In one British family, two pairs of “colorful” girls were born with a break of seven years. Two pairs of twins in the same family is a rare phenomenon in itself, and the chances that in both cases they will have a different skin color are two in a million.
When Alison and Dean first became parents of twins, they were struck by the fact that Lauren had her mother’s blue eyes and blond hair, while her sister Hayley had dark skin and hair like her father, Dean, from India. So during the second pregnancy, many friends and family of Alison joked that you can bet: whether such a miracle will happen again. This time, the sisters were born prematurely, and the doctors were worried about their health. Fortunately, after a few days, the girls began to breathe independently, they were finally put side by side and everyone saw that this time the newborns also differ in skin color! Mia is like her father, and Lea is like her mother. It turns out that nature twice made an unusual gift to one family. Such a genetic phenomenon is possible only in twins, that is, heterozygous (fraternal) twins that develop from two different eggs fertilized by different spermatozoa. Such children are no more similar in their genotype than ordinary brothers and sisters. Unlike true twins, which develop from one egg, which at a certain stage is divided into two embryos.