The woman lost 45 kilograms after giving birth

The woman really had to fit into a dress for a special occasion.

“Well, I have children,” said Louise Gibbs, making excuses for her extra pounds. Extra pounds after three pregnancies have accumulated and really pretty. In terms of size, the 31-year-old woman peaked: she barely squeezed into size 60. Just think – in the 60th! That is, the waist circumference is more than a meter, the hip circumference is something about 120 centimeters. And even such things sat back to back. But before giving birth, Louise was very slim!

As Louise admitted, it was not only children who were to blame for such a sad state of affairs. Moreover, her first child, daughter Emily-Grace, was already 11 years old – during this time she could put herself in order. And even in the year that has passed since the birth of the last baby, James, it was also possible, at least a little, to lose weight. The main culprit behind Louise’s plumpness was an elementary gag. She was too used to allowing herself everything while she was pregnant and breastfeeding. “I have to eat for two,” she said, stuffing another slice of pizza into her mouth or gutting a bag of chips.

“I flew out of the house like a bullet when I heard the melody of the ice cream van. And going to the store for dishwashing detergent never ended with buying only the detergent. I didn’t come home without a chocolate bar, ”Louise admitted.

The woman did not really care about her appearance. She was not married, so her husband did not nag her by the sagging waist. Maybe Louise would have consumed tons of chocolate, if not for one thing. It was time for George to be baptized. Do not go to church for such a significant event in home sweatshirts and a T-shirt size 4XL. Had to wear a dress for a special occasion. But Louise could not fit into this dress. As a reminder, she wore size 60. And she bought the dress when she was still able to squeeze into the 52nd.

Realizing the scale of the disaster, Louise decided to take her mind. But as usual, this is easier said than done. A mother of many children is used to snacking on anything, taking care of the children. After all, she raised them alone.

“My only healthy food is breakfast. In the morning I ate porridge. But for lunch I grabbed chips and washed them down with Coca-Cola. And in the evening, having put the children to bed, she fell exhausted in front of the TV and began to chew everything: chocolate, cakes, again chips, again chocolate, ”says Louise.

Plus, Christmas was just around the corner with all its goodies. “Okay, after the holidays – just on a diet,” – decided the mother. And she really managed to lose weight after the holidays. But not much. Because Louise’s diet consisted of the same junk food. It’s just that there is all this rubbish, it has become a little less.

“I felt like the most unhappy person in the world. And I didn’t know what to do, ”said Louise.

Realizing that it was impossible to do without radical changes, the woman began … to walk. But not just walking leisurely through the streets, but really energetic walking. And not alone, but in the company of her little son. He, of course, could not walk yet and was driving in a wheelchair. It turned out to be a kind of cardio with weights: every mother knows that an hour of walking at a brisk pace with a heavy stroller is still fun. Sweaty, hard, but effective. The weight started to go away, quite predictably. But the dream dress was still far away.

Then Louise went to extreme measures: instead of cakes, she ate fruit, instead of chips – chicken breast. And a miracle happened: she didn’t just fit into the baptismal dress. The woman had to suture it at the waist. After all, 45 extra pounds magically disappeared into the air. And now Louise could well have worn a decent size 48.

“People with whom we have known for many years have ceased to recognize me. It was amazing and very flattering. Even my daughters’ classmates noticed that I lost weight. But usually they don’t pay much attention to adults, ”says Louise.

Previously, her daughters had fun playing with their mother’s belly like a dough. “Look how he sways,” they laughed, jabbing at Louise’s plump sides cheerfully. Now there was nothing to play with. But Louise does not grieve about this at all.

“I can finally wear jeans! Not jeggings, not leggings. And normal jeans! Thanks for walking, she laughs. “And thanks to the wheelchair.”

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