The woman adopted four children, and a year later gave birth to fours

And by that time, a son was also growing up in the family – in a year he had eight brothers and sisters at once.

According to the rules, the football team consists of 11 people, including the goalkeeper. The Young family could well act as a family team on the field – there are just 11 of them. And back in 2016 there were only two.

Maxine and Jacob got married a little over four years ago. She was 30, he was 32, both wanted a family, children, so they did not postpone the matter indefinitely. But their first child was born only two years later. By that time, Maxine and Jacob had managed to unlearn at the school of adoptive parents and sign up for adoption – since it is impossible to give birth to their own, why not give a child without parents a chance for a happy life?

In the application for adoption, they indicated that they are ready to take two. But when the phone rang two months later and a social worker offered to adopt three siblings, Maxine agreed without hesitation. After all, separating loved ones is really a crime. So three kids appeared in the house at once.

And a little later, another call rang out: there was a younger sister of the children whom Maxine and Jacob took for adoption. “Will you take it?” – “Sure!” The dialogue was short.

“It was the best yes in my life,” laughs Maxine. “Elliot, junior, is just my soul mate, it feels like we’ve known each other all our lives.”

After a while Maxine … got pregnant. Finally IVF worked! In 2018, their own son was born, biological firstborn – Henry.

The family now had five children. Maxine and Jacob have finally officially approved the adoption – they have passed all the tests, exams, checks by social services. And then I would have calmed down and raised a horde of babies, but … Maxine discovered that she was pregnant again.

And then everything did not go according to plan. However, the pregnancy itself was not according to plan – the couple thought that Maxine would not be able to conceive naturally. Then the parents hoped that there would be one baby, but on the ultrasound it became clear that there would be four of them.  

“The doctors immediately warned that it is very difficult to bear four healthy babies. I was very worried. But then I let go of the situation and decided to just do my job – to bear children, ”says Maxine.

And last July, adorable babies were born – Silas, Theo, Beck and Cecilia. All were born healthy, contrary to the cautious forecasts of doctors.

“Living with nine children is not very different from living with three,” says Maxine. – Our daily routine has changed slightly. We get up, we dress everyone, we feed, we walk, we feed again, we sleep, we eat – nothing unusual. “

A mother of many children said that they manage to do without outside help. Yes, grandmothers come to nurse their grandchildren, but not often and not for long.

“It is difficult to give everyone as much time and attention as necessary, but, fortunately, older children are very helpful in helping us with the little ones. So everything works out, – Maxine smiles. “And you know, there is so much love in our house!”

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