The woman lost six children, and then gave birth to fives

The twins were born in the 27th week of pregnancy. Incredibly, the doctors managed to get them out.

Chad and Amy Kempel have always dreamed of a big family, of a bunch of kids, whose sonorous screams and laughter will fill their home and their lives. But, as you already understood, if their dream came true easily and simply, hardly anyone would have written about them. Amy had a weak cervix, so getting pregnant was not just a problem for her, but an insurmountable obstacle.

The woman did not give in to difficulties. Amy received treatment and became pregnant safely. Miscarriage. Again. Miscarriage again. The third. Fourth … anyone would have given up, but not Amy. She underwent treatment again. And she got pregnant again. An ultrasound scan showed that there will be twins. Boys. Labor began at the 22nd week of pregnancy. It was not possible to save the kids.

And again a series of trips to hospitals and specialists began. Finally, Amy and Chad’s efforts were crowned with success. They had a long-awaited girl – Savannah is now three years old. Then Avery was born, she is now a year and a half.

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And then Amy got pregnant again. It seems that this is it, happiness – the couple was going to stop at the third child. But what the ultrasound specialist told them terrified them. There were five hearts beating in the woman’s belly.

How to report such a pregnancy? Amy was just in a panic. And Chad too. They were looking for doctors, looking for money. Almost all of their lives turned into a race in the name of saving children’s lives. And they did it – 34-year-old Amy managed to bring children up to 27 weeks. She spent the last month of them in the hospital under the vigilant supervision of doctors.

When the threat of miscarriage arose, the woman underwent a cesarean. Three boys were born – Lincoln, Grayson and Preston – and two girls – Noel and Gabriela. Each baby weighed a little over a kilogram. So Chad and Amy became parents with many children overnight.

“So far, everything is going well. Babies in the incubator. They are all healthy, there are no complications after childbirth. But our children still have a long way to go, ”said Chad. Daily Mail.

The fives will have to stay in the intensive care unit for about ten weeks. Only then will they be able to fearlessly let them go home. Every day, all four – mom and dad and older sisters – come to visit the twins. Chad even took a decree at work to be more with his wife and children.

“I can’t wait for all of us to be together under the same roof. It will be chaos, but we are only happy with it, ”added Chad.

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