The woman gave birth to twins twice

American Casey Saunders first carried out the boys, and then “went” for the girls.

A huge number of women dream of giving birth to twins or twins, and this is quite logical. Judge for yourself: mom does not need to suffer, carrying and giving birth several times, and the children, most likely, will be very close and friendly. But not everyone is lucky with twins. And a resident of the state of Colorado in the United States, such happiness fell as many as two times! 27-year-old Casey Saunders can rightfully be considered a mother-heroine, because she and her husband Eugene Gorey created a real family of lookalikes.

Having given birth to twin boys, Casey did not dare to become a mother again for many years

The history of this amazing family began ten years ago. Then still very young Casey gave Eugene the adorable boys Hayden and Cameron – not just twins, but monochorionic monoamniotic brothers who have one placenta and an amniotic sac for two in the mother’s womb, and also the same blood group. Having been born, such toddlers are strikingly similar to each other, because of this they are often confused by their own parents. Monochorionic monoamniotic twins are “obtained” in rare cases, accounting for only one percent of all multiple pregnancies. By the way, it is very difficult to endure such babies, because they constantly run the risk of getting tangled in the umbilical cord. Fortunately, Casey carried her sons safely, but still, for a long time after that, the girl did not dare to become a mother.

And now, nine years later, Casey and Eugene are still ripe for further procreation. Imagine the surprise of the spouses when the doctor pronounced the verdict: “Twins again! Monochorionic monoamniotic … ”The chances of such a coincidence among the spouses were not just small, but practically unrealistic – one in 10 million. And yet they managed to draw out exactly this “lottery ticket”.

“When I heard two heartbeats, I thought that the sonograph was mocking me!” – remembers Casey.

The babies had one umbilical cord for two, and they could get entangled in it and die in the womb

All the following months, Casey Saunders was in the hospital: the risks of losing her little princesses were too great. The doctors said that she would have girls. The survival rate of monoamniotic twins after 24 weeks of pregnancy is 75 to 80 percent, so the woman was protected as best they could.

– Each ultrasound caused excitement, besides, I was forced to be away from my family, and this is very difficult psychologically, – Casey sighs. – I had to communicate via video communication with my sons, who were allowed into the ward only on weekends.

But the agony was worth it, because the babies were born safe and sound. And besides, they are real beauties! The girls were named Maya and Laya. After being born eight weeks ahead of schedule, they had to spend a whole month in the hospital, but now they are doing well. Four months after giving birth, a happy mother decided share your amazing story with the Daily Mail Onlineto inspire other women not to be afraid of the difficulties on the path to motherhood.

Needless to say, pregnancy and childbirth are difficult! But when you hold your little angel in your arms, and Casey now has four of them, all the problems are forgotten.


Would you like to have twins or twins?

  • I dream of twins

  • Two babies at once? Never!

  • I want twins

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