat treatment.

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